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Unban Request - MCS (Denied - Unable to understand... poor english or not explained well)

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Good Evening

I would like to ask for unban since was something I wasn't expect to happen.

I was at the bounty hunter HQ with a friend that had a bounty on his head (he is a bounty hunter too).

I alt tab for a sec and got back to the game and shot him, what gave me an automatic ban.

It was not supose to happen since was a glitch from the game.

I would appreciate if you would consider my unban.

So I found out the real reason for me getting ban was because:

I defended myself from what those guys did and I got ban for that.

True I didn't RP when I shot because I was defending myself. but my weapon did not kill anyone since it had a tazer effect not a killing effect.

They shot me and I shot back that's what happened and they even killed the medic.



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(Friend of the aboves) - He only has a tazer gun to start with, and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He didn't shoot anyone (to begin with) - and was being shot at, thus (admittedly, not the brightest idea) defended himself from the barrage of bullets by tazering "the area". 

Don't really see the fairness in this seeing as he was being randomly shot at...

When my fellow medic revived him he instantly opened fire upon anybody who was nearby, this is called rdm. Granted he didn't kill the medics but he was the first one to open fire,potentially actually causing the entire situation causing medics to die. so please watch the video prior to defending his actions.

In regards to wrong place at the wrong time he ploughed into the back of the other vehicle (from my recollection he was driving the red offroad will check the video tonight), this is called vdm, personally I dont "think" it was on purpose so didn't include it in the report, but if you would like me to include it then I would be more than happy to add it in as well.

Please understand I am not personally attacking you just stating the facts as clearly as I can, from my point of view.

In regards to fairness, that's a personal viewpoint.

You are attacking me when you blame me for causing the hole situation.

I was acting as a bounty hunter like is mentioned in the video sure I'm sorry for RDM in that situation, but we( a team of 3 BH) had reports of a group that corresponds to the people involve in several crimes and seconds before I got to the place they shot someone even if that person was trying to VDM one of them.

Everything even started before that at the handgun store where we tried to RP with a part of them it was working out but for some reason someone out of the engagement decided to balance everything and we got RDM the person in question I reckoned one from the group.

If you read the text in the game you can see that I only tazed one person that doesn't make everyone start spraying bullets everywhere.

And you should really tell me how can you say I started the hole think the only reason you say that is because the video is pointing at me most of the time.

Hi, I would appreciate this reviewing, 3 of us are donators and now our group has been split in two.

Given the above point, we all know to abide by rules to stop this situation, indeed we are very strict on rules being followed.

I can appreciate given the situation the incorrect decision has been made by an admin to ban, perhaps under the pressure of the moment, but MCS had nothing to do with the random VDM, and when firing, was firing a tazor, in an attempt of protecting the medics and himself..

I think this was just an error of circumstances, both from the admin, and to some extent MCS's random tazoring, but he was literally just trying to protect himself and the medics around, noone was killed (by MCS at least), and the random Tazoring was a reaction to someone else's RDM.

Please can an admin review this and the above posts, Thanks.

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You are attacking me when you blame me for causing the hole situation.

I was acting as a bounty hunter like is mentioned in the video sure I'm sorry for RDM in that situation, but we( a team of 3 BH) had reports of a group that corresponds to the people involve in several crimes and seconds before I got to the place they shot someone even if that person was trying to VDM one of them.
you were acting like a bounty hunter ?? this is not authorized bounty hunter behavior shoot on revive without RP ? when is this ever allowed ?

Everything even started before that at the handgun store where we tried to RP with a part of them it was working out but for some reason someone out of the engagement decided to balance everything and we got RDM the person in question I reckoned one from the group.

If you read the text in the game you can see that I only tazed one person that doesn't make everyone start spraying bullets everywhere.

And you should really tell me how can you say I started the hole think the only reason you say that is because the video is pointing at me most of the time.
You started firing as soon as you were revived, this i "Presume" triggered the other player to fire upon everybody else there in a blind panic.

At the end of the day you have admitted to RDM which is what you were reported for.

I can appreciate given the situation the incorrect decision has been made by an admin to ban, perhaps under the pressure of the moment, but MCS had nothing to do with the random VDM, and when firing, was firing a tazor, in an attempt of protecting the medics and himself..

I think this was just an error of circumstances, both from the admin, and to some extent MCS's random tazoring, but he was literally just trying to protect himself and the medics around, noone was killed (by MCS at least), and it was a reaction to someone else's RDM.

Please can an admin review this and the above posts, Thanks.
It is clear in the video he opened fire first before anybody else triggering the whole event ???

Any comments in regards to the whole VDM situation to start with ?

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Seen the video, don't agree.

The Lain? Lian? Guy, shoots a medic (you?) - and another guy, MCS tazers the guy, as a bounty hunter.

Only one person is tazered, and it is not a medic, nor anyone else shot by MCS.

I think the video only tells half a story as obviously this started before the video, and thus I cannot judge as to wether MCS RP'd previously

Seen the video, don't agree.

The Lain? Lian? Guy, shoots a medic (you?) - and another guy, MCS tazers the guy, as a bounty hunter.

Only one person is tazered, and it is not a medic, nor anyone else shot by MCS.

I think the video only tells half a story as obviously this started before the video, and thus I cannot judge as to wether MCS RP'd previously

It is clear in the video he opened fire first before anybody else triggering the whole event ???

Any comments in regards to the whole VDM situation to start with ?
I can't even make the situation better you are just making it so hard to say I did something wrong for no reason.

The event of the VDM like you said was not on purpose why would I even kill myself if I was there for the bounty, you right now are just here to burn me and it's evident.

For you and your friend dying you have to speak with the person you killed you not me.

And yeah I admited I did not use the propper conduct but I wasn't the first to shoot, you just keep saying that because you are just recording in a single direction, and you fail to mention that.

and Why don't you comment on the events that happen before this situation?

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Ok footage leading up to this event ..... although it doesn't really seem to bode well in your favor .....

it is possible he tried to avoid the situation, but it could also be him going straight for it !!!

Ok footage leading up to this event ..... although it doesn't really seem to bode well in your favor .....

it is possible he tried to avoid the situation, but it could also be him going straight for it !!!
So explain me the guy just stop in front of me, and best part people even try to still from me too.
yeah explain me how can it be my fault if the person in question stops in the road not outside of the ROAD plus that was a Highway like road would you go 30km/h?
Like Coolpot said, breaking lights, yeah Arma 3 can have really good stuff for exemple when you break the lights come on, Good stuff.
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well thats clearly an accident, cant blame him for a car pulling out, although yes i suppose he was going at quite a pace, but i saw the brake lights come on, if you were going to crash deliberatly i dont see why you would break.

well thats clearly an accident, cant blame him for a car pulling out, although yes i suppose he was going at quite a pace, but i saw the brake lights come on, if you were going to crash deliberatly i dont see why you would break.

The forum likes to double post XD

From that video, there is zero doubt in anyones mind that the car crash was an accident.

Not sure how you can suggest the crash is anything but an accident. You know what ArmA's vehicle brakes are like!

Also: The front of car dips. The brake lights are lit.

Generally speaking, this happens under breaking.

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100% VDM

Infact there was enough time to steer a large lorry... bus... maybe a boat 

So it was either VDM or you are a completely shit driver that shouldnt be on the road but thats another matter.... the person at the end of the video Nicklas will never be back on this server.

As for your un ban request i do not understand it... i do not know what you are going on about, please repost a more clear un ban request

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