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Weed Bagging

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Well-known member
London, United Kingdom
Brief Summary:

Weed bagging is far to long for a non gang seller

Detailed Suggestion:

Bagging weed takes far to long and gangs have weed bagging machine now all im suggesting is either release the machine to everyone even at a high price or why cant we drag any amount possible and it does a long progression bar like smelting or gun making etc i dont think thats much to ask as im growing like 3000 buds at a time and doing them singly is just not good when a longer progression bar could be introduced when trying to do a large amount at a time like as i said the way smelting works or ammo or guns etc. If you were to release the bagging machine it could be sold at the weed shop for like 150k or something like this

The Pros:

Allows players to bag weed quicker.

The Cons:

Honestly cant think of a con to bagging weed quicker.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


Can be a good idea. Possibility of having the bench taken off you if you get raided would be a good risk/reward. There are several issues however with this as it basically stops gangs being kingpins of drugs as the supply will just flood into the city. As much as I think illegal means of gaining money should pay more than legal means (which they pretty much are at this point) I don't think it should be easily accessible to everyone. Let's be honest 150k doesn't take long to make in the city.

I am aware that you used to be able to purchase a workbench for your own property but it completely cuts the risk out of crafting things as you're safely in your house and can just place it straight into your storage.

I think public bagging benches, much like the coke, crack and LSD processing, would be a better idea as there is still a risk involved.

What if it already exists?
Then we're all wasting our time 😞

does the search function not work anymore? 

like Fragstar you've responded to both of them and all you have to do it put your suggestion on how to make their suggestions work. One of your suggestions is littlaly one of them and both are on the same thing

what makes you think a 3rd suggestion for the same thing is going to make Devs do it any quicker? 

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