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Vinc3nt Combat Log (Community Ban)

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pRo GaMeR
A Cave, United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): PC Vinc3nt
Time & Date this happened: 29/03/15 approx. 23:35
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened: Doing a bank heist, he shot one of our members, we found him and shot him, exactly 36 seconds later he disconnected, at the bottom you can see his excuse for disconnecting.
Adding to this I have spoken to SI Bob about the issue, in which he left the decision to me whether I should report him or not, which I have chosen to do as I know if it was me who combat logged and Vinc3nt was in the scenario I would have been reported.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 2E)[SIZE=medium] Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, but nothing was achieved(Screenshot shows this)
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

Screenshot of Superhitmandan & Vinc3nt's teamspeak conversation: http://s15.postimg.org/sjsk2su4b/New_Bitmap_Image.png
Thankyou, Vixxy
The fact you still choose to report me shows how petty your players are.

Firstly you say you tried to reason with me, heres the full logs


<23:24:43> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Why did you do that?
<23:24:50> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Combatlog? :s
<23:24:56> "Vincent": Game crashed mate
<23:25:02> "Vincent": graphics card driver
<23:25:16> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": It woulda said that you gt kicked then
<23:25:18> "Vincent": I alt tabbed out and it shut down
<23:25:19> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": not disconect
<23:25:36> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Duuude
<23:25:48> "Vincent": Idk lol, got no reason to lie about it dude, please i wish all gangs would stop moaning the second an engagment happens
<23:26:00> "Vincent": Anyway mate I have to go tend to my dog
<23:26:05> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": What?
<23:26:07> "Vincent": so brb, possibly going to watch tv
<23:26:25> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Stop moaning the sec engagement happened?
<23:26:28> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Dude
<23:26:32> "Vincent": As i said, i alt tabbed out and the game closed, why would i combat log as a cop it makes no sense, so stop throwing accusations around.
<23:26:38> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Im moaning cause of a combatlog
<23:27:22> "Vincent": I did not combat log, i already explained, I know the rules very well so stop talking to me like i dont. Anyway im not sitting here arguing, believe what you want, but im not risking my time on the server to combat log when I have free gear lol, dont be so silly.
<23:27:27> "Vincent": Have a nice night
<23:28:03> "Vincent": In fact i have it recorded hold on
<23:28:10> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Ok
<23:28:46> "Vincent": It ends because of the crash, it doesnt show me disconencting, this could be checked in the logs to prove my innocence
<23:28:57> "Vincent": but i believe we have sorted this, as i said i have no reason to log off as a cop at all
<23:29:01> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Hope so
<23:29:02> "Vincent": if i was a fully armed rebel different story
<23:29:07> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": No
<23:29:11> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Same story
<23:29:16> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Combatlog is combatlog
<23:29:19> "Vincent": I said, i have no reason to as a cop
<23:29:22> "Vincent": read what im writing.
<23:29:31> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": I do, dont get hostile..
<23:29:39> "Vincent": Anyway, i can upload the video tomorrow if you really feel so strongly about it
<23:29:47> "Vincent": but for now im going off
<23:29:47> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Cops combatlog aswell you know
<23:29:52> "Vincent": Yes and i didnt.
<23:29:53> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": seen several do it
<23:29:53> "Vincent": End of.
<23:29:58> "Vincent": Godo bye
<23:30:00> "Vincent": good*
<23:30:21> "[bG] A Wild Omligon": Thought you were going to improve your behaviour?..
<23:30:30> "Vincent": I can do nothing more to convince you than upload the video tomorrow
<23:30:52> "Vincent": I am mate, what do you expect me to say, that i did something when I didn't im trying to explain and your just totally being acusational instead of trying to discuss it
<23:31:01> "Vincent": Im going, i have stuff to do, the video will be up tomorrow if you need it.
<23:31:06> "Vincent": Have a nice night o/.

<23:40:42> "[bG] Superhitmandan": i heard about that and had words with the guys involved
<23:41:36> "Vincent": Mhm
<23:41:43> "[bG] Superhitmandan": i do not appreciate you accusing us of being petty so how dare you accuse us of anything otherwise, you were the one who had the notion of reporting every cop you could, not me or the others
<23:42:24> "[bG] Superhitmandan": ill leave the choice of reporting to the guys who saw it. if you dont like it, argue it on the forum in the way you do
<23:42:31> "Vincent": I made 5 police complaints.
<23:42:33> "[bG] Superhitmandan": as for the conversation between you and me... that is over
<23:42:36> "Vincent": 4 of them got warnings  / kicked out
<23:43:25> "Vincent": As usual people take things the wrong way and act overly angry, and yes it is petty when someone rages for 15 minutes on an incident they have no proof on. On a person who is a cop and has no reason to combat log and someone who full well knows the rules and has reported people for combat logging before
<23:43:57> "Vincent": Your trying to get your gang to look better and the opposite is happening, your members troll the police / kavala, every time one of you gets arrested / killed you complain about something or other, then I try and talk to you decently and you rage out
<23:44:15> "Vincent": I have no interest in having contact with you or your gang, i only want to talk to people who can deal with things in a civilized manner
<23:44:18> "Vincent": anyway the video is up.
<23:44:39> "Vincent": Dailymotion being slow :p
<23:45:19> "Vincent": http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2l206g_game-crash-freeze_animals
<23:45:21> "Vincent": There you go.
<23:46:39> "Vincent": Shows that I did not escape and disconnect as you claim, the recording froze due to a crash and ends the moment the game closes due to it recording the target window.
<23:46:51> "Vincent": Bandicam does not record desktop, you can try it yourself.
<23:47:24> "Vincent": Have a nice night, and I didn't mean any offence, but what I said about your gang atm is the truth, you will probably try and report me due to that but I've been quite civilized.
<23:48:03> "Vincent": And also I want no further contact with BG, nor will be commenting on any of their reports against the police, as I said i actually supported your gang yesterday against SPC Ali and PCSO Mr holmes and spent an hour talking with them.
<23:48:20> "Vincent": Clearly it shows your and BG's true side is this is the way you talk to people who aid you.
<23:48:35> "Vincent": Good night, please dont contact me again as I want to play with out conflict and drama.


I try to explain to Omligon at the beginning that my graphics card (Catalyst Ati) Graphics card drivers crashed when I alt tab the game (it's a known arma 3 bug). He clearly wasn't happy with this and constantly threw acusations against me in an attempt to get me to admit to sometihng I did not do. I try to explain to him on several ocassions that my drivers crashed and even showed him this video:


Proving that I did not hit escape and disconnect. (You can check the logs to match up the times).

Now I tried to explain this to him several times and that I had to go away from the keyboard (after the crash) due to my dog waking up. However he would not accept my account of what happened and instead tries to provoke with comments like 'Cops combat log too you know, I thought you were trying to improve your behavior?....'. These are not constructive comments at all and he refuses to meet in any sort of middle ground.

I then contact Superhitmandan to try and resolve the matter, again as you can see from the logs he rages out at the slightest notion of me calling the whole thing petty, which it is (ill explain why in a bit), he swears, is abusive and again very non constructive / unprofessional, a little silly for a gang trying to improve their image.

In regards to the 'Combat Log' firstly why on earth would a Police officer after a HM treasury death risk combat logging, what benefit would it get me? I didn't spend a dime on my gear, the rebels aren't going to pick up my gear since the MK20C is considered one of the worst assault rifles and my fellow officers were rapidly moving in on the scene to engage. Why would I as a person risk getting banned again combat lobbing THIRTY seconds after I died (why would I take that long if I rage quit / combat logged) when actually i had the pure intention of waiting for a medic to arrive at the scene, I alt tabbed to look at my clock to check the time and I had 'Arma 3 has stopped responding' and the game instantly shut off with an error message popping up in my right hand side telling me that my ATI catalyst drivers had stopped working (I get this frequently on dayz as well). 

In regards to crashes it clearly states in the compensation that Game crashes cannot be refunded, this shows the fact that crashes are acknowledged as happening and sadly we cant control them. Sure it would have been more convenient for me to 'Combat log' when im being shot at earlier, or when I first see the man in the shed? .

Also lets get to the point where I say this type of hounding the police and gang reporting as absolutely sad petty and ridiculous. I was harrassed by THREE of their members on teamspeak about this incident, ethan, omligon and superhitmandan before I had to physically block all of them on teamspeak 3 to avoid drama , as I stated I want to play and just have fun. 

Instead of resolving this decently (I gave them the chance too on teamspeak) they refused and just got abusive, I may come across blunt but at no point was I offensive.

I similar incident occured yesterday when SPC Ali (at kavala drug dealer) apparently didn't value his life. BG kicked up a massive storm about it and were demanding to talk to higher ups, made a report, got many people sucked into it only in the end to tell them their report was absolute and utter nonsense and nothing came of it. This also comes from a gang whos newest members specifically spend their time hounding officers in kavala, trolling them for most of today, hacking our cameras, trolling our cars, genreally being loud and annoying and then they crow about the tiniest thing going wrong? .

To be frank, and even if I get in trouble for this im just speaking my mind which im entitled to do, BG and the other rebel gangs who do nothing but moan. Play the damn game and stop harrassing hardworking, decent players like myself who spend their free time to police and make the server a better place for everyone.

Thats all I have to say and I have given all the proof I can, Crashes happen to everyone and I've seen many incidents of it happening. I have given my proof, my statement and thats all I can do and I'm really disappointed in the fact you could not have the maturity to solve it decently over TS.

sorry to say this... but i never swore or raged out at you, i blocked you before i got to that stage...

you call me and BG petty when if memory serves, when you were banned with almost no hope of return to altislife servers many gang members, myself included stuck by and defended you giving reasons why you should have a second chance.... because that shows just how petty we are yes?... your audacity to call us petty when your response is the way you talk to us then saying in your response to the report

"I similar incident occured yesterday when SPC Ali (at kavala drug dealer) apparently didn't value his life. BG kicked up a massive storm about it and were demanding to talk to higher ups, made a report, got many people sucked into it only in the end to tell them their report was absolute and utter nonsense and nothing came of it. This also comes from a gang whos newest members specifically spend their time hounding officers in kavala, trolling them for most of today, hacking our cameras, trolling our cars, genreally being loud and annoying and then they crow about the tiniest thing going wrong? .

To be frank, and even if I get in trouble for this im just speaking my mind which im entitled to do, BG and the other rebel gangs who do nothing but moan. Play the damn game and stop harrassing hardworking, decent players like myself who spend their free time to police and make the server a better place for everyone."

quite frankly angers me due to how this report would have never happened if you hadnt come at me and the others with both barrels the way you did.

Admins, i think you should take into account that vincents accusing myself especially of hounding him about the incident is not true. he may have decided to cut out half the conversation he and i had, but i screenshot it from the point before i blocked him and it is what you see in the original post, and im sure you can quite clearly see and check message logs that he messaged me first, all this proves is his attitude stinks to high heavan and he has a thing for telling white lies.

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Im not even going to spend the effort retortingto your flame / attempts to make yourself look like the bigger man. The way which your posting here shows that I am totally right, you know full well I tried to solve it on TS , provided evidence, and you gain nothing from filing this report other than trying to get someone banned.

Waiting for admin to decide based on the Actual Evidence   provided in regards to the combat logging, please consider what im saying in terms of why on earth an officer on his last warning would do such a silly needless rule break where he gains nothing and the fact my video shows me not using escape to disconnect (you can match up the video NLR timer to my last disconenct on the server to prove it's not cut off at the end).

I would also say yes I may be coming off blunt but you know what I think it needs to be done sometime, because I am sick and tired of trying to play a game I really enjoy in a community I love, having no commendation for any good actions (which is fine, I do my work for the people of the server) but then get reported by a gang for the slightest hick - up after providing evidence, trying to have a TS conversation and a gang I fully supported / was friends with until today.


Awaiting Admin Reply - Requesting no other players flame / post on the topic, please read the Sub forum rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

Therefore I only want to hear from Myself, Vixxy and the admins, other BG members have no reason to post here as you can provide no further actual evidence for the 'Combat logging'.



That is what combat logging is.

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fortunately you gave me permission to enter my perspective as you decided to smear my name in this report also..

if the admins decide on as you call it "actual evidence" then i have no doubt that it wont end well for you... all your video shows is that it stops as you disconnect, you could have easily pressed alt+f4 from that point to quit the game. the video provided against you shows that you died, and less than a minute later you disconnect along with your video that shows you had over a minute 30 seconds until respawn was available.

as for the rest. it does not show your trying to resolve it. just have a go when asked about why you combat logged.. and both my self and omligon expressing your hostile attitude

as for the majority of the conversation that we had which was started by you, here is the link: ttp://s15.postimg.o...itmap_Image.png for the admins, maybe you should ask why vincent felt he needed to say that i hounded him and leave most of our conversation out which did not benefit him in this report?

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fortunately you gave me permission to enter my perspective as you decided to smear my name in this report also..

if the admins decide on as you call it "actual evidence" then i have no doubt that it wont end well for you... all your video shows is that it stops as you disconnect, you could have easily pressed alt+f4 from that point to quit the game. the video provided against you shows that you died, and less than a minute later you disconnect along with your video that shows you had over a minute 30 seconds until respawn was available.

as for the rest. it does not show your trying to resolve it. just have a go when asked about why you combat logged.. and both my self and omligon expressing your hostile attitude

as for the majority of the conversation that we had which was started by you, here is the link: ttp://s15.postimg.o...itmap_Image.png for the admins, maybe you should ask why vincent felt he needed to say that i hounded him and leave most of our conversation out which did not benefit him in this report?
Your posts right now are hounding ;)

Also yes the video stops, I could have alt-f4'ed, I also could have crashed? but that doesn't interest you does it.  Also again, you need to reconsider what a hostile attitude is and perhaps look at yourself.

Now im going to ask again, stop responding to my report as you are not the reporter or the player being reported and you really have nothing else to do with it. Thank you :)

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As a note: I have dropped from the Police for good, I don't want to deal with anymore of ^^^^^^^^^^^ This sort of drama anymore and think I would get alot less stress, get less frustrated and angry if I just stay as Civ, I can't deal with being in the force anymore and having to deal with such issues / people.

I'll just leave this here for one of the admins that does reports:

"I will unban you for your final chance. If I hear of one complaint (with evidence) of any of the same passive aggressive tone or toxic behavior you have displayed here on our servers you will be removed."

My final message to him on his previous appeal.

Hi All,

As the poster of this topic I will not be responding to this topic unless requested by an Admin, or another member of staff, I have expressed my feelings of why I reported you Vinc3nt, and I have no reason to start an argument on this post, forum, or website for that matter, this will be my first and only reply, Let's just leave it to the Admins now.

Thanks, Vixxy :)

BG moan about everything, if they win or loose they will always moan about something.
1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.

4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.

I'll just leave this here for one of the admins that does reports:

"I will unban you for your final chance. If I hear of one complaint (with evidence) of any of the same passive aggressive tone or toxic behavior you have displayed here on our servers you will be removed."

My final message to him on his previous appeal.
Lets keep the topic relevant to the actual request of Combat logging and not throw opinions  / irrelevant things into it please. We are here because it's believed I combat logged and nothing more, I'm not happy for people to post their 'opinions', the forum sub rules are there for everyone and if you don't have evidence for the Combat logging (too everyone) then please refrain from posting as Stealthee said :)

Last post as my part, too me there really is little evidence on me Combat logging 36 seconds after death, as a cop with free gear, with a video and log (if checked) proving the end of the video is when I d / c. If need be I can even record myself hitting alt f4 in game since it doesn't work for me but I think that would be a waste of everyones time. I have no wish to be banned and certainly wouldn't risk my time on the server combat logging for sake of a gang like BG. :)

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Lets keep the topic relevant to the actual request of Combat logging and not throw opinions  / irrelevant things into it please. We are here because it's believed I combat logged and nothing more, I'm not happy for people to post their 'opinions', the forum sub rules are there for everyone and if you don't have evidence for the Combat logging (too everyone) then please refrain from posting as Stealthee said :)
Unfortunately for you my opinion as an admin is one of the ones that counts. I was very hesitant to unban you last time and with this statement above and the way you cannot seem to change in conducting yourself I am community banning you for a rule 1D violation.

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