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Unban request

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I was banned while trying to rob a person. He called that RDM. 

As i am new player to Altis life I didn't knew what is RDM. Now i know. Could you please unban me ?

Player ID: 76561198088195493

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,


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Well mate, as I said earlier I was just selling oil then I am just shot in the head. I heard no words being spoken or any form of an RP attempt with me. You could have been speaking in the wrong chat. However, the oil trader is NOT in the redzone, if you wanted to rob me surely you would just knock me out and take my cash? But no you shoot me in the head and I was unarmed! Why would you hesitate to rob an unarmed man with his back turned to you? And how on earth was shooting me dead necessary? 

I was talking to you... I asked you to lie on the ground... asked 3 times... then i shot you...
But why ask me to lay on the ground when I'm unarmed and pose no threat? Killing was not necessary here. All you had to do was shift g and knock me out, then take my money. Just sound trigger happy to me.

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This is what we, as a roleplay community, call roleplay.

Note: not defending him.
I understand, but it's just a bit of logical thinking that's required here. And even so, I heard nothing from him.

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Please unban him. He is a quick learner. I hope these kind of missunderstandings will not happen again.

Please unban him. He is a quick learner. I hope these kind of missunderstandings will not happen again.
He should of read the rules, and then understood them. Coming onto this server and not knowing what RDM is can result in very bad things. I'm guessing you're his friend? If so and if he is a quick learner, you should of emphasized the fact that killing someone without talking or trying to communicate is considered RDM 100%.

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would you relax. Admins are doing other things right now, you spamming your unban request is not fair to others. Some people are banned for weeks before unban. So plz be take it easy. And i guess this was posted june 25th. But still

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As far as i c they doing nothing about caring players :)

They just give bans without any investigations and afterwards doing nothing to fix the problems...

As far as i c they doing nothing about caring players :)

They just give bans without any investigations and afterwards doing nothing to fix the problems...
Good job on getting an unban saying this kind of stuff, mate.

Anyways. The same exact situation happened to me several days ago. Justinas and his friend Bandzai were camping the Oil Trader. I come with my truck, unarmed. Next thing I know is that I'm dead. No words spoken, no roleplay at all...just POW POW POW from Justinas.

Not trying to make him banned, just pointing out it's not his first time.

You know what happened exactly :) You were too afraid to talk with me about it, even though I offered you to resolve it like adults, and instead you sent your friend to tell me I am full of shit.

As I've said, I'm just pointing out that it wasn't your first time of NON-RP. And oh well, your attitude of "video or did not happen" kind of confirms it, you know? The attitude in which you seem not to care, yet you're too scared to get into discussion cos you know you did wrong.

Anyways, I'm out of here. Let the admins decide.

I don't actually remmember this happening so its hard for me to discuss. When did it happening ? Need to refresh my memory mate.

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