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Unban Appeal - West1 - GTA RP


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Adrian West
Steam ID: 76561198994829936
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17343
Ban Reason: G3.1
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for being in a discord vc with others and using information shared on discord in game
Why should we unban you: First of all would like to thank whoever is reading this for their time as i know ban appeals are the last thing you want to sit through especially this time of year.

I feel that the situations that led to me using Discord were all in connection to a war with Cutlass and at the time i thought that cutlass where rule-breaking and that nothing was being done to them which then made me think that it was okay to bend the rules slightly.

After looking back on the situation i have seen just how wrong i was about the entire situation and shouldn't have trusted my judgment on the situations over the countless staff responses and the veteran players that gave their input i pin this down to me being far too hot-headed and had far too much of a winning mentality. i realized that i had adopted the full grind-and-win mentality and pushed good rp to the side which i see now as being the worst possible thing i could do so i apologize for that.

The meta-gaming came about for the same reason i had a winning mentality and was far too overinvested i had it in my mind that cutlass where doing the same thing so it was ok but once again looking back they just obviously were not and i was as said too hot headed so can only apologise. i feel that although i broke the rules it needed to happen for me to realise just how far from providing good rp i had strayed and a break was the exact thing that i needed. i feel that the whole situation has taught me just how important it is to focus on good rp and not metagaming as it is just much more enjoyable.

i think my attitude towards not only the situation but the ban itself was inexcusable i should never have started to message both staff and players privately over Discord it was uncalled for and needlessly provoked/offended.annoyed people and i do apologise for that.

i think the main reason i want to return is that there just isnt any server like this, the community is brilliant and has a much higher level of roleplay than most if not all other servers that i have played so i see this as the best server and have only myself to blame for not being able to play.

i believe that after taking 6 months without playing i see that i was just far too invested in the war. I feel that i have learned and matured since then and feel that if given another chance at playing this server i can go back to providing high-quality roleplay scenarios and make the server more fun for all.

Since the ban was a long time ago i cant remember the full details of all situations and discord messages/information i used but will try and answer questions to the best of my ability.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Two wrongs don't make a right,

I appreciate the effort so we'll get straight into this.

To give you a bit of context you were giving real time updates while downed on discord to other members who were up and still in the active gunfight.
With your history you were very much on our radar.

How can we trust you won't fall back into the min-max win or rulebreak mindset?
Hi @PsianaRama,

First i would like to thank you for taking the time to read through my appeal and hope you had a nice Christmas and new years.

I know that there is a long road ahead of me to regain your trust but I think the best way for me to start would be to describe the new mindset I have adopted towards not just rp but apply it to most things in life. I think it will be easiest for me to articulate it by using an example.

I played a poker game with my mates a while back and on the 3rd hand or so I peaked over and saw my mate's hand this allowed me to gain an unfair advantage as I could play knowing exactly what he would do I ended up winning that hand but found that all the satisfaction I got from it faded the second the next was dealt so going into the next hand I decided to play the game properly and to observe his every move taking in every word and ended up figuring out that he had a tell, I ended up loosing but found that I actually enjoyed it more than the hand I won so then continued to play this way and found that after a few hands, I had him pegged thus allowing me more fun. After that poker game I used it as a template towards adopting a new mindset towards everything whether that be university, work etc.

If given the opportunity to join this wonderful community again I plan on using this mindset which I believe will allow me to adapt to any situation and elevate my ability to provide excellent roleplay and hopefully make it so me being in the server is an improvement rather than what I was in the past being a detriment.

On top of this new mindset that I approach everything with I recently had a look through a lot of my old clips from rpuk and found that the clips I found enjoyable to rewatch and reimmerse myself in weren't the gunfights or the grinding but the silly scenarios I found myself in or the high-quality staff-led events or even just me being a probie and learning from scratch. I feel this enlightened me as to what it was that I found enjoyable in rpuk and although I do enjoy a gunfight it fades after a couple of days where as the funny scenarios and serious roleplay, that enjoyment is more permanent.

I have taken a break from rp altogether since the ban so if allowed back on the server I will look at trying to continue my police character as I feel that will be both the safest and easiest way for me to reintegrate myself back into the server and allow me to relearn how to roleplay to a high standard. I believe this plan would give me a good foundation to launch my new mindset and lifestyle.

Once again I know that after breaking your trust it will take a while to earn it back what I did was inexcusable and I had been apart of the community long enough to know better so I apologise for that once more and ill be as helpful as possible to allow you to understand my thinking.

Thank you for your time.
Why did you peak at their hand in the first place though?

In 6 months you're saying your entire lifestyle has changed but you've been around RPUK FiveM for 4 years. If your attitude could change so quickly and have you end up here,
What guarantee do we have you won't change back to the negative attitude?

Should we let you back would you agree to not join an F6 gang for a minimum of 3 months?
Hi @PsianaRama,
Thanks again for taking the time to read through my appeal.
Why did you peak at their hand in the first place though?
it was his first time playing poker and didn't know to hide his cards well so where very easy to see and it thought it was a teachable moment.
In 6 months you're saying your entire lifestyle has changed
I do understand the doubt about my change so will try to prove it to you to the best of my ability.
My lifestyle has drastically changed in 6 months yes although getting banned was a wake-up call and a driving force in this i also had a few things happen in my personal life that had a massive effect on my mentality and outlook on life, i don't want to speak much of the personal matters on a public forum hope that is alright.
you've been around RPUK FiveM for 4 years
For this while i agree i have been apart of this community for a long time, before November 2023 any time i spent on rpuk fivem was very brief only playing for 1 month maybe 2 at a time. during these periods i never got banned and cant remember receiving any warnings.
If your attitude could change so quickly and have you end up here,
What guarantee do we have you won't change back to the negative attitude?
As mentioned previously there were a few big moments in my personal life as well as the ban that led to me changing my mentality/attitude, if necessary i am willing to talk about them over discord/ts but I would prefer not to if possible. What i will say is that the change happened very fast because i realised it needed to happen so put all of my efforts into this change i don't see a way in which i will revert back to my old way of thinking.
As for the guarantee, i don't have any definitive evidence that i can give, the best that i can give is my word that it wont happen again i feel that i have grown as a person since then. I know that's not ideal and I definitely see why i need to prove myself and why there is now a distrust. My actions were inexcusable and i do sincerely apologise.
Should we let you back would you agree to not join an F6 gang for a minimum of 3 months?
i am looking to return to an f6 gang at some point if I'm unbanned but do believe that i need to work to reintegrate myself back into the server so i am open to the idea. As mentioned in my previous response if unbanned i will look to continue my police character i wouldn't mind doing so for a while.

Thank you for your time and hope you had a nice birthday.
Have you ever encouraged another player to exploit?
Hi @PsianaRama,

Thanks again for the reply.

I know its not the answer you're looking for but I honestly don't remember encouraging anyone to exploit.
Have you ever had a "legal" character?

If we were to let you back what would you do?
Would you want to return to your gang character?
Hi @PsianaRama,

Thank you once again for the reply.

Have you ever had a "legal" character?
Yes I have "Aidan West" which is the police character I made upon my return to rpuk in November of 2023 where I played as a main for close to 3 months reaching SGT in response and then becoming IIT lead.

If we were to let you back what would you do?
Would you want to return to your gang character?
For these questions ill answer both at the same time as over the last month I have thought about it frequently.

First of all if allowed back into the server the first thing that I would do is reapply to the police on Aidan, as mentioned in previous responses I do wish to return back to the police as I think its the easiest way for me to regain the ability to provide quality roleplay in an environment (as a probie) where I'm judged on roleplay standards and ability to adapt to high-stress situations. on top of this I feel it will let me readjust to how the server has changed during the time of my ban.

I will be honest I do intend to return to a crim main after some time and will be on Adrian although I recognise the mistakes that I have made and the poor judgement that I displayed so plan on changing how I main Adrain. With the last spell I had more or less abandoned Aidan due to excessive grinding and had strayed to far into the mindset I mentioned in earlier replies, this time although I will main Adrian I will do so will also playing on Aidan so that I don't lose any roleplay standards and on top of this whenever I get annoyed at a situation on Adrian I can take the next couple of days to decompress on Aidan.
In this appeal I am going to be fully transparent, I don't know the current state of any gangs but I will look to return to vagos. I know that I have been away for close to 8 months now so I have come up with a storyline that if allowed to return I will go by, the story is simple but gives my character a reason for his disappearance that is realistic. the scenario I have come up with is that I had been called to Mexico to assist with a cartel war that had transpired. I know this story is simple but I think it gives a good foundation to bring Adrian back into the server. This also provides avenues for future development of Adrian as I never prioritised a good way for Adrian to develop so am looking to learn from that mistake and provide good growth to Adrian.
I would like to note that other than a couple of times just after my ban I haven't spoken to any vagos members so with me looking to rejoin I will more than likely have to prove myself again which will force my roleplay to be at a high standard.

As for my intentions with Aidan if I'm unbanned I will look to main him for the first couple of months although while my application to the police is processed and I wait for induction I will play on Adrian a little but not make any major steps. My aspiration if accepted back into the police is to go for a specialised division this time round as last time I stayed in response with the small stint of IIT lead, I am thinking that I would enjoy RPU or Firearms but will decide between them during my first weeks as constable. Unlike my last time, I will not move to progress through the ranks as fast as I did as I feel it gave me less to work for making me less motivated to play as Aidan. I feel that joining a specialised division will also help keep my roleplay standards high and allow me to experience something new.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this, As stated I will be fully transparent so will be happy to answer any questions regarding my intentions should I be allowed to return.
I'm open to giving you a chance, with restrictions.

You are not to play a gang character for 6 months to show us you're here to roleplay and not force win situations.
You can choose police as stated in this appeal or NHS/Fire or Gruppe6.

These factions have strict rules that you're expected to abide by and any ban/warning within the 6 month period will result in another perm.
This is to build your trust again and prove to us you can follow rules.

Are you willing to accept these conditions?
If not then please give a detailed explanation why
Hi @PsianaRama,

Thanks again for your reply and thanks for giving me an opportunity to return.

I will accept these terms I just want to clarify by no gang character, does that mean not playing on Adrian at all or that I can play as him so long as I don't join a gang?
You response doesn't give me a lot of faith in giving you this option...

Should you be unbanned with the above conditions whats your plan?
What will you do?
Hi @PsianaRama,

Thanks for the response.

I realise where you are coming from with my response but i assure you that my intent is purely roleplay.

I feel that the fact that im willing to go for a total of 1 year and 2 months (8 months since the ban and 6 months from now) without a "gang character" shows my change in mindset. If i had the same mentality as my past self i would have argued the fact that i think 6 months ontop of the 8 months since my ban is incredibly harsh considering some others that have been unbanned for similar reasons being granted an opportunity without such restrictions. I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY this isnt how i feel i am just stating what i would of thought prior to matureing and growing since. im just trying to show that i understand how badly i fucked up and almost burned a bridge and as mentioned prior i know i have a long road to rebuild your trust and hoped accepting such strict conditions would have showed that.

My plan should i be allowed to return with the conditions set above is to apply to both police and nhs going back to police with Aidan and converting an old character to Join the NHS. In terms of goals for these characters my intent with Aidan stays the same but my intent for an NHS character is to show my ability to provide high-quality roleplay and show that i no longer have a win mentality and want just to roleplay not "Force win situations". Ad for more in depth desires within the NHS i honeslty dont know as i have never thought about an NHS character on rpuk before now so have no idea how its run and what directions i can go so will play by ear.

The only reason i wanted confirmation on what was meant by the term "Gang character" is for something i mentioned earlier in this appeal saying that while i wait for both of my applications to these factions will probably take over a week and as i don't want to risk getting any criminal record on the characters im trying to get into the factions i was planning on playing as Adrian for the relatively short piece of time until one is in. I am aware of the fact that the next police induction is in just under a month for example which is a long time in my eyes so would have played Adrian and went around speaking to old friends and not getting involved in anything serious or to have made a new character for this time period but wasnt sure. I also wanted this clarification so i didnt break your trust in the future when i might have joined on adrian for a day break and unknowingly broke my conditions due to a lack of clarity/understanding on my part

I hope that this shows my intent to return is purely for roleplay, but i appreciate your position as i never helped myself with the comments and attitude i had surrounding the ban at the time.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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i don't want to risk getting any criminal record on the characters im trying to get into the factions
After having read through your appeal, I feel like the best solution would be to not play on your gang character at all. You seem to be drawn to the temptation of the criminal playstyle.

You say you don't want to get any criminal charges on these characters. Are you unable to play without taking the illegal route?
Hi @C_Date,

Thank you for the response, hope you've had a good day.

After having read through your appeal, I feel like the best solution would be to not play on your gang character at all
That is perfectly fine with me. I do have to admit that I did enjoy playing my crim character more but after looking back I do realise I did it wrong so am happy to show my ability to provide high quality roleplay through legal characters. Only reason I wished to go back on Adrian was to as mentioned prior pass time and reconnect with old friends.

You say you don't want to get any criminal charges on these characters. Are you unable to play without taking the illegal route?
Honestly the getting charges just comes from simple things like taking a local car or speeding which I would probably have done and didn't want any risk. I am more than capable of taking a purely legal side as I feel I did so for 3 months when I started playing again in November 2023 that only changed cause I got a bit burnt out of the police so took a week on crim and ended up sticking to it. To ensure I don't get burnt out I am hoping to as mentioned prior have a police and NHS character so that I can show that I am capable of providing good roleplay and have changed/matured since the time of my ban as a NHS character comes with basically nothing but rp so would be perfect for showing this change.

I hope you have found this helpful if not I am happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ok, so, the stipulations will be as follows;

  • You are not to play Adrian West for 6 months from the unban date. (If you accidentally log on, you are to log back off and inform staff)
  • You will stick to a legal character for those 6 months
  • Any bans received within those 6 months will land you back on a permanent ban (as per FBS)
  • Any future bans for metagaming will come with a 6 month minimum cooldown
Do you agree to the above?
Hi @C_Date,
Thanks for the swift reply,

I agree to these conditions.
Ok, so, the stipulations will be as follows;

  • You are not to play Adrian West for 6 months from the unban date. (If you accidentally log on, you are to log back off and inform staff)
  • You will stick to a legal character for those 6 months
  • Any bans received within those 6 months will land you back on a permanent ban (as per FBS)
  • Any future bans for metagaming will come with a 6 month minimum cooldown
