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Unban request (Denied)

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Great job, Steph. 

This is a message to you Michinky. This has nothing to do with the server,game,arma3 but you alone as a person.

Your one lucky son of a bitch. Using language like that in this modern day is plain provocative and insulting. If it was me you had spoken to like that whether it be about the horrors of ww2  or anything as dam right rude and irresponsible you would be lucky to see the light of day aging. You'r extremely lucky  Stephanie has a big heart and is forgiving enough to even give you the slightest chance of getting back into this community or even give you the time of day to respond . If you were to come back you actions will not be forgotten or forgiven by me and im sure meany others. Your actions and the content of what you said truly have enraged me for multiple reasons some personal and some general. 

See whats your words have done. Next time think before you open your mouth about such insulting and provocative subjects. You have said sorry, but some things are unacceptable,

Joseph Davies

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Far to kind.

Consider yourself very lucky

We should be reporting you to the UK police under the Malicious Communications Act for messages that have been grossly offensive.

I expect you to carry out the lady's request or consider yourself perm banned from this community, People come here for fun and enjoy them self not to be offended and put up with your childish behavior.

Infact, Cancel that...

Community perm ban issued

I should of checked your account long before now


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^ That should have been straight away rather than all of this.
Well we thought we could educate and give the guy a chance for his actions... Unfortunately we learn that some people cannot change there narrow minded ways.

That is what makes us good admins Mitch.

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