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UnBan request (Unbanned 13/12/2014)

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New member
It was a sunny day in Athira, where 2 guys were thinking: "what shall we do today?" 

Suddenly two armed guys approached them and told them to go to their zamak. 
In the zamak they were told that they've been taken hostage.
They were terrified and they were taken to somewhere in Altis waiting for follow-up measures.
After all there was 5 civilian and 2 police waiting for their fate.
Polices and evil rebels started talk about the ransom, so the god who was playing one of us character became bored and started listened to music.
Roughly after 1 hour of waiting one of our characters got a brilliant idea we can sit down and stand up while we are bound.
Then the Great Admin arrived from the clear sky and started to talk with the rebels.
The rebel guys weren't happy that their hostages had started to move around so they asked the great Admin to help them in their difficult situation.
The great Admin gave a warning to the guys that they have to stop or they'll burn in hell.
Another guy stopped but the other not. But he didn't continue glitching because he wanted to be a jerk or stupid but because the God who maneuver all his movement was deaf by the music he listened to.
And then from the bushes he was sent to burn in hell.
The god who maneuvered his movements was totally amused about the situation but the another's character's god told him that the great Admin had came to ask us to stop what we were doing.
Now our friend Roni is burning in hell for no reason.
He really wants back to Altis to fly with his awesome orca and feel the speed of hatchback sport.
The god of Roni is really sorry for what happened. And he would be capable of continuing the journey of Roni learned everything what happened.
He really hopes that you Admins really can have mercy on him.
Player Roni GUID: cf5974165790ccce2605375859080b13
Banned for glitching his restraints. Was told several times to stop.


Im friend of player Roni and I was in that same situation with Roni, and we were on teamspeak.

By the time we had been kidnapped for maybe an hour and it was getting quite boring

I was the one who started glitching (going to the crouchy-thingy) and Roni followed becouse it was fun and we were bored.

Then vladic ka appeared and everyone was laughing and speaking becouse it suprised us, vladic ka asked us to stop. I did but roni didnt, then Roni got instantly banned. End of the story.

Roni told me that he was listening to music so he didnt hear what vladic ka was saying or who he was speaking to.

I do believe him becouse in arma its really hard to here direct communication even with no music on.

Those rebels didnt say it was against the rules altought I do agree we should have realised that glitching is against the rules, it was really stupid from us to do so, it wont happen again.

We started playing altis life about 5 months ago and we have been playing on this server ever since, its real shame if we have to change server becouse of one misunderstuanding

For someone who has 5 months of playing on altis life you should know that playing music while there is a roleplay going on is simply idiotic. Your captors could have shot you in the head if you never followed instructions never mind me banning you for the restrain glitch.

I will approve this for a final chance.

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