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Using turf to avoid police encounters.

Jeremy / Jenson

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Northern Light
Ever since joining the LSPD, I've always found it to be a strange concept that; when a gang member is being chased by the police. Be it a traffic stop, FTS, Other criminal activity. They will nine times out of ten take the pursuit back to turf which just baffles me. If this was a genuine occurrence in real life, i don't imagine the head of any OCG is going to be best pleased that you've bought the police right to the very heart of your criminal enterprise.
As im sure plenty people will say "its just a game" I agree fully.. But i think it ties slightly into the common sense rule?. Not only does this discourage RP, it can genuinely destroy the motivation of the police. personally i cant see the benefit of doing this other than to avoid arrest and keep your inventory, maybe im wrong?
People go where they feel safest, nothing more to it really. It’s the same reason Police use secure floors in Pillbox, or that G6 have a staff infirmary in the prison etc… reduces any chance of someone escaping or being in danger, just like someone fleeing to their turf reduces their chance of arrest.
I don’t really see a problem with it honestly.
Its obviously so they can get help from other family or friends against the police, just like the police would do if they were near mrpd or the likes and were getting chased or harassed.

I do agree with what you're saying in terms of real life and as a leader of an organisation i try to avoid taking police to the place we call our turf, for the reasons you stated but can understand why some people do it.
Police have every possible tool at their fingertips yet you limit the rp to a pursuit.
From the moment of a stop or chase you are able to identify and know exactly what you're getting yourself into from that moment now in a real life situation you should be making very quick risk assessments.

I wouldn't deem it unrealisitc for people to retreat to their "turf" nor would I imagine the leader getting annoyed about cops pulled into the turf if anything most gangs have the general protection around them against police at their turf, hence why cops don't drive around gang related areas casually without reason.

I've been told by a couple different staff members that MRPD should be treated as a fulled manned station at all times regardless how many actual cops are in there. These staff have also said the rule works the same in reverse, police should treat gang related areas as fully manned regardless how many are actually awake. Every local, every window, every car could be involved in that group considering they live in the area.

Back to my first paragraph use the resources you have at hand to gain the advantage, being part of the police is often about the long game of building up evidence.
I'll be honest as a cop main right now I don't 100% agree with this, we have a lot of assets as police that we can get called in and authorised and what not, the whitelisted gangs have their turfs and if they chose to run back to their turf (as long as they aren't baiting a shootout ;) ) then I don't really see an issue with it, there's other ways we can go about it if they do run to turf.
It makes sense for gang members to go back to their gang and regroup when being chased by police.

What is it that you’re even suggesting here?
Make it a rule where gang members can’t return to their turf when in a police chase?

I can see the point you’re all trying to get at. However what I’m trying to say is that when a gang member returns to turf, to me it seems to be done when members just can’t be arsed to deal with the police. I’m not saying there aren’t instances where returning to turf aren’t acceptable. I’m simply trying to get some boundaries set in place to prevent people using this tactic purely to just take the piss, E.g your seen speeding through town at 100mph running red lights, an officer sees this and wants to rightfully pull you over, you then take this to be a chase straight off of the bat, when all the officers is looking for at that time is to pull you over for a chat and maybe a 5k fine. Context is key of course (banned license) etc. I would like to try and find some middle ground where members aren’t just returning to turf to cut the rp off prematurely.
I can see the point you’re all trying to get at. However what I’m trying to say is that when a gang member returns to turf, to me it seems to be done when members just can’t be arsed to deal with the police. I’m not saying there aren’t instances where returning to turf aren’t acceptable. I’m simply trying to get some boundaries set in place to prevent people using this tactic purely to just take the piss, E.g your seen speeding through town at 100mph running red lights, an officer sees this and wants to rightfully pull you over, you then take this to be a chase straight off of the bat, when all the officers is looking for at that time is to pull you over for a chat and maybe a 5k fine. Context is key of course (banned license) etc. I would like to try and find some middle ground where members aren’t just returning to turf to cut the rp off prematurely.
Truth is everybody speeds through town unless they see the cop before hand.
Realisitcly aswell I'd rather run than get points on my license or car. Points do more damage than losing a gun in my opinion.
Police have every possible tool at their fingertips yet you limit the rp to a pursuit.
From the moment of a stop or chase you are able to identify and know exactly what you're getting yourself into from that moment now in a real life situation you should be making very quick risk assessments.

I wouldn't deem it unrealisitc for people to retreat to their "turf" nor would I imagine the leader getting annoyed about cops pulled into the turf if anything most gangs have the general protection around them against police at their turf, hence why cops don't drive around gang related areas casually without reason.

I've been told by a couple different staff members that MRPD should be treated as a fulled manned station at all times regardless how many actual cops are in there. These staff have also said the rule works the same in reverse, police should treat gang related areas as fully manned regardless how many are actually awake. Every local, every window, every car could be involved in that group considering they live in the area.

Back to my first paragraph use the resources you have at hand to gain the advantage, being part of the police is often about the long game of building up evidence.
We have a written rule that states the fact, Gang turfs are not considered fully manned. There has been suggestions and talks about having this as a rule or with some modifications, but police have not been told that it works in reverse.
We have a written rule that states the fact, Gang turfs are not considered fully manned. There has been suggestions and talks about having this as a rule or with some modifications, but police have not been told that it works in reverse.
i(as a staff person) have also not heard of gang turfs being "fully manned", though i do see the thought behind it

-1 to suggestion, if crims go to their turfs and you decide to continue your chase it's on you
I wouldn’t continue with the chase tho, that’s my point. to me it’s an rp killer
other people would, and it's not always a RP killer, i have had my fair share of encounters with gangs being somewhat chill when you just explain to them why the chase happened initially.

though obviously, depends on crim/gang and their recent experiences with police