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Website Downtime

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The King
Legendary Donator
Good Morning 


"Yawn" I have been up all yesterday and throughout the night trying to get our community back online which has unfortunately been offline for over 24 hours now.

Our host confirmed to me last night that we received "several thousand requests per second" my first thought was a DDOS attack however it is something rather similar called a "wordpress pingback ddos attack"

This is where thousands upon thousands of wordpress websites are sending ping backs to our website, Of course I would of liked if the website stayed online during this time but it was to be expected that the host protected there other customers by disabling our website.

The website is back online now (pending DNS changes) and has a better level of protection however this still needs testing so if the attack continues we will see if it has been configured correctly.


ts.altislife.co.uk is back up and working again, Team speak didn't go offline throughout this time but I had a number of reports that our DNS was down.


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I am banned from the game, because of a stupid mistake i did when i just began playing. can you please unsubscribe me.

It seems to be coming and going for me. Every once in a while it says error 403 on something,then comes back later.

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I found a simple little fix to this 403 error, if you look behind the url theres usually an extra #something, if you delete that from your webbrowsing line thingy, then it will load fine. dunno whats causing this though

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