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Unban request

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Las Vegas
Hi guys i dont know why i was banned again. I know I went into the URGN group and played "Its raining men" But i was also told that Wilco thought that i had told the police their location during a bank robbery. But i could not see where they where and could not inform the police. I hope this problem gets resolved :)

              - Sam                                                                     

When there is a big fire fight going down do you think its acceptable to join someone's gang (Where you instantly see all there positions) let alone go in there to play music in the group chat ?

How do you think BRC would of reacted if a member of U.R.G.N joined there group and did the same thing, Now URGN thought it was a dick move but didn't want a ban however i took that decision seeing you was only unbanned less than 48 hours ago.

I also want to explain why you are trying to force people off the server who may be a little naive and actually try this, you need to understand we are a popular community/server and get around 20-40 aroundabouts new unique members every hour to the server.

22:07:04 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Dublin: Does esc + Alt F4 still open the rebel outpost?

22:45:47 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Dublin: Hey you get a police scanner if you do Esc + Alt F4

22:47:25 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Dublin: TP to plane shop with Esc + Alt F4

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I understand that those things are bad, and that i was only un banned 48 hours ago. But im getting yelled at for saying the Esc +Alt + F4. Today is the first time I've done it, When many other people do it every day. Now I love this server and it's staff and members, I dont want to ruin the experience of anyone here. I apologize for the things I've done today. I wont let it happen again.

The reason he when in their group and played "its raining men" was because, all the BRC members that was on got in a mohawk and jumped out at 2 kilometers above the bank when we saw that someone was robbing the bank paying "its raining men" at the same time. To make them laugh, wasn't meant to annoy or piss anyone off, if someone to offence to this i apologize.

Tbh if anyone from the U.R.G.N were to join our group channel and play "its raining men" while they parachute above us at a bank we are robbery, i would laugh my ass off, i wouldn't be pissed i would have been to busy laughing to much to care.

As for the ESC then ALT + F4 thing, that is to open slots for people to join the server, i can swear that he isn't the first and is not gonna be the last. The people who actually falls for this, usually aren't on server to follow the rules, they are here to fuck around and try to exploit the mod/server, and frankly deserve to get disconnected from the server in my opinion.

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Wont lie we were a bit pist as we felt it was giving away our position in hindsight we can now see it was for shits and giggles i hope my post on the other tread puts this shit we have in forums to rest, and gets a more enjoyable and professional rivalry started, i would agree with a no ban move on dublin as we understand it was for giggles but we would appreciate our groups privacy in future .

My only problem with this was the fact that it completely cut out our team communication on TS as nobody could hear the others.  As for the ban or not, that's not my decision to make. 

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I have unbanned you Dublin... this is a Wilco first... usually the second ban is perm.

I will however be keeping a close eye on you, Fuck up again and thats it, We haven't got the time to muck around.

You may login to the server again.

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