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War Room

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Rajeev Patel

Active member
Coalition Ranch
- War Room -

We’ve all seen it so much, gangs and other groups will go into full on warfare over the smallest of things. One thing that’s been involved every time is war rules. Now these war rules have never really been enforced with a ‘punishment’ and I think it could be a good idea if we introduce something so people stop doing stupid things and cutting potential RP off for a quick W. 

I think we should have a spot in the server that is off the grid and away from eyes and ears. This is where two groups can come together and have a neutral head monitoring the meeting and ensuring things stay on track. I feel this could be the spot for these rules to be set and sanctions can be agreed upon by both groups. One thing is when two groups are at war, lets say one person breaks one of these rules, I feel like sometimes the leader will not sanction them as it will impact the course of the war, the way to look at it is lets say its at 10v10 at times, just losing that one can make a huge difference. This neutral person should be the head of this table permanently @Archie 'tagged you as I can see you being having a mental warlord character' this would also mean you would have to oversee and make sure sanctions were handed out. 

Following this if any war rules are broken, certain sanctions should already have been set for those individuals that decide to act stupidly by the leaders. Another thing I’m sure a lot of people will agree on is the fact that so much of ‘war’ negotiations or discussions end up happening in TS. It would be nice for these war rules to be set within the city which in turn would also offer more RP scenarios for multiple sides.

Pros :

Potential to cut down the endless hours spent in TS over war rule breaks being broken.

Creates RP scenarios which may not have always happened 

Cons : 

Dev work to create a 'Room' 

War rules are not server rules, so some may think this is a waste of time. 

+1 From me bravo fella, the amount of times I've heard people set war rules then not follow them is annoying, I feel like some sort of punishment in the city could help that a significantly good amount

+1 We need an in city way to deal with these issues. Maybe if war rules had proper consequences, the city wouldn’t be such a mess when two gangs kickoff. 

don't really need to make a new room, there's lots of places around the map that can be used for this.

otherwise +1

This is already a thing, just gotta find out in roleplay.

Not everyone deserves access to it though so might be hard to find

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