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Vladic Ka banned me for something I wasn't fully made aware of. (No response)

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Hello, last night I was playing on your server for the first time - Literally still getting used to controls and buttons and things as small as how to type in all chat. Unfortunately my mic is on constant and I was kicked almost instantly because it obviously picked up some breathing whilst I was typing to the all channel that the ATM near the Copper plant was not working, I had even told Vladic that I was reaching for my mute mic whilst he kicked me. 

I had then messaged Vladic about the unfairness of that kick as I was a new player and wasn't aware of the implications I  was causing and if he could replace my truck full of iron + my truck for not even giving me a warning but without knowing how to read responses I couldn't see Vladic's further threats.

I was then perma banned for the same instance but for another brief 30 seconds of breathing (which I now know causes lag/annoying) but we had just done a copper run with heli and managed to crash while taking off (was trying to contact the pilot as I am new and wanted to keep in contact with him) 

I then msgd Vladic over teamspeak in the words of , 'unban me plz' ,'scott' with the intentions of a response to start of a chat he instead brought me into his voice channel. Now I understand this may be hard to believe but all I wanted to inform Vladic of was the fact that I was new to game + sever, had no idea of all of the controls/features and something like that wouldn't happen again but the way he responded was unprofessional in Admin perspectives being that when I tried to talk he would raise his voice and cut me short referring to me supposed to know these things, where is the notification explicitly stating you need to read the forum rules before playing? He was taking my sentences and forming his own sentences, for example I said its a perfect example of an admin on a power trip which he then related to never being able to play again because I apparently directly said he was abusing his powers.

But I'm sure if someone in 'authority' won't give you a chance to speak, listen clearly to your words to compile what has actually been said and also provide a permanent server ban for attempting to resolve it with the above seems abit like someone I would consider to be on a power trip.

I just want to play Altis Life Vladic, I know your going to read this without any recollection of our conversation besides the points I may have reminded you of. But lets just be clear, I attempted to have a  mature conversation with you and the way you reacted (mainly from generating your own version in your head because you weren't listening) really makes me doubt any progress on this application. But just so your other Admins know what your doing to 'new' players I had to make this post. 



It should be common knowledge that if you go to somewhere new, don't wise yourself up with the rules and then get punished for breaking the rules, it's your own damn fault. To then pester an admin personally for an unban, (which is also against the rules ironically) is also your fault if it bites you in the ass.


where is the notification explicitly stating you need to read the forum rules before playing? 
On the intro on the side of the screen when you login, on the Map Menu, common sense when playing on most gameservers.

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Like I told you when I was talking to you, I will be certain I have a rule abiding player on the server as you now have to register here and post an unban. I already gave you more time than I normally do just because you are a new player.

So have you read our rules? Quote here which one you broke several times for your last chance on the server.

No response from player. If you still wish to be unbanned please open another thread linking this one and answer any questions asked.

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