- Location
- Bristol
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Vicky Smith
Steam ID: 76561198062466262
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19678
Ban Reason: C2.3 - Combat Logging
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I ALT + F4'd whilst being ran over (VDMd). I know this is no excuse to ALT F4 whilst in a scenario but to be honest it was 3 brand new baldies, it was late and I was tired and the voices on the 2 kids (3rd guy was screaming from the floor as was downed) ramming me were just unbelievably annoying. I really didn't care about dying because I had nothing of value on me and its just a game, if you care about that then yeah... but I just couldn't deal with the annoying squeaky voices...
I was doing a trucking rob delivering fuel to sandy airfield. I had completed the delivery so rejoined the motorway heading back to the city and to the trucking depo. I was also watching a show (New Amsterdam) whilst playing so was 50/50 between which one I was paying more attention too. After i passed the prison i noticed a tornado approaching behind me. I was swerving alittle as i was watching the show and when he came past i did go over into the second lane a few times. I heard him honk so honked back and we collided slightly (not enough to push the car or truck over). The tornado then started ramming into me pushing me off the road. I in return rammed in off the other road off the road and returned to lane 1 of the motorway. The tornado continued to ram me so i tried to disable his vehicle by hitting him into the barrier and stop him ramming me further.
I saved a clip off this first encounter but not the last bit it didnt save for some reason.

. - Clipped with Medal.tv
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I got away from the tornado and once i got into the city i slowed down to check the map for which exit was easier take. I saw 2 tornados and a white local car coming back up behind me so started driving again. All 3 cars then started ramming me, blowing up my trailer and left my truck smoking.
I got out and was going to start repairing my truck but one of the tornado drivers got out and started punching me. I did stab this one as well he punched me and rammed me. I tried reparing again but the white car tried to run me off then he got out and the 3rd guy got out too. I did try to also down another one but then saw the 3rd guy getting into my truck. He drove forward then revered into me and his friend. His friend tried getting into the passenger seat off the truck buy couldnt so ended up standing on the back. The truck kept ramming me as i coudlnt get to safety to not be rammed.
I was not sure if i had been downed by this as i hit the escape menu and was trying to leave (which i know i shouldnt have) as they were just screaming and being really annoying. I later found out in TS i had been downed and did ALT F4 after i had been downed.
Why should we unban you: I fully understand I should not have combat logged even when it is other breaking the rules in the first place. I honestly just couldn't be bothered to deal with the 3 kids screaming and shouting down their mics like its an old COD game menu with annoying kids screaming abuse to everyone.
I have been on the server for nearly 9 years now. I know the rules inside out and very rarely break a rule unless its something small and silly by accident. I have only had 2 bans (including this one) in my time on RPUK which hopefully shows i do know the rules and very rarely break them. I know I shouldn't have combat logged. I knew at the time it was against the rules. I knew there was a high chance of me getting banned for it like I have. And I 1000% admit I broke the rule. But daym these kids were gunna drive me mad.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes