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Unban request (Denied)

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Hi, sorry for interrupting but i want to speak about my ban.I've played this sever for a very long time and the only time i messed up was when the NLR was broke and the Stephanie thing, i am truly sorry for everything i don't even know what to actually do.I have arma and i haven't been on it since i got banned, i've even starting playing some fifa because i have nothing to do, like really. I miss playing on the sever, it might sound wierd but i have nothing else to do, i would usually go home back from school and play atlis with my friends but i cant do that because im banned. Please may i just ask for a a last chance to be able to play the sever probably, i will wait as much as you want me to, to actually realize the mistakes i've done but im only asking for the last and final chance. If you are willing to i will not mess this one up, just please think about it, i will accept whatever your decision will be.
Im really and truly sorry for everything and for anyone offended.To any of the people who hate on this i fully understand because of what i have done, it was fully out of order and it shouldn't of happened, i wish i could go back and change the mistakes i've done but i cant.
This is my latest unban request(Denied )-

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The community thinks your a complete and utter idiot.

There is only 1 person who can save you and its 100% upto her.

From what I've heard you took things way to far, if she accepts you getting into the community again she got to be one hell of a nice person.

From what I've heard you took things way to far, if she accepts you getting into the community again she got to be one hell of a nice person.
. Well yes I did take it way to far, I did get carried away and it was very stupid of me. I didn't think before I did my actions, hopefully she will be willing to forgive me but if she doesn't I will understand.
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Leaving this for Steph. Hopefully michinky will have some time to reflect upon his actions...

I have a suggestion, if I may.

Prior to these events I had been spectating GnC as part of my role due to a string of reports of RDM however due to their 'playing on the line' style I wasn't able to obtain anything that would give me enough to ban them.

Perhaps, if mchinky is given one last time to redeem himself, it should be under the condition that GnC as a whole should improve their role play and put an end to this 'stop or shoot' game play.

I have a suggestion, if I may.

Prior to these events I had been spectating GnC as part of my role due to a string of reports of RDM however due to their 'playing on the line' style I wasn't able to obtain anything that would give me enough to ban them.

Perhaps, if mchinky is given one last time to redeem himself, it should be under the condition that GnC as a whole should improve their role play and put an end to this 'stop or shoot' game play.
If this does go through and I get unbanned I will do my best to improve all of the GnC's conditions in which they play, I just need to be givin the last and only chance to prove I can do this.
I need to go to bed. But I gotta know...



Before I tell you what my decision will be let's take a quick look at the facts that brought you here.

First things first:

The way people think about you & the comments made about you speak for themselves.

Of course you can never please everyone but the amount of complaints about you are a clear sign that there is something true about it.

Next to your lack of social skills there are also complaints about your In-Game Skills.

I let this speak for itself:

But let's not get lost into what people say about you.
Let's get back to that one day that I banned you.

On that day I recieved a lot of complaints about GnC.

Because I had no evidence of what happened I decided to spectate you.

The second I started to spectate you I saw you killing 4 people in a VERY short time.

I wanted to find out what is going on so I teleported to the Athira Cashpoint with my Character "Steph".

On a side note: I just recently made this Character for Admin Stuff. I have never played as "Steph" before. 
Only SGT Stephanie and UNMC Minxx.

The second I spawned you IMMEDIATELY run up to me starting to threatening me for no good reason at all.

You started to get personal very fast.

"Omg I always used to hate your voice" "You ALWAYS talk like a retard"

Metagaming at it's finest.

How can you ALWAYS hate my voice? I didn't even told you my name at this point.

That the both of us don't get along too well is no secret.
I decided not to BAN you on the spot because I was aware of how much you hate me & in my opinion it would have been unfair.

So I played along and let you take me hostage.

The way you talked to me in the car & in the little barn was DISGUSTING.

There is no way to describe better the way you talked to me.

This was not RP anymore. This was you capturing Steph the person you hate. I was literally shocked how you talked to me.

But I played along because I wanted to see how far you would go. And it didn't took you too long to drop the bomb.

You guys started asking me if I am german out of no where.

I told you that I am indeed german.

I was not too shocked about the fact Michinky immediately called me a Nazi.

Of course I get this a lot.

But then you crossed a line.

You accused my FAMILY of killing Jews and "Gasing them".

I can take Nazi jokes but you took it way to far. You took the wrong person for this kind of jokes.

Thinking about this right now makes me so angry you can not imagine.

This is getting a bit personal but: 

My Grandmother was polish. She lost both her parents because of "Nazis" and grew up with a german family.

Of course you could not have known this but DO YOU EVEN HAVE A BRAIN?

Do you even THINK before you say something?

It was 3 days after rememberance day. 3 days.

And you go along and start RP'ing about something that is not funny or entertaining at all?

You are a respectless little child. And I will NEVER forgive or forget the fact that you said this to me.

I told you in character that my family was not involved in this. 
You just laughed at me asked for my last name and accused me then of being HITLERS DAUGHTER.



My reaction.

Not are you just a respectless child.


You are STUPID on top of that.

I was so angry you have no idea ..  so I calmly asked you are you sure?

And you continued. 
You was AWARE that I am an ADMIN and you kept going on.

That you got banned this night was completely your own fault.
So much stupidity and bad manners didn't deserve anything else.

So now a few days after this day.

After you insulted my family. Me. & ALL THE PEOPLE THAT DIED IN WW2 you come here and ask me to give you another chance?

My answer is yes. I will give you one LAST chance.

For all the people that don't understand this decision is simple:

In my eyes he is a spoiled, little child that has no clue about the real world.
I will give you this one last chance because I hope you will learn from your mistakes.
I hope you will grow up.

I also did mistakes & I also did a lot of things wrong. 

That's why I know that people CAN change if it comes down to their last chance.


Be aware. 
I will be watching you.

If I see you doing one little mistake or if I recieve one single complaint about you with evidence you will be gone. 


And don't think I forgot about your Teamspeak messages saying I ruined everything for you.

You did that to yourself and I want EVERYONE to know.

But before you will get unbanned there is one thing you will have to do:

You gonna post a picture with a sign in your hands on this Thread saying:

"I am a respectless little brat that decided to insult the wonderful Goddess Stephanie. I am regretting it deeply and will owe my life to serve her from now on"

You better be smiling on this picture.

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