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Unban zennayz request (Denied)

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I've been banned and I am not quite sure what the reason is, 

I would like to have an unban or atleast tell what happened because I am very confused.

My Ingame name is Zennayz. 28/12/2014

I didn't knew there was a ban request form, and I have read my ban report now.

The guy is saying that I didn't did any roleplay and just knocked him out, I didnt just knock him out.

I clearly said: put your hand behind you head but after waiting a whille he didnt did it so I knocked him out.

In his evidence you also cant see anything about the robbery so why is that enough proof to ban me?

My friend kuba91 who has been opening his own ban post is also unguilty because he also cleary said againts the recorder guy that he had to put his hand behind his back and he clearly didn't like has shown in the video.

Conclusion they didnt had any good evidence of me knocking out the reporter (which I didnt) and both my friend and me should be unbanned

Like I said to your friend, these basic forms of robbery are really poor for the guys who are involved. You never even told him to stop running before you killed him.

Post here that you have read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID for a last chance.

The Rule : 5.1 VDM: Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)
My GUID= f276e058bbaaff85d23070c9bd43e2aa 

Player ID: 76561198170408914 
In-Game name: Zennayz

From now of I will be doing some checks before robbing to make it more real. Really glad that you giving me a last chance, hope that you said that to my friend either. How hard it is I will never break a rule again, Sorry for your time but thanks for your kindness
And also like kuba I will give them some money because I really feel sorry. even tough my unban is already approved I will give them money.


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Well maybe if you didnt banned my Ip directly from the site I could explain, I dont know that I was spamming?

Can you unban my IP please, I have to use socks now. not proud of using that

No i will not unban the IP, it just sent 700+ hits towards a filter page and one of our failsafes kicked in.

Please explain your actions ?

I really dont know about that? Why should I spam this site?

Is it still with my current ip adress? maybe some kind of bug. <<Current IP

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Well the page you was spamming was a filter upon the unban requests

Why would you even visit this page once let alone 700 times raises my questions - http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/9-dispute-a-ban/?prune_day=100&sort_by=Z-A&sort_key=last_post&topicfilter=all

You also have ignored our "CLICK HERE FOR ADMIN HELP" section on teamspeak and gone ahead and messaged me

The IP started a small attack on the website which put load on our server and made things slow for everyone else, I had to personal act to bring the site down for several seconds to resolve the issue and take out the attacking IP.

The IP will not be unbanned.

If I click on click here for admin help it directly gives me a message: insufficient client permissions (failed on i_channel_join_power)

Believe me I tried it so didnt ignored it, Sorry for checking 700 times, dont even think I did that but it should be if it says so might be some problem with my internet as I said before.

I see I coused quite a big problem but I did not do it on purpose. I really like this server and I say sorry again but you have too know I didnt did it for trying take down server, You have to believe me, Why should I reply this much for something I try to attack?

If banned I would be very dissapointed but I will understand that I caused that and will find another server wich is less better than this one. But ok thanks for everything had a quite nice moment on the server last few days. 

Btw I've been watching some other unban requests but didnt viewed it 700 times??? 

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I want to explain why us blocking your IP because its attacking our site .... us or me or the admins treating you like shit ?

Please explain that

17:49:40> "Fishy": <17:43:58> "Zennayz": Ey
<17:44:35> "Vyper": Ey
<17:45:11> "Vyper": Anyone who knows this gal?
<17:45:26> "Vyper": http://goo.gl/CG8Lu7
<17:45:26> "Zennayz": Admin threats me like shit here :p
<17:45:41> "Vyper": What Admin?
<17:45:56> "Zennayz": Every admin, mostly wilco
<17:46:03> "Vyper": Ah...
<17:46:10> "Zennayz": Got banned of the forum and much more
<17:46:18> "Vyper": What did you do?
<17:46:37> "Zennayz": I overloaded the server by accident, I had 700 views on the site
<17:46:43> "Zennayz": Not on purpose
<17:47:00> "Zennayz": I viewed max. 100.
<17:47:32> "Vyper": Ah...
<17:47:37> "Zennayz": Apperently the game servers hadded to restart cause of me
<17:48:11> "Zennayz": I can get on forums by socks but it is quite fucked
So why did you view that link 100 times max ?
To check If my dispute got approved and check my friends unban requests, I also checked other people too know what they been banned for so I would know what is not legal on this server (I mean specific explaination about what they did) and yes I also read the rules but I wanted to have something specifiered , 100 views in 2 days checking other unban requests is not that much I guess.

With all due respect you act like I am kind of an deuche that tries to down this server with overloading it even tough I have enough programs to do it within a minute (This is not an treath dont say that I want to have your server down)

Please consider thinking about that I didnt did it on purpose <17:46:43> "Zennayz": Not on purpose like I said to Vyper

But I would like to have an conversation with you on ts. Because I really didnt did it on purpose because why would I down a server because of they want to have me unbanned and gave me a second chance which I think is a very polite solution for both of my mistakes what both where accidents.

And no the CLICK HERE FOR ADMIN HELP still doesn't work. 

I didnt said I viewed the link 100x I said I viewed in total (So with other unban requests) max. 100 times

The conversation with vyper contains a couple of bad descriping of admins exspecialy but you kind of treath me like shit at least you aint trust me if im right, nothing wrong with that but please dont let the bad words that I said of you be the problem you judged me too.

I didnt said that I hacked the server or what ever because I really aint did it on purpose.

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So you VDM on our server, your IP when launches a small attack on our website and your claiming you have programs to do it in less than a minute...

Your not the sort of person we want in our community... even if we unbanned you... you would not last long.

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