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Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

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tyler hatton

New member
united kingdom
Unban Appeal for tyler hatton 

In-game Name: antony leach

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020003687

Ban ID: !!rpuk11504!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned over a month ago for leaving why i was dead and in the countdown mode

Why should we unban you ?: i had to leave the server as i had work and did not want to be late i then come back to a ban i appealed to explain real world meant i couldnt contuine in the rp at the time and that i would have to leave why i was dead i then got denied and was told to re try today the 25th feb a month later i served the ban ive not managed to play with the friends i made on the server due to being banned and played no rp as only this server is the best on five m i hope me serving my time will get me unbanned as this action will not be repeated as i want to help others in the rp and get along and make sure non of the ruels are broken i am again sorry for breaking the rule but i have served my time thank you for reading my 2nd appeal i hope you the best day.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

i have served my time
Not at all, your ban is permanant.

So, what will you do next time if you return to the server and you have to go whilst downed?

I will have to sit and roleplay out the situation maybe rush to say im bleeding out really fast so i can roleplay but also make it as fast possible so both the rp continues and i get revived so im not leaving during a down period. So the rp is continued  and the rp is not breaking along with the rules

also make it as fast possible so both the rp continues and i get revived so im not leaving during a down period.
This isn't really what we want to hear. Rushed RP is not quality RP by any stretch of the imagination.

If you might need to leave soon, do you think jumping on the server where you could have an extended RP interaction is the best idea?

Furthermore, have you thought about alerting the other party to this via OOC, for example?

Im new to rp not sure on all the rules and ways to rp ooc im not sure how to use probably or the over head text chat im still new and learning. I love when rps do last just didnt know what to do when i needed to go 

You've mentioned you had to leave due to having work, If this was the case why not simply log off prior to being involved in RP? 

We understand some players are new to the community and finding their feet however you do need a basic understanding of our rules. Why didn't you reach out to the staff team if you had to leave? 

Hello there @tyler hatton

Please reply to the above soon or your appeal may time out. 

im not sure how to contact staff and stuff and i was mid rp and didnt realise that the gang would then find me after me loosing them as i was parked up ready to leave but was leaving discord and stuff when they pulled up im new and will need to learn all ways of finding way to contact people incase this issue re arises 

You could of posted something in OOC if you we're unsure no? Why wasn't this route taken, Since you know how to use this chat in game.

Whilst indeed new players do need to find their feet within RP and that's why we are here to help overall and to ensure others enjoy their time on RPUK. There are many ways to contact a member of staff, OOC Chat in game, Tickets on discord, Join for support on Teamspeak. Of course we have forum messages however the three listed are preferred since we see these quicker overall. 

In relation to the rules, Have you taken the time to read them? If so please quote the rule fully that you have been banned for and explain in your own words why we have such a rule within the community and the importance of this rule. 

The rule quotes as following “Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)” 

this means that if you are in interactions with other people on the server and you log out to ragequit or to avoid death or arrest then you are exploiting the server and the way it works and the way that rp works , this helps to prevent players from leaving and abusing such actions to help them self from dying or loosing lives and gear in their life . This rule is so important to keep it fair to everyone involved and to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and if you was to be arrested or shot then you must rp them actions without exploiting and leaving the server for your own benefit.

In relation to the above message I posted, Could you please answer this also - You could of posted something in OOC if you we're unsure no? Why wasn't this route taken, Since you know how to use this chat in game.

I have typed in the OOC chat before and have people say its noy used for contacting people and to use discord so i never knew i could use ooc to contact people, now i know that ooc chat can be used to contact the gods aka admins and staff i will use incase of thid incident happening again so that rp is not broken and that everyone has a fair chance at roleplay

Who told you not to use ooc? 

There are many reasons to use ooc such as if you need a staff member, If you have questions (Outside of what you will need to find out in RP). In relation to the rules, Can you quote the rule you broke and in your own words explain why we have such a rule and the importance of said rule.

I have typed in the OOC chat before and people say its for rp purposes only so that i couldnt ask for help me being new i dont know if they was being serious.

The rule quotes as following “Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)” the rule is there so we all a equal opportunity at roleplays and that people cant abuse different methods to help gain gear extra lives or money from the methods giving them a better advantage over others in the server. This means that everyone including members of the server the emergency services and admins all are at a level playing field 

This isn't the case, As mentioned above that's the reason for it and players are welcome to post there should they need help, Have questions ect. At times there are things asked that are a find out in RP thing however that will be mentioned. You won't be discouraged by staff posting in there so keep this in mind moving forth. 

Since you do have a better understanding of the rule I am willing to give you another opportunity however this will come at a cost. So to receive an unban your inventory will be wiped, This is everything in your F3 menu such as items you hold, Weapons and any loose cash. Money in your bank account/cars ect will remain. Do you agree to this term? 

I agree with this term I understand that its only fair for me to not keep my items and serve the consequences. Im sorry for breaking the rule and this will not happen again thank you for being so understanding 

I've gone ahead and removed all items you had in your inventory. As mentioned all vehicles and bank account will remain and anything else you owned outside of the F3 menu. I do hope this won't happen again given you seem to understand the rule better and the length of time you must wait if this does happen overall. 

I would suggest if you haven't during the ban read the GTA and Community rules fully so you have a better understanding of these prior to rejoining. Now another thing to mention and something you will need to do, Upon loading back in your character should still be dead on the floor, If you spawn in on Antony and you aren't down then you are to do /die and roleplay out the down you had prior, I.e the character was shot.

How you roleplay where you we're shot, If you get saved or respawn, This is up to yourself. Of course if you do respawn then you will then need to follow the NLR rule when you respawn or if you are saved then that rule in relation to being revived. If you have any questions or need any help we have the ooc chat in game and discord tickets you can use 🙂 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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