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Unban Appeal - Uban_NoelDon - GTA RP

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Under The Sea
Unban Appeal for Uban_NoelDon 

In-game Name: Noel Don

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198370638406

The date you got banned: 07/12/20

Member of the team that banned you: Chris

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because an inmate asked me to use an exploit in jail to break out of the cells & I stupidly agreed (using joint baseball animation)

Why should we unban you ?: I made a really stupid mistake. On the 5th I played on the server all day & I played at night. The night before I had no sleep. Me + lack of sleep don’t go well together but I acknowledge that it was dumb of me to have stayed on because I committed a a ban-able offence (C2.2). The inmate kind of peer pressured me to break out with him and exploit and I didn’t think much of it so I agreed. At around 4-5 AM on the 6th of December ‘Carl Davies,’the inmate, and I were spotted by the Gruppe6 warden; ‘Paddy Wagon’ talking about exploiting & actually exploiting. He had his ‘GoPro’ on, any evidence you request please go to his report which includes all the information. I have dedicated alot of hours and sleepless nights playing this fun server, from doing coke runs to meeting nice people. I have bought quite alot of things on my character as well such as cars, a house & guns which took days of work to get, disregarding the items I lost due to bugs.I sincerely apologise for messing up and exploiting. I understand that exploiting is unfair and it’s as an advantage as a cheat. I want to continue playing on the City I hope I am given a last chance.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello @Uban_NoelDon

I cannot find any users on the gta server with that SteamID. Please check and resubmit.

Thank you

Thank you.

OK so despite this being your 6th ban in what you say is 5 days of playing the server. How many chances do you want? You have been banned on average every 20 hours at that rate. And that is 20 hour IRL, not in game time either.

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Look, 6 bans in 5 days just isn't on. We have people who have been here for years without a single ban. Why should we give you another chance? 

I understand. There is no reason you should unban me at this point since I took the piss too many times. If I still play FiveM I will make an appeal in 6 months. Thanks for your time.

Well I was going to say three months, but yes, I feel as though you should take some time off of the server. I really do not think that I have seen so many bans in such a short time, at least not for someone who actually wants to be here.

Based on the sheer number of bans I will be denying this appeal for now and would like to invite you to reapply in 3 months. 

Denied - Can re-appeal 16/2/2021

A future appeal cannot happen after your actions tonight on an alternative steam account! 

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