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Unban request (Unbanned 28/12/2014)

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hi wilco, this is a big misunderstanding? 

u said i am banned for money hack?

i never hacked on this server why should i? 

i am banned for trolling not for hacking?

this is a misunderstanding 

look u think i am this person right?

but i am not that person...

this is a

Well you confirmed it was you... i did link you to the other post and you didnt deny it in the last post thats why it was denied...

If your not going to read stuff then your not going to get very far here.

Now i have found you via your steam ID and 

Another VDM trolling kid.... why the hell should we unban you ?

i've learned my lesson now. i'm verry sorry for that trolling..

i want to apologize and ask for a second chance. i was knew to the server.. but know i understand it and i will never do it again i swear.

i just hope you can give me a second chance so i can prove i can play this how it should be. i've read the rules again to make sure i dont make any mistakes. i hope you can forgive me. sorry. 

now i totally understand how it works because i've read the rules. and i took my time for it. i watched alot of video's to understand it better and my friends who are playing on your server explained me. its been a few months ago so i watched alot of streams. but i just want to play with my friends. they play alot and i am ready to start the RP right now. if u give me the chance to prove it ingame and give me second chance. i was pretty knew to the game so i didnt understand it,  but know i understand how it works. hope u give me the chance.

Please supply your GUID.... You will be given a final chance, if you mess up again your gone so dont even bother opening an appeal.

You gave your player ID while he asked for a GUID. Go get your GUID and post that.

Oww... sorry i thought it was my player ID. here is my GUID: f8578fa5dde9bc8bdda4ebea220051ae.

again sorry it was my fault. 

Dont bump threads. I hate it with a passion. Will be looked at on the 29th.

sorry didnt mean to do it but nobody reply on my topic... i didnt knew what to do.. so i thought if i bump it maybe someone will have a look. i'm really sorry and understand it. just want to explain why. i apologize to you.

The more you post on your thread the longer it takes to be looked at.

I ve unbanned you but i guarantee you will get perm banned very soon if this is the way you act.

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