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Well Well Well

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Well-known member
two steps to the left
Well I guess my time has come as for many others before me but never the less i have loved every minute that I have had on the server. It all started for me back in 2015ish when I joined the server with Mad Ben, Niffty and a few others back in the early days šŸ™‚Ā then getting banned for 6 months oops xD then to comingĀ back to a fully established *cough* *cough* gang xDĀ The Psycho'sĀ who many of them I now call friends for that reason as IĀ say IĀ cant thinkĀ of a better server šŸ˜„.

@Wolfzyhow have IĀ managed to put up with you for 5-6 year xD great minds think alike huh hahaha

@night_stalker_Ā for keeping us all in check basically being the dad of the group xD tell Laura IĀ said hi šŸ™‚Ā 

@Jebediah Jalalaisay George for me xD

@MisterĀ Carter our lovely guitar master i still laugh at the videos of you playing to hobos in lukey's YouTubeĀ xD loved it when you used to torture them with the songsĀ hahahaha

@George Harriswell well well look how far you'veĀ come we picked you off the back streets of Kavarla and then you became an admin i think we just make admins in the Psycho's hahaha

@Psychos Rosswell what do IĀ say apart from the name fits hahahaha the amount of times you'veĀ been on a rampage in KavarlaĀ no wonderĀ hobos are scared of you xD

@Alfred Wilsonstill remember them bloody 2am politicalĀ talks we had xD dear god you could talk for Sweden hahahaĀ 

@SantoĀ are you still playing withĀ them toothpicks or have you upgraded to something better to build them houses out of xD dont work to hard at uni wouldn't want you to get a splinter xD

@The Jack Danielscrazy little Irishmen what can IĀ say but go back to the IRA xDĀ 

@WhongchengHands down one of the greatest role-player's that have been on the server, to being married, cheating on each other, getting divorced, getting back together then having a child then a nanny then to the uprising in kavarla then to you going into hiding xD (lets call it that) my god every time i met you in game it was just no stop fun hahahahahaĀ 

@Sgt Steveoh how could I about you Steve the one person i could never feel good about killing your to nice xD all time you caught me on Kavarla bridge terrorising the hobos IĀ just couldn't shoot you it's not fair xD

sorry for the people IĀ missed IĀ think if I put all the people on here IĀ thinkĀ the forums would break xD

farewell all it has been the best community I've ever play with.Ā Ā Ā 

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ā¤ļø See you around x Psychos 4 eva

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As cringyĀ as it sounds - all good things must come to an end. Hoping to still see you around in the places that I usually do ā¤ļø

Noooo smurfy šŸ˜­ will have to play CSGO again, remember your gang mates love you šŸ˜‰

In abit you big hobo, cheers for the first RP on this server I ever had

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