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What does everyone want to do as a job / What are you doing?


East Midlands Airport
If only you knew how many people ask me daily what I do as a job because of my donation.

all 3 of those jobs are extremely stressful just so you know,

The air traffic jobs will pay more but require a SHED load of high level training.

Chefing just takes time/patience/practice (from working in kitchens myself and cooking for myself and others) but pay wise it would totally depend on where you worked, working in some lowkey pub will not generate as much cash as you would if you where working for a high-end restaurant.

Hopefully off to Sandhurst and then into the Army Air Corp, go RDM in an apache u kno.

Currently in retail for a higher end fashion outlet store, aswell as a technician for a construction materials testing company.

I want to get a job/uni course in IT.

Consulting and Finance, General Business (Open me own company)

or Computer Science and MBA (Masters in Business and Administration)  

I work by stacking Fruit and Veg at guess where... Morrisons 😂

But I wish to join Kent Police once I learn to drive :p

I work by stacking Fruit and Veg at guess where... Morrisons 

Are these your snipers in the area?

Similar to @Ponty, aiming to finish university to get a Ba Hons in History and Politics, and then hopefully join the Police in London.

This link pretty much sums it up...

Have applied several times but always got denied, never got past to take part in the interview selection sadly.
"We recieved over 4500 applications for 312 available slots, candidates were selected by who fit best with the function. Education, knowledge of ethinical groups and cultures received by background or experience, (work) experience and living area are all taken into account."

Naar aanleiding van je sollicitatie naar de functie van hoofdagent bij de eenheid Midden-Nederland delen we je mee dat je helaas niet bent geselecteerd om de procedure te vervolgen.

 Wij hebben meer dan 4500 sollicitaties ontvangen voor 312 beschikbare opleidingsplaatsen. Vanwege dit grote aanbod zijn de kandidaten geselecteerd met de kenmerken die het beste passen bij de functie. Hierbij zijn vooropleiding, kennis van etnische groepen en culturen verkregen door achtergrond of ervaring, (werk)ervaring en woonregio meegewogen.


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This link pretty much sums it up...

Have applied several times but always got denied, never got past to take part in the interview selection sadly.
"We recieved over 4500 applications for 312 available slots, candidates were selected by who fit best with the function. Education, knowledge of ethinical groups and cultures received by background or experience, (work) experience and living area are all taken into account."

Naar aanleiding van je sollicitatie naar de functie van hoofdagent bij de eenheid Midden-Nederland delen we je mee dat je helaas niet bent geselecteerd om de procedure te vervolgen.

 Wij hebben meer dan 4500 sollicitaties ontvangen voor 312 beschikbare opleidingsplaatsen. Vanwege dit grote aanbod zijn de kandidaten geselecteerd met de kenmerken die het beste passen bij de functie. Hierbij zijn vooropleiding, kennis van etnische groepen en culturen verkregen door achtergrond of ervaring, (werk)ervaring en woonregio meegewogen.


Aah damn man. Pretty sure you will get selected some time!

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