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Unban iYS

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Dear Admin(s),

I have allready spoken to mr. Ed Williams on TS, he suggested i create this thread/unban request.

Reason of ban - "Money hack (?) "

As i am not sure who exactly will be reading this appeal i will try and state all relevant information. on 2-7-2014 at 3am, immediately after getting banned i have spoken to mr. Williams on TS. He allready knew me as he had spoken to me before so if possible it would greatly speed up this process if mr. Williams is present/included during this process.

As stated before - I have never/nor will i ever make use of any type of cheat/hack. Not that is out of the way, like i explained in detail to mr. Williams, i have earned ALL my money by staying true to the RP nature of this game and your wonderfull server. If needed ofcourse i can explain in DETAIL how my network of people/friends and i perform our runs and if need be they can/will vouch for me.

I believe i am an positive influence to the server as i try my best to allways RP to the fullest as (in my opinion) i have allready proven, if you give me this second chance/benefit of the doubt i will surely not dissapoint you.

Again, i have spoken to an admin before - now i am not sure exactly what is required of me to proof my innocence so feel free to contact me if there is anything you need to do or i can do.


or as we say here in Holland

Met vriendelijke groet,

Yannick (iYS)

What about the video of you teleporting?


Or, as we say here in Twente:

Ie bunt dr gloeiend bie!


Khandamir you and Black are very sad, so i will not waste many words on you, but taking the time to comment here after i helped you 2 for hours without even knowing you but then deciding to part ways ( i did this bu killing them if anyone needs ro know and that is why theyre so mad) since you could not even apoligize to another person jngame (one of the BDF members i wanted to keep as a friend) after i asked you to after you robbed them and i even compensated tthem( and let me tell you 400k for their lost ifrit is not nothing) just goes to show you have no sense of integrity or honor at all. I encourage you to post any evidence you have of me or anyone on this forum as it will only imrpove the server and ultimately this is what matters to me as i allready told mr williams, i really respect the way he and the other admin team manage the server so unlike you i try to honor that.and show them this.

Yannick, I hanged out with you for 20 minutes, not two hours. You picked me up near outpost 2 and then flew me back there. I know exactly what happened, you killing Black in that moment was perfectly justified. He had it coming. It was however a big dick move from your friend Coin to kill me as well, as I already compensated your friend and said multiple times that I wished not to be punished for Blacks behaviour. I say again: Your friends asked for compensation for something BLACK did, and I was nice enough to pay. I was not asked to say sorry for anything, for I was NOT playing when Black scraped your friends Ifritt. I had nothing to do with that. I also did NOT rob them of anything or did anything else hostile against their group OR you. I was respectful and my roleplay was good. Your friends roleplay sucks balls, because he killed me for no other reason than him being angry with my friend.

Enough said about that, I dont even care so much. It was red zone, nothing illegal happened in the kill, it was just a dick move. You got banned for I don't know what, I guess admins know what they are doing. I did however see a video of you talking to Black, telling you would come over to him. Then all of the sudden you appear out of nowhere in mid-air, and when Black asks you how you get there, you say: I was walking below you all time. Sure mate, sure. Try and talk yourself out of your self created shithole, but do me one favor okay?

Do not try to begin an argument with someone who is smarter than you are, about something he did not do. You would lose the argument, no matter how hard you keep trying.

Guys our disagreement has nothing to do with this thread, we can talk someplace else. Like i told you if you habe a video ( wich is impossible) but if you do PLEASE POST IT. And khanda making remarks about my intelligence is just disrespectful.. Im sorry for calling you sad aswell since you are right, you did not deserve what Black had. Coming, i apoligize! but lets leave this thread for the admins.

Care to explain how you have 15 million in your account and you first visited our server around end of June start of July ?

straight coke runs for hours and hours.....no problems on the way.......

Wilco - Like i told mr WIlliams, i played with about 6-7 IRL friends and between 5-15 people i "hired" on the server for a few days straight. Supplying people with the appropiate vehicles and ofcourse some compensation for their troubles and risk taking but ultimately i would collect the profits since it wast mostly my idea and starting capital to begin with.


Ed Williams obviously had reasons to ban you.

Please PM him (TinyBigJacko) with a link to this thread his decision will be final.

Moving this thread to denied for now until TBJ decides to give you another chance here.

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