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What a ... Unusual return.

Lord SanDisk

Well-known member
Boston - UK
The Lord has returned folks! Although not in his new castle, the treasury is being a cunt.

But just want to show you how my return has unfolded. Met up with the pT group and made peace with them! I hope we can party and share girls together now! I met Vincent;Twitch TV streamer! and ... well this guy called Matthew ... its all in the video below ...  :angry:


What are peoples views? I assume he was the reason the server went 'Mission failed' too (As you can tell by the stupid music played prior to the crash AND the tone of his voice) Good job I had my cam recording ;)  

This will not dampen my spirits at all.

All Hail Lord SanDisk!

Peace in our time.

Anytime you need some private security at one of your functions The Privateers are happy to help.

Welcome back Lord SanDisk the island has indeed been lacking in regalness.

As you have just shown on your return the quality of ave ago gang/rebels has sadly been lacking of late (they seem very young too).

I can only hope your experience for yourself increases somewhat more positively in the future.

And hey look the privateers got your back .... you will be fine :)

That was outta the blue lol rather naughty one might say, but he got a bullet up his arse so alls well that ends well  :D
