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What is High Quality RP ?

Bringing this back because I really want to know what people think about this. Reading forums, unbans, reports etc, people use the word “High Quality Roleplay” so much I do want to know what people expect from the players.

Can you explain what you think is High Quality Roleplay when you are trying to rob someone/ kidnap someone or kill someone ? What do you think is High Quality Roleplay when you are the one being robbed/ kidnapped/ killed ?

From what I’ve gathered from the forums like recommend a roleplayer section (People being praised for their High Quality RP) and places like unbans and reports, it seems like if someone is funny and makes people laugh, that’s high quality roleplay. If someone is intimidating, aggressive, (eg. gang RP) it’s often seen as poor RP, because no one has fun getting robbed/kidnapped/killed.

For example, getting robbed by a funny guy cosplaying as Mario with a funny accent = High Quality because he’s a funny guy, the interactions are so funny, his jokes are on point. As someone being robbed, the player will “+1” him because it was “class RP”.

And then on the other side, ferocious gangster (grrr insert angy face), very intimidating with a gun to your head, robs you while also threatens to shoot you if you don’t do what he says, tells you to drop everything on the floor, oh you have a gun, definitely drop that first ! And the bullets. Lots of people on the server are crims/ gangs so this guy proceeds to belittle your gang while robbing you, Fuck “ GangNameHere “, so you’re not just gonna stand there and take the humiliation so you retaliate by saying fuck the robbers “GangName” or something similar. You end up getting robbed, as well as killed for your comments and getting “lippy”. That’s not fun for you at all is it? Getting robbed and killed. Is it Low Quality RP ? Do I need to be Mario to rob you ? How should a gang member properly rob/ kidnap/ kill you?

Please share your thoughts !

The reality is, that's all gangs do, because there's fuck all else for them to do.

Bins & Handsing people is the new high quality RP.

Everything else is dead.

The way of robbing by badmen you mentioned isn't inherently bad role-play, but because its faaaaaaar too common, people just get fed up with it, because faaaar too many people are constantly doing it.

It's a cops and robbers server, where civ's play a cannon fodder role for gangs and crims. Where there's literally zero options for civs to survive through RP, because it's simply not rewarded, they're then influenced to behave the same as there's no other way to survive.

Then we end up where we are, constant reports of shitty roleplay, staff that do fuck all about it and devs that don't steer the city in a direction to mitigate it. (cry all you want about that statement)

Boredom hits a certain level for gangs, and for some reason instead of flying out and taking a break, they just keep rinsing, robbing, handsing and start beef with others for another dose of that dopamine and excuses to open up PVP/Fragging, in the lack of RP opportunities i cant blame them.

I know many people get super frazzled by criticism about this server, just speaking my mind.
The reality is, that's all gangs do, because there's fuck all else for them to do.

Bins & Handsing people is the new high quality RP.

Everything else is dead.

The way of robbing by badmen you mentioned isn't inherently bad role-play, but because its faaaaaaar too common, people just get fed up with it, because faaaar too many people are constantly doing it.

It's a cops and robbers server, where civ's play a cannon fodder role for gangs and crims. Where there's literally zero options for civs to survive through RP, because it's simply not rewarded, they're then influenced to behave the same as there's no other way to survive.

Then we end up where we are, constant reports of shitty roleplay, staff that do fuck all about it and devs that don't steer the city in a direction to mitigate it. (cry all you want about that statement)

Boredom hits a certain level for gangs, and for some reason instead of flying out and taking a break, they just keep rinsing, robbing, handsing and start beef with others for another dose of that dopamine and excuses to open up PVP/Fragging, in the lack of RP opportunities i cant blame them.

I know many people get super frazzled by criticism about this server, just speaking my mind.
To add onto this as while bold I agree with some of the stuff Jack has said theres a few things I've noticed over my year playing in the community. The idea of what high quality rp actually is within the community has dwindled at what seems to be a constant rate over the months.

The serious part of the rp has kinda been watered down in players, it no longer feels like you're talking to characters. its more just you're talking to whoever is behind the screen, In recent months I've barely found myself once getting invested into a persons character cause it doesn't feel like there is one. I think maybe part of it is no one rps for the sake of rp anymore. people rp cause they want to gain something that benefits them rather than getting that enjoyment from roleplay, alot of players actions have a motive behind them rather than just enjoying themselves or going with the flow. And while yes theres some good roleplayers the majority we see on the reccomend a player section are there cause they were funny not necessarily because they were good at roleplaying a character in depth.

This is something ive mentioned many times over the months when we were getting the motel up and running and it wasnt just gangs but Judges, staff member characters, longtime players all asking the same questions, completely avoiding any form of rp instead only seeing the motel as something that doesnt benefit them, we would give them tours, use /me's make nice little leaflets for them and allsorts and all we would get in response is -
"can the doors lock?"
"is there storage?"
"well whats the point of the motel then"
before they would get back in their cars and leave, the point of the motel was ROLEPLAY! and it was extremely disheartening to not just get such negative responses from players but also higher up members in the community's characters. (there were some absolutely wonderful people too and they are part of the reason the motel is what it is today! )

I also think alot of players go to fragging and warring because it has the highest pay off. either A) you win the fight and get an ego boost and some good profit if you dodgy the other gang or b) you have a shootout, get that enjoyment of having a cheeky shootout and maybe a police chase, then serve some time or die and do it all over again, whatever gangs do pay off and benefit them, trying to be anything other than a criminal or police is literally handicapping yourself and limiting your enjoyment to doing repetitive tasks over and over sometimes with very little interaction with other players at all while you watch your money tick up for example, taxi, food delivery, trucking, mechanic. Even with the binmen job weve seen people actively AVOID pairing up with people so they earn more money for themselves or when they do pair up they speedrun the job so they get paid faster not so they can rp together.

Also something slightly off topic I've wanted to say for quite some time. many times I've heard "you can report people for poor rp" "if they arent rping well report them" but so many times on report a player posts we see the same response of "what rulebreak is the player being reported for?" when someone has tried to report someone for poor roleplay. its slightly infuriating to see.

Id like to make it clear this isn't targeted at anyone in particular these are just my opinions and observations
And then on the other side, ferocious gangster (grrr insert angy face), very intimidating with a gun to your head, robs you while also threatens to shoot you if you don’t do what he says, tells you to drop everything on the floor, oh you have a gun, definitely drop that first ! And the bullets. Lots of people on the server are crims/ gangs so this guy proceeds to belittle your gang while robbing you, Fuck “ GangNameHere “, so you’re not just gonna stand there and take the humiliation so you retaliate by saying fuck the robbers “GangName” or something similar. You end up getting robbed, as well as killed for your comments and getting “lippy”. That’s not fun for you at all is it? Getting robbed and killed. Is it Low Quality RP ? Do I need to be Mario to rob you ? How should a gang member properly rob/ kidnap/ kill you?

Please share your thoughts !
For me the low quality element of robberies is when people totally pocket wipe you or are chatting shit basically OOC seemingly trying to get a rise and basically leave you thinking 'what is the point?'

Below for me is an example of high quality hostile RP, they didn't fuck around but weren't needlessly griefing either, and (deliberately I think?) left avenues in RP for a come-back such as not changing their clothes or taking my bodycam etc. I think @Liam was one of them? Not sure.
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I think in regards of RP quality, there are a couple factors for myself to consider or at least from what i've experienced in the City so far. This is my first and only GTA RP experience, as i've come from a World of Warcraft & Dungeons & Dragons RP background NERD.
I think a massive part to play with roleplay is the consent/willingness of all parties involved. I've seen this many times where inserting 'Bubble RP' into an open-world scenario is difficult for some to maintain. You have a mindset of only wanting to partake in a particular setting or kind of roleplay but when something spontaneous happens which isn't wanted or liked, it can be either classed as 'low quality rp', or simply disregarded as that isn't what is wanted by one side. I also think this is a problem when you have a cluster of individuals with a purely winning mentality and choose to play characters that never lose. Character development I also feel falls into this and I think consent can also tie in to the next thought.

As a Dungeon Master provider of roleplay, hooks are important for others to choose to take should they wish. Not everyone will take these, which is absolutely fine and it ties in to consent but it is such a satisfying feeling when something you are passionate or enjoy giving others want to engage with as well. It only makes the provider want to provide more. Additionally, I enjoy being able to nibble on something offered, too! If it leads to a story development for both my character and the opposite, then wonderful.

Personally when I create a character i've always felt it's important to insert at least 3 weaknesses, be them serious or light-hearted. I feel this adds depth to roleplay and can create quality roleplay, as this isn't what the receiving party expects. An example, McGee has a fear of flying, which has added some realism when it's come to situations involving this and allows me to indulge in traits which I can play off and enjoy. It provides a different situation that those involved can choose to go along with if they so wish to and play off of this to create a scene.

I second a point made earlier in the thread, where it feels more and more that you're own character is interacting with the person behind the keyboard, rather than another character. Naturally, characters will have your own real characteristics because at the end of the day, you are the one behind the mask so to speak. However, it is simply a character in a roleplay setting and that is how it should be. Sometimes for me, this doesn't feel that way. I do understand it can be a difficult though, as we all engage in this to have fun as part of an escapism and can end up creating genuine relationships too which can cross the IC/OOC border. My character not liking another doesn't mean that I do not like an individual.

In short, high quality RP for me is about:
- Consent/Open-mindedness
- Accepting weakness
- Offering hooks and taking them
- Character development opportunity
- Having fun with it

At the end of the day we're here because we enjoy this experience and I'll be sure to continue to do so until I'm told to bugger off (please don't).

Apologies for waffling.
The reality is, that's all gangs do, because there's fuck all else for them to do.

Bins & Handsing people is the new high quality RP.

Everything else is dead.

The way of robbing by badmen you mentioned isn't inherently bad role-play, but because its faaaaaaar too common, people just get fed up with it, because faaaar too many people are constantly doing it.

It's a cops and robbers server, where civ's play a cannon fodder role for gangs and crims. Where there's literally zero options for civs to survive through RP, because it's simply not rewarded, they're then influenced to behave the same as there's no other way to survive.

Then we end up where we are, constant reports of shitty roleplay, staff that do fuck all about it and devs that don't steer the city in a direction to mitigate it. (cry all you want about that statement)

Boredom hits a certain level for gangs, and for some reason instead of flying out and taking a break, they just keep rinsing, robbing, handsing and start beef with others for another dose of that dopamine and excuses to open up PVP/Fragging, in the lack of RP opportunities i cant blame them.

I know many people get super frazzled by criticism about this server, just speaking my mind.
ah ah ah No freedom of speech here pal, this is the CCRPUK, you get what ur given and u BETTER BE GRATEFUL UR NOT BANNED. (oh wait cheeky 1.6 for this hahahaha)

Anyway i think people need to be realistic in how they view this server nowadays unless staff make a active attempt to better the experience just stop worrying about it, atp after 5 years of being in the community its clear that people put in so much effort to try and break the echo chamber and it never works. People will say i'm salty for whatever reason maybe they think its because i'm banned or my character in game got smoked idk. But people have been crying out to help the server if you look through the forums u could find everything you would need to change to re involve the community, whereas they choose to ignore it and let shit like the recent police report on the convoy happen. Let the people who reinforce my ideas stay and get out if you don't agree. Now i'm fully expecting a forum ban here but i at least want to say the truth AGAIN. Staff need to WAKE UP and realize that the server is dying. Yes ok Player numbers may be semi stable but the quality is not even present anymore. 2 gangs exist in pre 2024 state, Ballas / Cutlass (maybe occult idk what they get up to) this is dire every gang is full of people who don't play. Now the staff gangs are fine Lost probably have a great experience rn and police are still having fun, But this is where the echo chamber comes in they don't see the reality of the player bases experience i think now 2 staff are in gangs maybe 1, they dont even play with the main player base anymore (Lost/firm doesn't count you can spawn in as many mats as you want obviously you will have fun with shit like 20k head armors and 100k revs).

This happened on Arma in the exact same way and i'm going to call it they will handle it the same way (nothing added until its too late and people don't care anymore). This videos is a relic but sums it up perfectly (
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) a 2 YEAR OLD video about the issues you have rn, There's no change, i stopped playing in early 2021 and returned late 2022 and i still knew how to do everything like i had not stopped playing. I reckon now if i still had only come back early 24 i would have only not known how to do banks, everything else wouldn't have changed. ARE WE SURPRISED PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO PLAY, its like playing fifa 20 up until now, its outdated, the formula has been improved elsewhere. People need to realize that the server can be fixed in many ways the drug system is 5 characters away from being able to be used again (not kidding its a broken bc of one value). Crim update is finished bar some tweaks they just don't want to release it, it was first that we weren't behaving now whats the excuse there is no one to play the update so we cba releasing it. Before people reply to this by saying oh why aren't u a dev then, ill happily do the dev work if they want me to but i shouldn't have to. The devs are more than capable but they are forced to make everything run super fast instead of the scripts being good, they are forced to prioritize latency in scripts rather than intricacy and depth, or are themselves too focused on wanting the server to have vr chat elements, eg focus on only changing configs not actually making scripts, Forcing every script to be unique is also slowing dev time down dramatically why not use some paid scripts with all that donor money, Or is it the Spagetti code that the server is built on which means everyone's games to run like ultra settings Cyberpunk.

I think that the player base is also to blame like lets be fr some people who claim to be RP Gods just want to frag *ahem*, which fair enough i like to ego people on occasion but still the player base is to blame in part for the state of the server, people have found the most fun way to play and a playing that way with no change making it seem like everything is shit and nothing is going on. Which in part is due to the lack of content, i bet money that people would be less likely to want to play the server for shooting and want to have fun stories if they had methods to create these stories but they don't. Now fragging is not a RPUK issue is a fivem thing you cant get rid of it however you can have things in place to remove the whole server becoming a place where these people congregate. Staff need to make a ACTIVE effort to improve the whole servers experience, and this will be hard which is why it hasn't already happened. Now credit where credit is due some staff are trying to help the issues like Archie did in the past or Sammy now but these both have there own issues but tried to help but staff are sometimes sucked up into defending friends or people they like but thats human. However we know for a fact staff have targeted gangs in the past and what has this done, Kill Aztecas, make cutlass basically the next faction and kill vagos, mara, grove, changa, padrinos, coa and the many other gangs just abandoned yes some of these still play but they are no where near their former glory. Staff try to help and realize its a lost cause or they can't single handily fix it themselves and give up. Now not gonna bait anyone out but I've been told this first hand and can tell how mind numbing it must be to try and work against the flow this server is in. Also the anti cheat is COOKED many people cheat and haven't been caught and some of us know its a surprising amount of people, invest in a Paid Anticheat that catches more than just spawning items in, so these videos cant be made anymore (
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) even tho they are quite funny.

As soon as people see what can be achieved with actual change they might realize how refreshing it is. but let it be known CONTENT IS NEED FOR THIS SERVER TO LAST ANY LONGER. I feel like we are waiting for Gta 6 to release so we can blame it for killing the server, bit like Arma was old so the server died, but this was just false the OTHER arma server only shut down last year (u know the one i am on about, some people came from there to here) so we cannot say that was the issue as other servers still run. Its a issue with how the server is ran but as long as people reinforce this current behavior it will never change and people like Hugo will start to see it, you cannot pretend a problem isn't there. Even the most loyal Bootlickers cannot pretend the server hasn't got worse, we have all seen it, its IF they decided to address it.

We will see if i get banned from this (Probably) but hey its the truth of the matter and many have said it before me its not some great epiphany i've just had.
ah ah ah No freedom of speech here pal, this is the CCRPUK, you get what ur given and u BETTER BE GRATEFUL UR NOT BANNED. (oh wait cheeky 1.6 for this hahahaha)

Anyway i think people need to be realistic in how they view this server nowadays unless staff make a active attempt to better the experience just stop worrying about it, atp after 5 years of being in the community its clear that people put in so much effort to try and break the echo chamber and it never works. People will say i'm salty for whatever reason maybe they think its because i'm banned or my character in game got smoked idk. But people have been crying out to help the server if you look through the forums u could find everything you would need to change to re involve the community, whereas they choose to ignore it and let shit like the recent police report on the convoy happen. Let the people who reinforce my ideas stay and get out if you don't agree. Now i'm fully expecting a forum ban here but i at least want to say the truth AGAIN. Staff need to WAKE UP and realize that the server is dying. Yes ok Player numbers may be semi stable but the quality is not even present anymore. 2 gangs exist in pre 2024 state, Ballas / Cutlass (maybe occult idk what they get up to) this is dire every gang is full of people who don't play. Now the staff gangs are fine Lost probably have a great experience rn and police are still having fun, But this is where the echo chamber comes in they don't see the reality of the player bases experience i think now 2 staff are in gangs maybe 1, they dont even play with the main player base anymore (Lost/firm doesn't count you can spawn in as many mats as you want obviously you will have fun with shit like 20k head armors and 100k revs).

This happened on Arma in the exact same way and i'm going to call it they will handle it the same way (nothing added until its too late and people don't care anymore). This videos is a relic but sums it up perfectly (
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) a 2 YEAR OLD video about the issues you have rn, There's no change, i stopped playing in early 2021 and returned late 2022 and i still knew how to do everything like i had not stopped playing. I reckon now if i still had only come back early 24 i would have only not known how to do banks, everything else wouldn't have changed. ARE WE SURPRISED PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO PLAY, its like playing fifa 20 up until now, its outdated, the formula has been improved elsewhere. People need to realize that the server can be fixed in many ways the drug system is 5 characters away from being able to be used again (not kidding its a broken bc of one value). Crim update is finished bar some tweaks they just don't want to release it, it was first that we weren't behaving now whats the excuse there is no one to play the update so we cba releasing it. Before people reply to this by saying oh why aren't u a dev then, ill happily do the dev work if they want me to but i shouldn't have to. The devs are more than capable but they are forced to make everything run super fast instead of the scripts being good, they are forced to prioritize latency in scripts rather than intricacy and depth, or are themselves too focused on wanting the server to have vr chat elements, eg focus on only changing configs not actually making scripts, Forcing every script to be unique is also slowing dev time down dramatically why not use some paid scripts with all that donor money, Or is it the Spagetti code that the server is built on which means everyone's games to run like ultra settings Cyberpunk.

I think that the player base is also to blame like lets be fr some people who claim to be RP Gods just want to frag *ahem*, which fair enough i like to ego people on occasion but still the player base is to blame in part for the state of the server, people have found the most fun way to play and a playing that way with no change making it seem like everything is shit and nothing is going on. Which in part is due to the lack of content, i bet money that people would be less likely to want to play the server for shooting and want to have fun stories if they had methods to create these stories but they don't. Now fragging is not a RPUK issue is a fivem thing you cant get rid of it however you can have things in place to remove the whole server becoming a place where these people congregate. Staff need to make a ACTIVE effort to improve the whole servers experience, and this will be hard which is why it hasn't already happened. Now credit where credit is due some staff are trying to help the issues like Archie did in the past or Sammy now but these both have there own issues but tried to help but staff are sometimes sucked up into defending friends or people they like but thats human. However we know for a fact staff have targeted gangs in the past and what has this done, Kill Aztecas, make cutlass basically the next faction and kill vagos, mara, grove, changa, padrinos, coa and the many other gangs just abandoned yes some of these still play but they are no where near their former glory. Staff try to help and realize its a lost cause or they can't single handily fix it themselves and give up. Now not gonna bait anyone out but I've been told this first hand and can tell how mind numbing it must be to try and work against the flow this server is in. Also the anti cheat is COOKED many people cheat and haven't been caught and some of us know its a surprising amount of people, invest in a Paid Anticheat that catches more than just spawning items in, so these videos cant be made anymore (
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) even tho they are quite funny.

As soon as people see what can be achieved with actual change they might realize how refreshing it is. but let it be known CONTENT IS NEED FOR THIS SERVER TO LAST ANY LONGER. I feel like we are waiting for Gta 6 to release so we can blame it for killing the server, bit like Arma was old so the server died, but this was just false the OTHER arma server only shut down last year (u know the one i am on about, some people came from there to here) so we cannot say that was the issue as other servers still run. Its a issue with how the server is ran but as long as people reinforce this current behavior it will never change and people like Hugo will start to see it, you cannot pretend a problem isn't there. Even the most loyal Bootlickers cannot pretend the server hasn't got worse, we have all seen it, its IF they decided to address it.

We will see if i get banned from this (Probably) but hey its the truth of the matter and many have said it before me its not some great epiphany i've just had.

i did get banned for it lol.