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Unban Appeal - Valianted - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Valianted 

In-game Name: Jay Richardson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198842915652

Ban ID: rpuk6305

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to helping a friend transfer money in-game from an old character he was no longer using and was about to delete. I used RP to do so thinking it would make it acceptable however looking back now I can see that it was a stupid decision and how doing such things can impact the economy and the server as a whole.

Why should we unban you ?: The reason I believe I should be unbanned is that I have realised the mistake I have made which was breaching rule G2.9 transferring money or items between characters I would not do it again as I can see the impact it could have on the servers economy if exploited. During my past 7 months on the server and over 1500 hours played, I logged on daily and have made countless friends and memorable RP scenarios for myself and other people with who I interacted within the server. It was inconsiderate of me thinking I would be able to get away with breaking rules for a very little amount of gain and not get any repercussions to my actions. Since my ban I have went through and refamiliarised myself with the rules in order to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. Going forward if the staff team give me another chance in the server I would make sure to not break any rules no matter what the circumstance.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@ValiantedWhy do you think that we don't allow people to transfer items between characters?

Hello @George Harrisand thanks for your reply. 
Rule G2.9 is in place for the reason so the economy has a stable balance and so it doesn't get abused like it has been in the past by others. 
Effectively preventing players cheating the system of gaining an income by any means other than through roleplay.

@ValiantedDid it not seem wrong at the time when you were doing it?

Hello, at the time when I was doing it I didn't think about my actions and the consequences they could have to them. After I did it, I didn't quite feel right and now I deeply regret it.

Hello @Valianted ,

You said that at the time of the rulebreak, you didn't think about the consequences your actions might have.

Explain to me in your own words what consequences breaking this said rule has for you and the rest of the server.

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Hello @Masis,
 The impact this rule has for the server is that it can be abused to ruin the servers economy and have a detrimental affect to the server another reason it is there is to stop people being able to make money through unfair means and skipping the roleplay aspect of doing so which would tie into rule G5.9 stating that your character should have long term growth and not be done overnight. The consequences this rule had on me was that I breached rule G2.9 in order to "middleman" for a friend, he was deleting a character he was no longer using and was about to delete we roleplayed the whole scenario and he transferred me a car and a bit of cash on him. which totalled to around 170k-ish I ended up taking a fraction of the money and giving the car and the rest to him. Overall this had very little impact to my overall wealth at the time i'm not trying to excuse my actions as I understand I breached the rule and got what I deserved. I just wasn't thinking about my actions which was stupid of me however I didn't have any intent to cause harm to the economy. 

See, i have a massive issue with this here. The fact is, this is something that has been preplanned down to the finest detail and arranged and executed.

So, you are sorry and you new see why this shouldnt happen but thats only because you have been caught. You were well aware of the consequencies here yet you still did it. You cannot convince me that at no point during this you would not have known you could get caught and banned for it. The trust with you is broken so how do we move forward from there?

Hello @Charles Vane,
Your absolutely right, However one thing is for sure and that is at the time, the initial intent was for my friend to roleplay a meetup and transfer his assets to me for myself to keep, then he would be satisfied enough to delete his character after doing so. The moment that changed everything was when he asked if I wanted to either keep everything that was given to me or transfer most of it to him. It was an act of being a good friend and getting it over with however that isn't really the case when we've both been foolish enough to break this rule in the first place. While I was the middleman, there aren't any excuses to rectify this mistake. I had a lapse of judgement at the time, it hurts more than anything to have to deal with this but its the consequences to my actions. As you quoted "moving forward" can only happen if i've learnt my mistake in which I  have and rebuilding trust will be a slow process but an important one as a part of moving forward.

Hello @Valianted

Could you please answer the following questions for me:

1) How much money was sent to you, and how much was returned to your friend.
2) What's the in-game names of the characters involved.
3) Besides transferring funds / facilitating the transfer between characters, is there anything else you'd like to let us know at this time?

Remember, honesty is always the best policy...

Hello @Drex

1. I remember the total amount sent was 190k and then the car was transferred. Im guessing I would've kept maybe around half of it I honestly can't remember. which at most wouldve been around 100k after the car was transferred.
2. The characters involved were 
 -Myself (Jay Richardson) 
- Mazza Lini (My friend)
 -Kyros Leander (My friends solicitor character.)
3. I don't quite know what you're referring to. Could you give me more information about what you're talking about please?

Hello again, @Valianted- I am content with your answers and will leave them at that.

At the end of the day, you were part of, and helped facilitate a rather major rule break.
Although I am pleased with your answers to my questions above, I would not deem it fair to simply allow you to return with money obtained illegitimately. 

I am willing to unban you, on the condition that your current bank balance is set to £0. You will however keep all your other items, vehicles, your house and it's content.  
Furthermore, any involvement in similar rule breaks within the following year (Until 31/12/2022), will result in a permanent ban with a minimum 6 months cooldown before you'd be able to appeal your ban. Any other rule breaks will fall under the "Fair Bans System", as per usual.
(Specifically, any involvement in breach of rules: G2.9, C2.2 - Transferring money or items, and exploiting).

Do you agree to these terms?


Then I welcome you back, the ban has been lifted. 
Before you rejoin our server, please have another look through our GTA RP as well as Community rules. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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