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Unban Appeal - Valianted - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Valianted 

In-game Name: Jay Richardson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198842915652

Ban ID: 12286

Reason given for your ban: C2.1 - Game Modification

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was recently banned for using an changing an in-game setting of changing my resolution.

Why should we unban you ?: After my previous 2 years on this server, I was not aware that changing an in-game setting can result in a permanent ban. I was not aware that changing my aspect ratio in-game is a bannable offense, as mentioned in the conversation with Stuart and Liam, I was more than willing to change my ratio back to standard and explained my reasons for using it was that I have been using it on games I have played previously and it felt more natural to me also that the standard resolution makes me slightly nauseous. If I were to be unbanned, I would change my resolution to the standard GTA one, I offered to do this during the talk but was told that the decision had been made already and I would be receiving a permanent ban.

I still believe my ban is unjust due to the fact that I had changed an in-game setting that is available for anyone to adjust. There is a multitude of reasons that someone may adjust their resolution such as their PC not being sufficient enough to run the game in a stable manner, or due to medical reasoning. There are countless members of the community who use crosshair X which is an external third-party software and have not received punishment and as far as I'm aware it's still not bannable but me changing my resolution resulted in a permanent ban. In my opinion, my ban would be comparable to someone who is running their game without shadows. This could simply be put down to them not having a good enough PC to run shadows or that they are trying to gain an advantage in a combat situation.

Going forward I believe rules should be made more clear, as It is clear that most members of the community were not aware that this is a punishable rule break. As I said in the conversation if I was aware that it this was a rule break I would not have facilitated a stretched resolution.

Thanks for taking my appeal into consideration.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You stated yourself in the staff sit that you do it for an advantage, why would you want an advantage over other players on a roleplay server?

Hello Liam, During the conversation we had and as far as I can remember I didn't actually say I use a stretched resolution on FiveM for an advantage, if so, this was a mistake, but I am aware I said I use it on other games for an advantage. I had simply carried over the resolution to this game now due to it feeling more natural to me. I don't believe a stretched resolution gives a player that much of an advantage due to you having a trade off for a smaller FOV at the same time. It was a lengthy conversation and I was getting somewhat annoyed that I received a permanent ban for something that was previously not punishable and it being an in-game setting that anyone can change and other players use.

As I had said before and tried made clear, my reasoning for using a stretched resolution was due the fact I have used a stretched resolution in other games over my many years of playing Video games and it feels more natural to me. At the same time I also said another reason for me using a different resolution to the standard one is due to me feeling nauseous with the standard one. 

Good afternoon @Valianted

I'd like to clarify something for you before your unban appeal is continued. 

The ban reason listed on your ban is incorrect. 

You are not banned under C2.1 - Game Modification

You are banned under C1.7 - Common Sense

To further clarify this for you; it is NOT against server rules to alter the base game resolution via the GTA Settings > Advanced Graphics however, and there is a big however, utilising a resolution in order to gain a tactical/combat advantage ingame shows clearly to the Staff Team that you are here on our server for the wrong reasons and we reserve the right to remove you from the server at any given time. You are playing on a roleplay server and not Counter-Strike Global Offensive or Fortnite. 

It's very easy for us to determine whether you change your resolution for, shall we call it, a legitimate reason or whether you're doing it because you need to shoot people on a roleplay server. 

You've even yourself admitted to members of the staff team that the reason you use stretched res is to and I quote "gain an advantage over another player" Now you can sit here all you want and say you didn't say it and that's fine, that's on you. I've got several members of staff confirming you've said this and unfortunately for you, I believe them more than I do you and for good reason. You're not exactly an exemplary member of the community now are you? 

You're not the only person to utilise stretched resolution on competitive games such as CS:GO, but on a roleplay server to gain an advantage over another player.... really?

Originally I was banned under C2.1 being Game Modification. Stuart and Liam were both adamant that this was the rule I had breached so I'm not too sure why it's been changed to common sense now? I'm not sure how a member of the community can receive a ban for changing an in-game setting under common sense? 

It's very easy for us to determine whether you change your resolution for, shall we call it, a legitimate reason or whether you're doing it because you need to shoot people on a roleplay server. 
I've been on the server for 2 years. I'm in a whitelisted group, I've got a police character and hold myself to a high standard of Roleplay. I explained my reasoning for having the stretched resolution being that I've been using a form of stretched resolution on other games for many years and it felt more natural to use it carrying over to FiveM, along with the other medical reason I mentioned. 

You've even yourself admitted to members of the staff team that the reason you use stretched res is to and I quote "gain an advantage over another player"
I have watched over the whole conversation and I believe this was in response to Stuart asking why players might use a stretched resolution. I answered in an unsure manner saying "I'm not sure, to potentially gain an advantage?" This wasn't my reasoning for using it, it was just a quick response to his question as at the time I wasn't sure what I was being punished for. I was also asked questions like what monitor I used and I wasn't quite sure what the staff team were implying. As I have stated before I have different reasoning for my use of a stretched resolution. 

I've got several members of staff confirming you've said this and unfortunately for you, I believe them more than I do you and for good reason. You're not exactly an exemplary member of the community now are you?
There were 2 staff members present, Stuart and Liam. I have the whole chat between us clipped and re-watched it a few times. At no point in that talk do I say I alter my resolution to "gain an advantage over another player." As I said previously this was in response to Stuart's question of why a player might be using a stretched resolution and not my personal reasons. 

You're not the only person to utilise stretched resolution on competitive games such as CS:GO, but on a roleplay server to gain an advantage over another player.... really?
I personally do not use a stretched resolution with the intent to gain an advantage over another player, I was not aware that this was even a rule break. I offered to change back to the resolution and advised that others be made aware of this rule as I'm sure majority of the community were not aware that playing in a resolution that is not the standard 16:9 can result in a permanent ban. I would also like to clarify that I do not use a crosshair programme or any inbuilt monitor crosshair which should go in my favour that I am not here simply just to "frag."

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Good Afternoon @Valianted ,

Apologises for the delay in getting back to you, other commitments meant I was unable to dedicate the time required to further investigate this ban to gather all the facts and ensure we do the right thing. This has now been done. 

My initial involvement in this was simply intended to ensure a mistake made in the banning process was corrected to ensure you, as a member of our community, know exactly and correctly why you were banned. Instead now I have taken up this appeal and investigation in it's entirety and that is why there has been a delay.

Again, to clarify to you here once more, not only was it not for C2.1 Game Modification, it was under our C1.7 Common Sense rule. The reason in which this ban was placed wasn't simply because you changed your resolution in the "GTA Settings > Advanced Graphics" option, but it was thought by members of the Staff Team that dealt with your initial ban that you had made reference and comments to the comment of "Why do you use Stretched Resolution" and as such were simply only here to 'Frag' instead of roleplay.

Since you provided a video showing your perspective, it becomes more clear to me that you were in fact answering the question of "Why do you people use stretched res" instead of the question "Why are you using stretched res". As I am sure you can appreciate, this was a misunderstanding on our part for taking the answer at face value instead of further clarifying the question to you to get a clear response to that specific question. 

If I may; although I understand your frustration, the sarcastic/care free approach made toward the situation in the RPUK Groups Discord isn't one that we'd expect from a member of our community and as you rightly know, that place can be bad enough as it is without you adding fuel to the fire. All we ask is for you to be patient, mature and not create unnecessary drama or issues for us and you.

Investigations like this take time, as I am sure you are willing to understand. Corrections get made if we're found to make mistakes as we did at the very beginning. 

Unban Issued; Fair Ban System Record Unaffected.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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