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What would you like to see on AltisLife.co.uk

Relocation of Stig's Karting Track and weekly/bi-weekly racing events.

Keep the current track for people to practice or smaller non-official events but I want a new course for the purpose of better racing events. The current track is only 'safe' for up to 4 karts at a time due the the narrow course.

Making a new track somewhere, with a wider track and more interesting turns that allows for at least 8 karts racing at a time, without the first corner chaos. Perhaps a bumby final straight as driving a Kart over a bumpy road is pretty intense in first person. Also place plenty of lighting around the new track. Perhaps put it somewhere up in the North East of the island as there is not much up there for a law abiding civilian at the moment.  It could be a race through one of the unused towns, with barriers/tyre stacks added to outline the course and keep road legal vehicles out, as well as karts in.

A high(ish) playercount grand prix event through a town would be great fun. Think Monaco Grand Prix or even the London circuit, but with more boring scenery (arma).
I like, please let me know if you have any areas you would like to see a karting track/course at.

have a daily security van drop money off at the treasury escorted by police and maybe make the treasury more secure if possible like more barricades up around it e.t.c make it harder to rob
Daily... no... weekly/fortnightly maybe ;) ... I will add this to the events list.

- Silencer options for the rebels. (assault rifles)

- House system for saving inventory and your own outpost.

- A TV team. (They will shot videos of situations and make news about that then post it here)

- Police Checkpoints.

- Sea Transport and ground transport company (For RP. Everybody have chopper gosh what a rich country!)

- More specific and strategic points for capture. (Then rebel groups can do conquest and held their own special territory eachother)

Thats all. =)
Silencers may be around the corner... watch this space.

Checkpoints have been ruled out by the police

On to it.

AA, Medics, Whitelisted gangs,

That's all i really want.
Medics have always been in the long term plan for this project.

Player housing, more ways to earn big money legally so people arnt forced to be illegal to get the big dosh.

Less Desync...

Police cars that can actually hit a fence or lamp post without blowing up..

Verchcles that actually make sense when being shot, if your fuel tank gets shot it blows up, this does not happen IRL, its unrealstic.
Less desync is hopefully now in progress on server 2, Server 1 apparently was on a network suffering a ddos attack, that has cleared up i am told so please let me know.

I'll have a scout for some areas that would be good for an urban race circuit in the editor tomorrow and start a proper suggestion post about it. Would be nice to have something big enough for hatchback sports too. :)

Surrender key ( Shift + S or something like that )

For both police, civs and rebels.. It will help in RP on everyside and then if a rebel have something ( I saw someone talking about zip ties ) Zip ties they can restrain X person and have a windows key action to escort and maybe search that player?

Sound for restraining people as a police & for rebels if they get zip ties

Police pickup trucks

Last thing would be.. A npc where people can store or scrap their car at the airfield, it feels like a trap most of the time when people call in asking us to remove a car that is blocking the air garage.. 

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Altis News Team


Higher Reward For Bank Robbery

Different Colors For all Vehicles 
the higher reward for bank robbery  the only way they could do that is if they made it harder to rob. Its not like you have to be a good rebel to rob it

I hate to be raining on peoples parade, but please don't add silencers to Assault riles or DMR's.... it's very unrealistic. They are extremely hard to make, and very strictly manufactured/sold for those calibres to police.

Side Arms I can live with. Because you exchange range for stealth. But rebels already have the advantage of numbers, firepower (7.62mm DMR's) and usually surprise including guerilla tactics. If you add silencers things like bank jobs will become almost impossible. And responding to gunshots is one of the few methods we have as police to assist citizens. 

We are not an army, and rebels are not a spec ops team. Even as a PMC silencers are rarely/never used. 

Imagine silenced Assault rifles in town, that rebels then put into their bag after firing. You don't hear them, you don't see them. Not very rebel like. 

Only thing i'd really like to see would be the Le Enfield and Pernament Clothing. And maybe IED's / Car-bombs?

Surrender key ( Shift + S or something like that )

For both police, civs and rebels.. It will help in RP on everyside and then if a rebel have something ( I saw someone talking about zip ties ) Zip ties they can restrain X person and have a windows key action to escort and maybe search that player?

Sound for restraining people as a police & for rebels if they get zip ties

Police pickup trucks

Last thing would be.. A npc where people can store or scrap their car at the airfield, it feels like a trap most of the time when people call in asking us to remove a car that is blocking the air garage.. 

Please god no, not restraining for rebels, it will take the RP out of hostaging police, rebels will just run up to a cop and shift+r and restrain, job done, now i sell you for moneyyY!!!!!!!
