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Unban Appeal - Vexed - Panasonic - GTA RP

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Vexed - Panasonic

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Vexed - Panasonic 

In-game Name: Im not sure

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198254320741

Ban ID: !!rpuk8455!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I broke RP as I was having technical difficulties, my input was messed up and broke roleplay out of frustration.

Why should we unban you ?: I was having out of RP difficulties during a situation where people were telling me to 'get in my car and leave or die' (essentially) and I was trying to respond in sidechat but they were just ignoring me and then I dc'd to try and fix it and my friend told them that i was reconnecting but when I did i was downed and I said out of RP my issues and instead of acknowledging them or asking me to join ts or something, explain it in sidechat they ignored me and carried on with the situation which wouldnt have even happened if they had let me fix my issues, this obviously annoyed me so I talked out of RP, asking them what they were doing and why they cant just listen.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

So there are many rules you broke as a whole in this situation, I've had a look over the ban and the report made against you. Is this the story you wish to stick with or do you wish to be honest in what happened in this situation? Honesty is the best policy. 

As I said this happened a long time ago, I believe there may have been NLR as well but with no recordings or whatever I really am not sure.

There was a forum report made, I'll link it below and you can explain your actions from the video that is still viewable then we will go from there - 

Yeah, that clip has cut off the entire beginning of the situation where I was clearly trying to do it within roleplay or atleast in sidechat so I wouldn't be breaking RP, I get that this is not acceptable but there a personal things going on and I was just trying to have fun with my friends and we were RPing for like 2hours before this situation and then we suddenly get killed with more or less 'leave or die' (the initiation isn't shown in the clip either) and it just annoyed me. It was wrong of me to insult the people and I truly do apologise for this but as I said it was just a bad situation as a whole and with external factors I just got very frustrated and angry. Sorry.

In relation to the initiation, This isn't a GTA thing, This was something more so in Arma. Within GTA there does however need to be high quality RP before attacking others ect. Whilst yes there was issues from the other party that was addressed in the report, Do you believe it's acceptable for you to break the rules when you get frustrated and or angry?

Is this a common theme that happens often with yourself?

One thing to keep note of, Not everyone does keep ooc chat on when playing, Some do but some don't however if you get no response you are not allowed to break character unless a uniformed staff member informs you as such.

Either way there was little-to-no roleplay, and no I do not believe it was acceptable but after typing in sidechat, trying to hint it and a resolve it in rp, trying to contact an admin all being ignored there was no other way for me to try and resolve it and I'm not trying to excuse my anger I believe it was completely wrong but as previously stated that is a result of other factors.
And I don't get angry usually or break RP and I think most people who know me in this community could tell you that.

Can you please quote the rules you broke that got you here and in your own words explain why you believe we have such rules in place? 

Lets say you get into a situation like this again, Would anything be done different, If so please explain. 

'Roleplay everything' I like to play on RPUK servers and with the RPUK community and have been doing so for years.

Hopefully there wont be a situation like this where I am having technical issues and the people listen to my IN rp explanation 

I believe that's one of the more disappointing parts is you have been here for a few years at this point so we'd expect you to know better. 

When you returned you decided to break character then the first time, Was this your "IN rp explanation" even though players are to remain in character at all times? 

Why in the video did you not value your life when you returned, Then combat log when it wasn't going your own way?

Like I said the entire first like 5 minutes of the situation is cut off, like i've said multiple times, and during this was my IN rp explanation.

Value my life? Me and two of my friends were making conversation with someone at the car dealership, who she magically called backup to come, which she didn't hotmic, then when I was trying to get into my car to leave my input wasn't working and I tried to say something such as 'my arm is broken' or 'I got carpel tunnel I cant open the door' which they ignored and then started saying 'Ah put your hands up or youre gonna get shot', then I combat logged to try and see if the input would work and then the other person in the situation who they had killed even though he was listening to them was trying to type in sidechat and tell an admin, which again was ignored, i then returned and tried to tell them in that my input wasnt working and then they pointed guns at me which i knew would just be me getting killed because they had done it to my two friends who had been in the situation, the put 0 effort into their 'roleplay' and I was just trying to end the situation as best i could after IN rp attempts had been ignored, not to mention its an out of RP situation, my input was not working, so i couldnt follow their instructions any way, about all i could do was walk and talk, the rest was messing up, and i combat logged because I didnt want to be locked from playing for half an hour for something that shouldnt have even happened, that is why i talked out of RP and combat logged.

This is something that doesn't quite line up with the evidence within the report now does it. You had two people with guns at yourself and your reaction was to run around, Hit them and then combat log after being downed. I've had a look at the message you put in ooc chat and it's as followed "any admins i can speak with?"

Overall even with linking the report you haven't took much responsibility for your own actions and now decided to blame the other party for you breaking server rules. I don't trust you couldn't put your hands up however you was fully fine to run around, Attack others whilst having two guns at yourself then combat log. Since you don't wish to be honest I'll be going ahead and denying the appeal and giving you a month cooldown to rethink your actions and we will go from there in your next appeal. You can re-appeal on or after August 5th 2022.


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