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Waiting for patrol...

Posts like this have been made man times before...

Referring you to one alike:

Let's not start a massive backwards and forwards discussion that has already been made.

Kind regards,

SGT Wolfy.

What is up with the wait in the waiting for patrol channel? I have been waiting for an hour and half, I don't know how I am going to get my 8 hours in a week if this keeps up.
I would recommend either msging someone or joining a random open patrol and ask if you can join

I've seen you today in waiting for patrol channel, your name was "Guy Poke me for patrol", reading that, I poked you twice and joined your channel to speak with you, however you were muted and sadly I got no response from you. Feel free to text me at your earliest convenience when you see me online. 

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May I just add and expanding on what Nick said. (This goes for all YR/CSO/PCSO). Please don't go afk when you are in a waiting room, be it waiting for patrol or in the waiting room in the academy section of the TeamSpeak. If you are to go afk there is a very appealing afk room at the end of the training rooms.

i was a YR to mate, took hours and hours to get a patrol even with speakers unmuted and messaging people. At most i would ask someone they would say "Sure one sec" then they never reply even if you remind them over an hour later.

Xkan has been nice to me :(

Ok admins you can probably lock this now :p
Just saying man, I'll go patrol with ya. But despite that you need to be abit pushy (not annoying tho) because otherwise you'll miss a lot of patrol opportunities... Right now you've only done one patrol in 4 days. I know for a fact that you can get more done if you really do try.

Remember it's not our job to take you out...

If you need help with something message me on TS and I'll sort you out!

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@INS Owen jump on the till and download arma 3 mate

"Hello can you help me."

"HANDS UP OR DI..... oh sorry maam i was roleplaying."

I've done way more than 1 patrol, it's just that the sgts disappear randomly without ever filling in the form. I've been on 4 patrols.

I've done way more than 1 patrol, it's just that the sgts disappear randomly without ever filling in the form. I've been on 4 patrols.
Well, as you got told on the YR scheme walkthrough it's your responsibility to give them the link and everyithing they need...
