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Killerrabit ba Ned me because of vdm. He restraint 3 friends of me, and got killed ten, my friends weer stil rest ra int, ten they asked me tot run hem over because they weer rest ra int. So i did liks they asked. Ten killerrabit came came and banned me

i guess the only way to get unbanned is if your friends agrees on your story

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Those Guys were ingame friends as i do not have any friends. Hoe can i find them. The admin can look up eBay was written right

What a ludicrous thread. Let me see if I can unravel what you're trying to say:

KR restrains your alleged friends.

Your alleged friends ask to be RUN OVER in order to escape jail (but why? This is madness - you know we don't automatically revoke rebel membership in jail here, right?)

You then oblige and kill these idiots, and get banned for VDM.

Sounds like a fair deal to me. You were VDM, even if you had the 'permission' of your so-called friends. For a start, it's a pretty 'non-serious' thing for them to ask for, in terms of roleplay. There's also the question - did you kill anyone else, or the cops involved? And did you give the cops (or anyone nearby) that you were about to run them over if they didn't free your alleged friends?

If you can't get the 'friends' to corroborate your story, you'll have trouble convincing anyone that this wasn't just a lunatic VDM action without any attempt to RP a way out for them. Even if they do say this is true, you're still going to have to face that it was a lame, stupid thing to RP, and not at all realistic or believeable, really.

KillerRabbit made the ban, so it will be his call in the end - but I for one would be letting you sweat it out until I heard something from you that showed you understood what a totally FUCKTARD sort of thing it was that you did.

Yes it was a stupid thing to do of me, but when kr restraint my altisfriends, kr got killed. And then my "friends" stoof there, 3 of them, they were begging me to kill them, drive over them so they could be free again, after i did it, how stupid it is i know, kr came back to the same place like in 5 min. He told me if i ran them over, if i wanted it i would have already fled the scene. So kr came and banned me.

Its more than a week now? I told you that it was a stupid mistake of me listening to ingame friends. Will i ever be unbanned?

I am going to make the decision here.

Just based on your thread I cannot find where any serious roleplay is going to come from (this is what we are about here)

Ban requested denied.

If you are to learn anything from this... do not do what other people say!, There are plenty of servers online that will put up with VDMing so i suggest you join one of them.

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