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Matt Hardy

Active member
Can I be unbanned please because, detained for no reason minding my own business. Another person on the Direct Communication shouting he was going to rob a bank. I began to ride off when the other person jumped on the quad and I was tasered several times by Crazykiller. He then decided he wanted to give me a 50k fine for minding my own business. I explained I didnt have that amount of money in my account so he decided he was going to send me to jail. I told him I was logging off because I felt it was unfair.

I came back after 10 mins spoke with another officer and explained the situation then banned

If anything was bad was said I apologise in advance, it wasnt directed at the person in general it was some uber gaming banter

you have just freaking proven the ban, you logged off for "meta" reasons. i have been killed, arrested, banned for things that haven't been me but that's something that happens, in game and out of it. False accusations and charges are a real problem, but you wouldn't kill your self for it + your jail time is only 15 mins, go watch a round of countdown and make a cuppa...

But the ban wouldnt have happened if the guy who banned didnt detain me in the first place! I was detained for no reason! I had someone who came to the house I had to speak to. 

Crazy killer didnt take me to jail straight away he was just sat in the car with me in it doing nothing then decided to take some safari tour around the island! I asked what he was doing and he never replied

I will post footage now of exactly what happend, I was just on my way out of the bank transporting one of the robbers when these two come up. I gave them a 50k ticket for resisting arrest and threatening to rob the bank this was at my discretion, I then got verbally abused by this 'Chav wannabe' and it didn't finish with him getting banned for combat logging he also decided to carry on, on teamspeak calling me a 'Fat prick with no life who sits on his ass playing arma all day' and an 'Thick autistic prick who thinks he is a real copper when it's just a game' - Solid Roleplay just the kind of person we want a roleplay server, I have dealt with trolls like this before and saw it coming a mile away that he was going to combat log so I decided to head up to Syrta because I wanted to get him into prison as soon as possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvVu0O-AAPk&feature=youtu.be

lol ^ So you continue to call me a chav? I think you need to head back to school to the english spelling/grammar department! That post is a grade U

Im not a troll and never been one and I certainly didn't come on the server to troll you! Considering how big the map is and when that robbery took place I was in Atheria so how could I predict to plan a troll on you not knowing you was there. You dont make sense! The guy who said he was going to rob the bank jumped on as I was leaving I didnt even say a word to you before you started throwing your weight around.

I'll repeat again you're a little keyboard warrior whos 18 and wishes to be in the army, tbh I dont think going around telling people this


will get you far in the army.

My grammar is a lot better than yours, and what makes me a keyboard warrior exactly? I am debating my point, you're the one threatening me asking me where I live hahaha grow up 'u' pathetic boy 

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Also by accident I deleted the teamspeak chat log, your discrimination against people with autism is digusting. 

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My grammar is a lot better than yours, and what makes me a keyboard warrior exactly? I am debating my point, your the one threatening me asking me where I live hahaha grow up 'u' pathetic boy 
Out of curiosity I wondered where your accent was from!

Whats funny is that you're making things up as you go along trying to make me out to be the mug

Wilco - Now you see what I am talking about?


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Dare you to post the entire chat, I have been waiting for you to hop on teamspeak so I can get the chat log up for myself you are a vile human being 

Digging a hole? I have been playing this server for months I get on with every single person people see this and think your a mug 

At what point have I stated or gave you the impression im a yank?

Btw thanks for helping me bump my post numbers up ;)

Btw what did you record that video on - A toaster?

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The evidence is still conclusive, you show no intrest in roleplay or the rules of the server 

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