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Unfair responses

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Eduard Just

New member
Good Morning!

I feel like some of the responses given to the appeals recently to my friend (Ollie Just) are extremely unfair. This is as he has wrote a detailed response and only recieved a line response. This is also as in the previous appeal which he had a six month cooldown it was mentioned many times for him to appeal if wanted in October. This guy has been waiting ever since for October to come by just so he can come back on the server however instantly gets shut down. I think you guys should rethink your choice and maybe give him another chance as not only he has been waiting we also have been waiting for him. This guy has brought so many people within the RPUK server and has only done good RP many times stating that he only wants good for this server. Please give him another chance or at least give him a good reason for the decline (tried to paste the link to his appeal however it didn’t work)
This isn't a TeamSpeak suggestion huh
Good morning,

Are you his guardian? Surely he's old enough to speak for himself, no?

Clearly he isn't welcome in this community, sometimes the answer is a simple 'no'.
He has made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
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