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Update [Server]: 26+27/Jun/2014

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Dev Team
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Vinewood Casino Management Office
Bunch of changes over the last couple of days, but no great big deals, sadly. A lot of work spent on making the new 'twin-server' system work properly and smoothly on our new dedicated server.

However, the cops have got a couple of new weapons to match what the rebels have, plus a new scope. The fifty-cal (GM6 Lynx) is back for the most-senior officers only under strict rules of engagement. The rest of the plod have been given black versions of their weapons rather than the desert camo versions, where available. I've also given them some flashlights so they can become more obvious targets in the dark (they asked for them... go figure?)

The cops also have a new helicopter... which is armed. Again, strict rules involved in its use and deployment, and absolutely NO firing allowed on ground-objects, people or vehicles... but it is there to assist with the aeronautical problems the cops have been having. Advice to flying perps: if yelled at or cellphoned to land, probably best to comply, or your chopper *may* be in bits soon enough!

The cop offroads are back! Still seem to have a problem with their light-bars in some cases, but that makes no difference to how they drive! Expect a little bit more competition if taking to the dirt to escape those exploding SUVs now... the 4-wheel boys are on your tail!

Anticheat/Admin-tools... whilst Wilco is away, I have enlisted the help of several trusted fellows to assist with admin duties; perhaps even for the long-haul if Wilco agrees. CC Dave, CSI Mitch represent the cop-admins (along with Killerabbit and myself who've been cop-admins for a long time), meanwhile Gregory and General Cardoso represent the civilian population (along with Wilco usually, when he's here). We may add more admins in due course, but please don't ask or nominate... we enrol admins purely on the basis of one-to-one trust and past experience.

It's worth mentioning that all these admins now have the power to spectate, kick or even temporary ban people, as well as answer questions via the cellphone system, teleport, spawn money for compensation purposes, and a few other interesting tricks that will remain safely in the box unless you are naughty. Don't make them take them out, because if you experience them, it probably means you're going on holiday too. :(

But have fun and enjoy. Oh - almost forgot - I fixed the missing ammunition for the ACP2 45 handgun which Wilco missed in his recent update of weapons and vehicles. Thanks to the reporters who brought this to my attention. Still loads more things to sort out (such as the civilian Mohawk not being buyable at 6million, for reasons I don't yet know), but we're on the right road.

See you soon...

It wont be landing dont you worry. 

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ OFFROADSヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ADMINSヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 






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ASCII art? WTF? That is *sooo* 1982, Rob.


It will if the tail rotor fails... :)
In all honesty if im the pilot of a ghost hawk and its tail rotor gets shot out, which is extremely unlikely as that thing is armored to hell, but if it did, I would not, I repeat not attempt to allow that to land in one peace (Dont hurt me Foxhound)...Plus good luck lighting up its Four man crew rofl

Either way we wouldn't be lighting up just any helis, stuff that we know are in direct link to extreme drug deals (E.g. cops engage someone At coke fields and CG isn't available fast enough, they escape with 3 Mohawks full of cocaine we may be called out to it.

At the end of the day we haven't even received training for this monster yet and will be extremely constricted, it is a military heli so seeing it in action would most likely be a rare ocerance (As stuff like a Hellcat with thermals is more helpful then a Armed Ghost hawk for ground troops that is)

This is all speculation really, like I said nothing is really set in stone as we haven't went through full training yet.

"and a few other interesting tricks that will remain safely in the box unless you are naughty."
 Lightning bolts? taking control of their character? magic missile?

"and a few other interesting tricks that will remain safely in the box unless you are naughty."
 Lightning bolts? taking control of their character? magic missile?
They strip you naked and send you to Stratis. :ph34r:

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For Cardoso
——–Puff… Puff & Pass!——————

For Ed
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This is the 80's!

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