The reason he when in their group and played "its raining men" was because, all the BRC members that was on got in a mohawk and jumped out at 2 kilometers above the bank when we saw that someone was robbing the bank paying "its raining men" at the same time. To make them laugh, wasn't meant to annoy or piss anyone off, if someone to offence to this i apologize.
Tbh if anyone from the U.R.G.N were to join our group channel and play "its raining men" while they parachute above us at a bank we are robbery, i would laugh my ass off, i wouldn't be pissed i would have been to busy laughing to much to care.
As for the ESC then ALT + F4 thing, that is to open slots for people to join the server, i can swear that he isn't the first and is not gonna be the last. The people who actually falls for this, usually aren't on server to follow the rules, they are here to fuck around and try to exploit the mod/server, and frankly deserve to get disconnected from the server in my opinion.