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Unban Request [EB] FlyingPoop (Denied)

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Vitor Hugo

I was cheking the forums after I got banned, and found that I've been banned for combat log which is not true. The thing is, I use a unstable connection through my cellphone. I don't have a normal Home router and this connection that I use make me disconnect from time to time or have high pings here and there. That was a Disconnect for loss connection and not a combat log. Thanks for your attention. GUID - 7936bb350ecc31f8d27d79a0115c30f6

I was cheking the forums after I got banned, and found that I've been banned for combat log which is not true. The thing is, I use a unstable connection through my cellphone. I don't have a normal Home router and this connection that I use make me disconnect from time to time or have high pings here and there. That was a Disconnect for loss connection and not a combat log. Thanks for your attention. GUID - 7936bb350ecc31f8d27d79a0115c30f6
From what I've seen in the past, you will now need to prove this.

I suggest screenshots of the network setup and a photo of your cellphone in tethering mode and best of all, a screenshot from the event log (specifically the system event log) of an event 27 - network disconnection event - at the time of the combat log.

The photo of my phone tethering I can get, also I can get the Network setup but where do I get the log from? I can also prove that I live inside a building that is almost a bunker(welcome to Switzerland) and I never get full connection on my phone through the provider. Thanks for your advice.

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  1. Click Start
  2. RIght Click "Computer"
  3. Click Manage (and enter password UAC if requested)
  4. Click on the "System" event log (highlighted in blue in screenshot): 
  5. Click "filter current log" on the right hand side
  6. Enter 27 in the same place as this screenshot: 
  7. Scroll down and find the event which corresponds with the disconnection in-game and take a screenshot

I will add that you may not find an event 27 if you were wifi tethering and the phone signal died but the wifi connection to your computer didn't. If you were usb tethering I'd imagine there would be an event 27 though.

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Can confirm from the screenshots that asking for an event 27 wouldn't be viable as it's a wifi tether.

I was looking for the event and there is not a single one, like you sayd, I don't lose connection to my phone, is the phone that loses connection through the provider... Is there another way to prove that the phone lost connection in that time? Thanks Sir for helping me solve this.

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I don't own an iphone, but presumably the only way to get logs on the actual phone signal going down would be to root it and see if it had any relevant logs in /var/log/ (if that's accessible on a jailbroken iphone). I don't think I could justify rooting your phone and losing the warranty would be an appropriate method to prove it wasn't a combat log however.

Sorry mate :(

I guess I will wait to see what the admins say... Ofc I will not root my phone for this reason. One more time, thanks for you help! Hope they give me a second chance with the prove I posted here, if not im afraid I will no longer play on this servers :(

well my in game name is T.Lima and i play with this guy often i can tell you that he's connection is not the best sometimes i have to look for his trucks cars because he just dc. And i always see him trying to do rp so i think it's not his fault. and he was dead so why combat logging?

Well, this was before i knew flying and before he joined [EB] and his connection is bad and drops out time to time. you can check the ts3 logs and see how much he DCs.

Unfortunatly your connection is not stable enough for us to issue the unban here as there will be a good chance of this happening again.

Please feel free to open up another unban when you get a more stable connection and link this thread.

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