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Update Tweedle & Bascally the entire phone

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Active member
los santos
Ok so tweedle, let's admit it, it's kind of a pain. You can't tweet pictures with a caption and its not really great looking. When you get a reply sometimes it's hard to find as it just gets lost in the messages. Also with multiple characters sometimes you end up tweeting from the wrong character account so a delete option would be nice. Maybe have it so it can save accounts and you just select which account to post from when you log on the server. 

*I suggest we update the app so we can add captions to pictures.
*An area so we can see our replies.
*An area to see our profile and our own tweets. 

Easer to negotiate
Be able to delete tweets


Also the phone in general needs just a refresh. The notes app has never worked during my entire time on the server. We need more things to do on the phone like little moblie games. Maybe our own life invader profiles. Thats everything i can think of right now. 


I agree, the phone UI overall feels a bit rough around the edges for something that is an integral part of the server, I've made and seen a lot of phone based suggestions and I defo wouldn't mind a phone overhaul that incorporates a lot these options.

I agree, the phone UI overall feels a bit rough around the edges for something that is an integral part of the server, I've made and seen a lot of phone based suggestions and I defo wouldn't mind a phone overhaul that incorporates a lot these options.
it kinda feels like a kiddie phone overall, but thats what i think personally. It doesn't look like somethink i would buy irl. I've seen so many great phones around but ours does feel a little bare. 

Just saw, perfect example of what i was trying to say. It keeps the phone to a min while doing other actions

np phone.PNG

The notes app has never worked during my entire time on the server.
It doesn't work if you have mouse control enabled.

Also with multiple characters sometimes you end up tweeting from the wrong character account so a delete option would be nice. Maybe have it so it can save accounts and you just select which account to post from when you log on the server.
An alternative to this could be saving tweedle accounts per character (so when you switch to a character it would use the last tweedle account you logged into on that character)

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I would love to see the notes app working, gives a place as a cop to take quick notes of important things 👍

I would love to see the notes app working, gives a place as a cop to take quick notes of important things 👍
Like I said, it works fine if you turn off mouse control

I'm late to this suggestion but a few phone updates would be great, 1+  

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