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Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Tyree 

In-game Name: Danny Tyree

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199479584751

Ban ID: !!rpuk11948!!

Reason given for your ban: Combat Logged

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Combat Logged - I wasn't aware at the time it would get me banned because I was new to RP.

Why should we unban you ?:  Hi , I realise now that combat login is a permanent ban , but at the time of the ban I was new to RP and still am pretty much , and I panicked and didnt know what to do so I disconnected , I realise its against the rules of roleplay now but before hand I did not. So its a lesson learnt from me and have made a genuine mistake, but I think its a bit unfair because I am new. I already put 30 or so hours on the server at the time . Okay I think I remember this , it was awhile ago , a bit before I got perma banned . yes I was talking to other people in discord about where I was but same again I didnt fully know this wasn't allowed , I was new to RP so I needed to fully understand all rules and concepts , also they kidnapped me for no reason then took me to a shed in a farm in middle of nowhere and killed me , then I did talk on discord to my mates but didnt know this was against the rules , and I try to click on the video and it says it doesn't exist , so I cant watch it . I Realise I have broke the rules of RP I fully do but don't you think I deserve another chance . I have learnt loads of lessons since the ban and my friends have all taught me all the rules and regulations of the server , and I have been patiently waiting for a month as well to try and play again because it is a really good server , there isn't a lot of servers out there that our like this one , me and my friends love the server and they would love if I was back on it because my mates are still playing the server because of how good it is . You have these rules In place that I broke because it makes it a fair and good roleplaying experience and it is what roleplaying is all about , combat logging just ruins the fun and most importantly the realism from the roleplay because I do know you take this server very seriously which is positive because it makes it a good RP server all round , Then onto me speaking in discord , this is a rule in place because it gives an unfair advantage to the other players who are roleplaying and by me speaking in discord to my friends it is also ruining the experience as well , since I have been banned I have a good and clear view of what I have done wrong and I now know what I need to do to prevent these incidents from happening again .

The Rules I Have Broke :

Combat Logging (C2.3) - Leaving the game at any time during roleplay .

When you are downed ( G4.4) - Not roleplaying my proper injuries , as I was just talking normally and plus I was talking in discord when I shouldn't of done .

(G3.1) - OOC Information -Using out of character info , by making the roleplay unfair to others and ruining their experience as a whole this is because I was talking in discord to my friends when I shouldn't of .

Thank you very much

I hope you understand

Danny Tyree

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Tyree

You mentioned a few times that you didn't realise that we have certain rules in place, when you create your character you would of had to agreed to the rules before playing, is there any reason why you didn't read the rules?

Also, can you tell me a bit about what transpired that resulted in you being banned?

Hi , thank you for replying .

Well at the time of creating my character - I was really a newbie at the server and most RP Servers 

I did scroll through the rules briefly but I should of fully read the terms and service , you are right , I hold my hands up for everything I've done and what I done was really wrong , I did ruin their RP experience those who were involved in the situations I did get banned for. You have these rules In place that I broke because it makes it a fair and good roleplaying experience and it is what roleplaying is all about , combat logging just ruins the fun and most importantly the realism from the roleplay because I do know you take this server very seriously which is positive because it makes it a good RP server all round .

As I have mentioned -

The Rules I Have Broke :

Combat Logging (C2.3) - Leaving the game at any time during roleplay .

When you are downed ( G4.4) - Not roleplaying my proper injuries , as I was just talking normally and plus I was talking in discord when I shouldn't of done .

(G3.1) - OOC Information -Using out of character info , by making the roleplay unfair to others and ruining their experience as a whole this is because I was talking in discord to my friends when I shouldn't of .

Thank you very much

I hope you understand

Danny Tyree

Can you tell me why we should allow you back into the community after breaking such basic rules?

Well as I am now full aware of all the rules for Roleplay.co.uk , as I have fully read all terms of conditions for the server , I now feel like I will be good participant for the server with good roleplaying experience and sticking to the rules at all times. this will never be an issue again . As I have said I fully understand all rules I have broke and read through the rules thoroughly . I am sincerely sorry with everything that has happened in the past with me breaching terms and conditions. Since my ban was took place , I would say now I am fully aware what and what doesn't make good roleplay experience for myself and other people involved .You have these rules In place that I broke because it makes it a fair and good roleplaying experience and it is what roleplaying is all about. I hope you see something from this and realise what I have done is my wronging and can be seen as me being a better person in the server , really appreciate it . 

As I have mentioned - I will state once again

The Rules I Have Broke :

Combat Logging (C2.3) - Leaving the game at any time during roleplay .

When you are downed ( G4.4) - Not roleplaying my proper injuries , as I was just talking normally and plus I was talking in discord when I shouldn't of done .

(G3.1) - OOC Information -Using out of character info , by making the roleplay unfair to others and ruining their experience as a whole this is because I was talking in discord to my friends when I shouldn't of .

Thank you very much

I hope you understand

Danny Tyree

From when you got banned to now have have you being doing?

Have you played on other servers or did you take a break?

Also you don't need you to copy and past the same thing three times, mentioning it once is enough.

Well before Roleplay.co.uk - I played CMG Public for a bit , not on this account it was on my brothers PC , but I have played a little bit on this account , I had a good roleplay experience , I did not break any rules - well I shouldn't be doing anyway in any server obviously  I was still new to RP at the time but I did play on that server for quite a bit - but since I have really took a break from RP servers for a few weeks yes 

Okay I will not copy and paste again 

My apologies

Thank You 

Danny Tyree 

Going forth, how will you stay out of the appeal section?

By sticking by all the rules and following them in a good manor while I'm on the server especially the ones I broke . I will have a good positive RP attitude while playing and communicating with other players and will always stay out of trouble and keep my self to myself . By ready all rules and conditions I have a good overview of all the rules and why you have them in place to have a good realistic RP server and have a positive community 

Thank You 

Danny Tyree

Are you able to open a Discord ticket, link your appeal and we'll let you know what will happen next?

When you create the ticket , the second box , ' what can I help you with ' do you put the URL for you appeal? and is your TeamSpeak ID the long key you got given . 

Fairly clean record with this being your only ban, please let it be your last.

Any ban within 6 months, will be a permanent and you'll be right back here due to Fair Ban System


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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