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No unban requests are dealt with on teamspeak, We have a forum here to record them and make a decision.

Now in regards to your unban i came up onto the hospital roof and you shot someone in front me with no roleplay whatsoever in Kavala (greenzone).

The server rule broken here is RDM, can you please explain why you did this ?

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Yes indeed Knut Egil, we were on the hospital roof and out of nowhere Tyler and Fish got RDM' d, then [AG] encroached upon the hospital roof and shot me from the white office buildings in the middle of the city, however, happygamer ran up the hospital as a fresh spawn, picked up a gun from my RDM' d teammate and then shot me in the back, in regards to me taking down some [AG] , well you took the first 2 lethal shots on my teammates.

but yeah, you only show screenshots / video' s that benefit yourself, like in all reports you only show the worst of the situation. ( and i' m not saying its only you that does that ;) )

Lets not mention the earlier RDM at the drugs processor island that happened on Runningsheep who was an innocent bystander, yet got RDM' d by you and your =BAD= allies because you had ' intel '  that he was with us... we simply didn' t rob him because thats not why we were there and offered to help him get too a city too sell his drugs in our ifrit, then he drives past the checkpoint and BAM dead. 

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I was with my fellow AG members in a war with RAC we come into contact with them at cocaine processing, we killed a couple of them completely role played, then we were chasing them and it ended up in kavala 2 of their guys got killed, they was seen in kavala saying come down AG, we didnt listen because we was in a war, i was on an office roof then i killed 1 person then moved because someone came up the ladders and i moved and fell down the hole and died. i spawned back in kavala then ran to the hospital the enemy was on the roof he said can you get off i ignored him i found a vermin on the roof so i picked it up i was going to hold him up then he shot my team mate so i shot him end of story im not writing anymore!!!!!!!!!!

Yes indeed Knut Egil, we were on the hospital roof and out of nowhere Tyler and Fish got RDM' d, then [AG] encroached upon the hospital roof and shot me from the white office buildings in the middle of the city, however, happygamer ran up the hospital as a fresh spawn, picked up a gun from my RDM' d teammate and then shot me in the back, in regards to me taking down some [AG] , well you took the first 2 lethal shots on my teammates.

but yeah, you only show screenshots / video' s that benefit yourself, like in all reports you only show the worst of the situation. ( and i' m not saying its only you that does that ;) )
20mins ago tyler wasnt on the roof accordingto you guys in side. I enterd the hospital roof and got shot on without any roleplay at all by you and tyler. So I killed tyler and then you killed me. 

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 i was on an office roof then i killed 1 person then moved because someone came up the ladders and i moved and fell down the hole and died. i spawned back in kavala then ran to the hospital
Yes you ( [AG] as a gang ) RDM' d [RAC]Fish, then you died, ' respawned back in Kavala'  hey thats breaking the NLR since the roof you died on is 300M from hospital... you picked up a gun as a fresh spawn and shot me in the back, i killed your teammate on the roof since you made the first lethal shots and he was slowly crouching towards me with the intention too kill me... dont try and change the facts

May I add ' we chased them too Kavala'  we went too Athira first in a chopper I don' t see how you chased us anywhere ^^

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theres no facts mate there was role play im apart of a group they was role playing  so what ever they do i will follow they said engage so we engaged after the role play, im not wasting anymore of my time writing essays on this just Wilco can me and you talk and i want a clean answer yes or no (unban)

You need to look at the scenario of RP... you say there was no RP but we had been in a war since the coke processing and happy was returning fire with fire.. Oscar was shot and avenged by happy. retaliation in the middle of war is the most natural RP... was we supposed to walk away and let this guy keep shooting at us ? .. then happy would of been dead also.  scenario role play does not always involve vocal contact . how many times has someone been shot at and returned fire without speaking. this ban was very harsh .

I'll take it on me to write the essay then, since the fight started with me in Kavala.

Not long after we log on the server our scout reported taking shots over cocain proccessing, when I get over there I take up high ground with my ifrit and relay RACs movement to our team that is setting up and ambush.

The ambush is pulled off without casualties and we take the drugs to Agios where we are scrapping the truck and bringing the drugs in our backpacks back to Kavala.

At the time of the truck being scrapped I, along with 3 others, is scouting out Kavala in my ifrit. We run into CnC witch is wrecking havoc but as we are on friendly terms with them we decided to only exchange friendly words before continuing with the objective.

After the all-clear I drive out of Kavala heading towards Agios when we see a Helicopter land not far from us, then take off again after a few seconds.

I make a small detour to check if any snipers got out getting ready to ambush us and as I approached the hill we come under immidiate fire. No roleplaying was done by the attackers witch was two members of RAC.

I deploy 2 units downhill aiming up, then myself and Prophet drive between the attackers to get their numbers, we take position behind them but manage to loose them in some manouvering.

The drugs arrive while we are still looking for the missing attackers, this is when the fight breaks out in Kavala. (the hill we fought on initially was 600m from the hospital outside Kavala).

At this point I hold position on that hill incase the missing RAC members show up, but I learn after 10min of searching they had moved in to the city where hell broke loose. As people start dropping I only kept track of initial deaths while I tried to track RAC members, several people died more than once but I have no numbers here. What I do know is at the point of Yayos death he was the only one that never died during that fight and was the only valid target left in the city as far as I was concerned, all other RAC members had died at least once and was unarmed (save their chopper pilot).

Less than a minute before Happy killed Yayo, Oscar was infact killed by that very same RAC member. In my humble opinion the fight ended there and we were going to finnish up with the drugs and leave.

The kill on Yayo is the kill Happy was banned for. Looking at the mayhem from my point of view I fully understand the admins confusion and frustration, but it is also in my opinion the kill least deserving of a ban as Yayo was 1 of the 2 that infact initiated the fight when he shot at my ifrit, and kept standing in our way of selling the drugs.

This is my point of view on the events of tonight, I hope this brings some clarity.

You need to look at the scenario of RP... you say there was no RP but we had been in a war since the coke processing and happy was returning fire with fire.. Oscar was shot and avenged by happy. retaliation in the middle of war is the most natural RP... was we supposed to walk away and let this guy keep shooting at us ? .. then happy would of been dead also.  scenario role play does not always involve vocal contact . how many times has someone been shot at and returned fire without speaking. this ban was very harsh .
Returning Fire in the middle of a war zone is fine, but dying, respawning breaking NLR and then i let him live because he was unarmed afterwards picks up a gun ( after breaking NLR ) and shoots me in the back...

I'll take it on me to write the essay then, since the fight started with me in Kavala.

Not long after we log on the server our scout reported taking shots over cocain proccessing, when I get over there I take up high ground with my ifrit and relay RACs movement to our team that is setting up and ambush.

The ambush is pulled off without casualties and we take the drugs to Agios where we are scrapping the truck and bringing the drugs in our backpacks back to Kavala.

At the time of the truck being scrapped I, along with 3 others, is scouting out Kavala in my ifrit. We run into CnC witch is wrecking havoc but as we are on friendly terms with them we decided to only exchange friendly words before continuing with the objective.

After the all-clear I drive out of Kavala heading towards Agios when we see a Helicopter land not far from us, then take off again after a few seconds.

I make a small detour to check if any snipers got out getting ready to ambush us and as I approached the hill we come under immidiate fire. No roleplaying was done by the attackers witch was two members of RAC.

I deploy 2 units downhill aiming up, then myself and Prophet drive between the attackers to get their numbers, we take position behind them but manage to loose them in some manouvering.

The drugs arrive while we are still looking for the missing attackers, this is when the fight breaks out in Kavala. (the hill we fought on initially was 600m from the hospital outside Kavala).

At this point I hold position on that hill incase the missing RAC members show up, but I learn after 10min of searching they had moved in to the city where hell broke loose. As people start dropping I only kept track of initial deaths while I tried to track RAC members, several people died more than once but I have no numbers here. What I do know is at the point of Yayos death he was the only one that never died during that fight and was the only valid target left in the city as far as I was concerned, all other RAC members had died at least once and was unarmed (save their chopper pilot).

Less than a minute before Happy killed Yayo, Oscar was infact killed by that very same RAC member. In my humble opinion the fight ended there and we were going to finnish up with the drugs and leave.

The kill on Yayo is the kill Happy was banned for. Looking at the mayhem from my point of view I fully understand the admins confusion and frustration, but it is also in my opinion the kill least deserving of a ban as Yayo was 1 of the 2 that infact initiated the fight when he shot at my ifrit, and kept standing in our way of selling the drugs.

This is my point of view on the events of tonight, I hope this brings some clarity.

How did I stand in the way of you selling drugs, I never even looked at the drug dealer... also I don't mind being shot by Happy, but the way how, he died respawned back in the same city , came within 1KM within 15 minutes and then shot me in the back... idd i shot Oscar because he was creeping towards me gun at the ready, it was just unfair that i died from breaking NLR... and yes the admin was watching just at that time wich may be unfortunate....

Also you might not have heard me screaming since your in an Ifrit  that we would open fire if you kept coming closer... 

EDIT : I'd also like too add that you should Unban HappyGamer, there was alot of chaos and confusion going on, mistakes were made... perhaps just a warning on the NLR bit as I probably would not have died and lost my modded MK18 and Rebel Clothes without that event happening..

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You don't seem to really want to get unbanned since your saying you will not write down like everyone else does.

So if you don't have time to write a report following the template, we don't have time to judge it and make a decision. 

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