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Unban Appeal - UwUBigShlong - 01/28/20

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
2.4 Exploiting.

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
So I was banned under the rule 2.4 for exploiting and killing somebody "through" the floor and also "lying" in a report a player.

Why should we unban you ?
I feel like you should unban me because well first of all I didn't mean to exploit but you aint going to believe me anyways same for this appeal, You aare not going to believe me but i'm trying my best and i'm going to give it a shot.
I'm not writing a sob story or expecting any sympathy for the staff team but as of recently I've been in a pretty rough place and know that doesn't excuse my actions in game. I am a very prosperous human being who tries his best to do everything right for everybody but recently it's not being going too well. I am ashamed and embarrassed by my recent actions and i can tell you now that I solemnly apologise for my actions to the staff team and whomever it may be i upset. Yes i fucked up... More than once... I can only apologise for the mistakes i made in the past and I want to correct these mistakes I really do.
The consequences of my actions should not be taken lightly. All i can say to you is that i'm sorry and I just hope that you can forgive me, Seeing as the staff think i'm lying It's going to be a tricky road for myself but i am willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you guys that i'm not some toxic person on the internet. I really love RP and i'll admit a nice cheeky little gunfight every now and again is quite fun.
After a long days work I can come home to RPUK and have fun and great times whether it's just talking to people at airport or just dropping people into the ocean, there is always something that can cheer up the mood. I've met some really great people over the times and I think that it's too soon for me to be leaving them especially under these disgusting conditions. I just hope that i get one more chance to me with my fellow friends and just relax, have fun and live a happy life. Hope is a very strong word and has a strong meaning behind it, as my grandfather once taught me "If you live without hope then you might as well not exist".

Thank you for taking your time to read this and I really HOPE I am able to revive myself from this situation.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

(Direct) UwUBigShlong: //are you stupid

(Direct) UwUBigShlong: //you're fucking stupid

(Unknown) UwUBigShlong: that's why you get you idiot

(Unknown) UwUBigShlong: idiot

Thats only of a couple of hrs... 
I only see trouble here, No respect for other people, no respect for the rules. 
Is this how you want the people to know you? 

No it isn't how I want people to know me.

And I can tell you why I wrote that and the context behind it. I was at rebel outpost and I was chilling around and then 2 guys dont even say 1 word and kill me... then bm me in voice chat then they die straight after. That's the reason I said what It was a heat of the moment situationgiven the actions that led up to it but I can assure you 99% chance this isn't going to happen again. I know it's not acceptable but as a rebel when this happens if frustrating as fuck. Especially when its day in and day out constantly happening. If I am given another chance in situations like that I would use a different type of text and just get on with it... after all it is a game like. To be fair I dont think asking if someone is stupid is toxic? You have the snippets of me saying "toxic" stuff in chat but I've had plenty of good times where I have respected the rules, I have helped and guided people and new players. I've helped them out in the nicest way I possibly can. If you're going to scoop that low at least tell me to put my hands up before shooting me I'd be less mad but because they said nothing it annoyed me.

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I was at rebel outpost and I was chilling around and then 2 guys dont even say 1 word and kill me... then bm me in voice chat then they die straight after.
There are other ways to deal with situations like this. 

To be fair I dont think asking if someone is stupid is toxic? You have the snippets of me saying "toxic" stuff in chat
Probably they were newer players, does not gives them a excuse to break rules. but there first interaction  is with you. and then you go on calling them idiots. 
If that happens to me, i would straight out leave the server. You could contact admin. then we could keep a eye out and guide them in the right way. 
i only had to look in 1 day of chat logs to find you calling people idiots. 

Your record of bans is long. 

1st ban breaking rp - we understand you was probably new. but yet did not read the rules. 
2nd ban  giving out information while downed. 
3th ban  again breaking rp after dying.  
4th ban RDM 
5th ban Glitching. 

And even 3 warnings. And on numerous occasions you showed pretty poor attitude. 

How many chances do you want us to give? 
When you gonna start to actual follow rules? 
I really think it is time for you to think about your attitude and lack of respect for rules. 

Yes my ban record is long and it doesn't look good even in the slightest,  I can explain all bans except the 1st one because i don't actually remember it.
2nd ban I said to my friend "kill him" because i did in fact get vdmed.
3rd Ban I broke rp and accused somebody of something which wasn't acceptable at all.
4th Ban I tazed somebody without giving them enough time to comply.
5th Ban I shot somebody through the floor, on accident but because you all see me as liars no matter what i say about it you won't believe me.

You've gave me more than enough chances and to be honest I don't deserve another chance. I have always followed the rules, 2 out of the 5 bans were accidental which still doesn't justify it. I have nothing but respect for the rules and I will always have respect for the rules even if i am perm banned, the rules are there to keep the community non toxic, Given i am not in a good position at this point I am changing as a person.

I actually want to thank you for banning me because I have shed some light over the past 3-4 days and i've realised what I have become and when io reflect on my actions I feel very ashamed and I think "What the fuck am i doing?". 

I'm just hoping that I do get 1 FINAL chance to prove to you guys that I can and will change.

Now why did you think it was acceptable to shoot him, when you clearly saw his body glitched treu the wall? 

It is not acceptable not one single bit but like I said In the report a player he fell through the dmt and he was doing the falling animation, there was no way I could see if he was glitching through the floor. It was only after I realised he was in the dmt because his body went back to the top. I didn't mean to exploit on purpose that why I straight away I messaged tad and told him what had happened. I'm sorry for breaking the rule and I'm sorry to the person I shot. It was a genuine accident which would not happen again.

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strange you seem to said something different? 

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That was in the first occasion, his head and his hands were through the dmt so I shot his hand once to say "stop looking through the floor" and i had no intent on killing him I also didnt want to hit him anyways and from my pov he was looking through the floor. In the report a player video you will see that at the start of the video you see gun shots under the dmt that's when he was sticking through and from my pov looked to be exploiting also and then well what happened after you already know. I had no intentions of exploiting because I wouldn't want to risk my place on the server.

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his head and his hands were through the dmt so I shot his hand once to say "stop looking through the floor"
its interesting as you clearly see in his video he was third personing the ground. see he is not peeking true the floor. 
So once again you trying to lay the guilt somewhere else. However in all the evidence we have seen. we see you killing him true a glitch. 
And the screenshot above is the evidence you clearly would do anything to win a situation. And on top of that we see alot of shittalking between both groups. 
Thats not the first time where you start to shittalk. 

I am changing as a person.
People dont change over a couple of days, They mask themself so others believe they changed. 
You clearly haven't changed, in the report you were found lying. Now i show you proof where you incriminate yourself. 
And guess what you instantly fall back on lying, In order to get away with it. Lying will get you no where. 

So then after you get reported for 2.4. a other report comes in for RDM. 
I think you need some time off here. You can appeal again in 1 month time. Have i think about your attitude. 
And actually own up for your mistakes. Instead of just lying to get out of it. 

DENIED 02/02/2020 - Can appeal at 02/03/2020

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