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VDMER - Lost 2m+, Video evidence.

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Active member
In-game name:

Miguel Martinez

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):


What was lost: 

2m worth of cocaine, Guile suit x2 (We both had one), MX x2 (We both had one), 18 mags of ammunition for MX (Our combined mags you can see I had 13 the video.), Tactical vest x2 (Our combined vests), 

Value of item/money lost:

2 hempt trucks 1 with 700 wieght full the other with 800 weight full of cocaine = 2m+, Guile suit x2 = 100k, MX x2 = 300k, 18 mags of ammunition = 18k, Tactical vest x2 = 25k.  2m+100k+300k+37k+25k = £2,443,000+  

I don't know the exact calculations for those trucks but i know it's around 2m so can somebody calculate it you can see the amount in the video we had.

Quick description of what happened:

The player Matt VDM'd us both with full trucks of cocaine at the cocaine farm and blew both the trucks up and all of the gear we had also Matt meta gamed because we robbed him earlier at the cocaine farm and he came back straight away in a chopper. You can see everything listed above in the following video. P.S please ban this player.


Forgot to add the cost of both those trucks that we lost one is £400,000 and the other is £550,000 so it actually totals to 3m+.

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If you report him I can back you up with some footage.

----edit by neo----

sorry my permissions are screwed so need to edit this guys post (sorry).

you can only hold 8 is due to bag size afaik, and I think he should comp you himself. I'm hoping its pilot error....

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Hey guys its matt.

Yes these guys had robbed and killed me earlier at the field i came back later to get my orca hoping they hadnt taken it. Saw it was still at the top of the hill where id parked it originally so i tried to make a quick landing just above the trucks at my heli in the hope to jump in and take off in it since i know orcas can resist quite a bit of bullets before the windows go. Anyway i came in to hard and had no time to pull up was my error sorry about that.

I dont mind compensating for all the gear you guys lost but i cant compensate the drugs since none of it was processed or anything like that plus the trucks are most likely permanent so i doubt you actually lost those.

One more thing everyone is to quick to try and get people banned its pretty sad.Dont forget all that meta gaming u guys were doing.

Sorry again matt

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Doesnt matter how he got it, new rules state you cant use it. But since it's only implemented recently I'd say thats not worth a ban, though he should put it in his safes at his house untill the rule either changed or gets dropped in the 5.0 update =)

Alright, I can see why they don't want us looting dead cops. but killing possible ways to rp is pretty lame...

I wasn't aware of the new rule and will get rid of the vest, I paid for that vest at the Rebel Weapons shop. The question I want to ask though is are we going to get compensated or not? The amount of time wasted farming all that and Matt says he won't compensate that due to it not being processed? Sorry but that's just bullsh*t. 

Also his claim is completely stupid, he said he wanted to quickly land out of his chopper to get into his other chopper and fly away? He'd still be leaving one of his choppers in the area! So why would you do this? When we robbed him earlier he sounded quite annoyed and the fact that he flew right back there intending to get his chopper is meta gaming since how would he in his NEW LIFE know that his chopper from a previous life was there?

Also how were we meta gaming? Everything said in this video was said in our own private Teamspeak server and none of it was said in game. I even stated that we couldn't text Matt in game because in roleplay we didn't know who it was in the chopper so we would of had to pretend it was a stranger?

Sorry if i sound rude but this is quite frustrating for me to even think that we might not get compensated for someone clearly VDMing.

Drugs is rarely compensated for due to the fact that no one knows if u were to complete the run or not, just go trough the other compensation requests with drug in them. The trucks will be in you'r garage after a server restart, witch is once every 4 hour. 

So the only compensation here is for your gear.

If you bought the west at an NPC its probably not an police west?

Drugs is rarely compensated for due to the fact that no one knows if u were to complete the run or not, just go trough the other compensation requests with drug in them. The trucks will be in you'r garage after a server restart, witch is once every 4 hour. 

So the only compensation here is for your gear.

If you bought the west at an NPC its probably not an police west?
Well then it's not a police vest I haven't played police much so I didn't know the difference but that guy said it was so I just went along with it. I know for a fact i purchased that at the Black Market Weapons Island for 12,500

Hey guys its matt.

(1)Yes these guys had robbed and killed me earlier at the field i came back later to get my orca hoping they hadnt taken it. Saw it was still at the top of the hill where id parked it originally so i tried to make a quick landing just above the trucks at my heli in the hope to jump in and take off in it since i know orcas can resist quite a bit of bullets before the windows go. Anyway i came in to hard and had no time to pull up was my error sorry about that.

(2)I dont mind compensating for all the gear you guys lost but i cant compensate the drugs since none of it was processed or anything like that plus the trucks are most likely permanent so i doubt you actually lost those.

(3)One more thing everyone is to quick to try and get people banned its pretty sad.Dont forget all that meta gaming u guys were doing.
Koozie(1) What are you talking about Matt? Nobody lands by nosediving into the floor and it so happened to be on our trucks not only that why would you try to land next to us when you can land on the hill that was far away from us to go get your orca?

Koozie(2) Sorry Matt that won't work for us since we were there ages collecting it and it was going to be processed so no I would like what I was going to get out of it thanks.

Koozie(3) Sorry to say this but people only really try to get people banned when they don't go by the server rules, if you look around the towns at billboards it clearly states that a VDM (which is what you did to the BOTH of us) = BAN and an RDM also = BAN sooo yeah that is why we want you to be banned, you know since we have full proof.

Ohh and about this meta gaming you said we did is bull crap, DuGz even said in the video that we don't know who you are because we both don't know your name since we didn't ask you the first time so we actually role play and stick by the rules to get good gear not just VDM and pick there stuff up which is probably what you do.

Just too note .you won't get compensation for the coke because there is no saying you would of sold it successfully.or even processed it in that matter . EDIT: Didn't see grannez post :p . My bad .

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Just too note .you won't get compensation for the coke because there is no saying you would of sold it successfully.or even processed it in that matter .
I'd like confirmation of that from a mod/admin and if that's the case then fair enough was can't do anything about that but this player still deserves a ban. Also by that logic shouldn't we get compensated 2 trucks full of unprocessed then? Not sure if that's even possible just saying.

Also you guys saying that you can't get money back from unprocessed cocaine what about this post:       

He had a similar issue and has had his request approved.

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Also you guys saying that you can't get money back from unprocessed cocaine what about this post:     

He had a similar issue and has had his request approved.
How is a server restart made by admins similar to someone VDM'ing you at the cocaine field?

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How is a server restart made by admins similar to someone VDM'ing you at the cocaine field?
No you're taking that post completely wrong, I meant it was similar because that person got his UNPROCESSED cocaine compensated for and he didn't even post any evidence to prove he had it! So I should receive the same treatment otherwise it's not really a fair judgement is it? Since that person could of not sold his too but got it compensated.

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