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VDM Strupled (Rejected)

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I was in a truck, meeting my friend (after almost being RDM'd) on our way to Piers kitchen to sell some frogs legs. Their was a lot of armed men at the place, so we decided to wait around. We then decide something else and I go to put my vehicle in my garage until the men leave. 

As I turn, a red Jeep appears telling me to "Get out of the car", I do not (which is where I am lead to question whether it is or is not VDM, although I thought you just were not allowed under any circumstances) I don't think I need to explain what you clearly see. 

I couldn't find him on TS3 and couldn't message him on Altis Life because he was then offline. He is the only name tag I got, so I would only like to report him unless the others come forward (which I highly doubt).

That is the evidence. Thanks guys, appreciate the time taken to deal with this. 

I forgot to mention, this happened on server 2. Seen it in another report, sorry not mentioning it. Reply if there is any other information I left out. (Time and date in video title)

As i see it u turned into his veichle.. He was next to u and u turned right and hit him

Edit: I was the 1 shouting "Get out of the car," and we didn't go offline... We were online for atleast 1 hour more than that. 

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