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Unban Appeal - Turner0 - GTA RP

Will w

Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: William White
Steam ID: 76561199651942309
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16916
Ban Reason: C2.2, G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: I can only assume it was because i dropped some coke on the floor when i was a previous character to test out how to do mining and was dragged into a situation which lead me to buy some. I then went back onto my main character and picked it up. Then a few days later i sold 10 bags as i was testing to see how it works, as i had to find out how to bag it initially. The rest i was just leaving in my other car as i had no intention of selling it as thats not what my character was based around.
Why should we unban you: I sincerely apologise if this has caused a negative effect on how i am viewed as a person in the community. I have only had a PC for the last month and have only had FiveM for about a week. Its a mistake i shouldn’t have made as i am trying to learn as much as i can about gta rp as i have no experience in it at all and want to learn.

I dont know why i did it as i have no intention of going into drug dealing or gang affiliation for my character. I was staying as a hard working man of society and even applied for the NHS, with interview pending.

If i was to be unbanned i would delete my other characters (i have a third which was just a “get a feels for things character” to see what i wanted to do within the server) and stick with the storyline i am making for my character as i was really enjoying it.

I would like to reiterate my apologies as i should’ve known better, even as a new player and used my common sense. Im happy to take any sanction on myself and character if i was unbanned as i know now, set in stone, what i did has consequences and i dont need or want to do what i did to have a good time on the server and just play properly like i was doing up until and after this incident.

Apologies to anyone in game that was affected by my actions and i can say for certain it won’t happen again, whether im unbanned or not. Thank you.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
@Turner0 You transferred the drugs between your characters, putting them in a box on the floor in a bush! If that doesn't scream you're deliberately doing don't know what does. You did transfer it on purpose, didn't you?
Hi, thank you so much for the reply. Yes i did it deliberately, theres no accident about it. Theres just no reason for me doing so for which i apologise for. As said, I don’t want to go into drug dealing or any of the sort so it was stupid of me to even bother.
I think i done it really because i was on my other character which I wasn’t going to use, i thought i’d try to give it to my other one for whatever reason. Its embarrassing to be honest because i was really enjoying myself on your server and messed it up with me being stupid over something i didn’t even want.

The reason for me dropping it in a bush was because it was in a high pop area and didn’t want others taking it. I’ll be honest because theres no reason to hide it.

This is something I’ve reflected on and won’t happen again whether unbanned or not. I dont need to do things like that nor do in want to. Its a one off thing thats made me look an idiot, and will most certainly make me not do anything like that again.

Thanks again for your time
How do you feel about us wiping your characters?
Hi Phoenix, thank you for your reply this early in the morning.
I’m completely happy with losing my characters if it gives me another chance on your server. I’ll lose some hard work from my main but I’ll do it all again, not a bother.
I would really appreciate the opportunity also as i feel it would give me a clean slate to do better now i have some experience with GTA RP and show i can be a valuable member of the community.

I also wanted to say, I’ve been keeping tabs on most of the appeals and reading through them and if anyone reads mine. Don’t break the rules. The team behind this server WILL catch you and ruin your day, deservedly so. If it’s a mistake, let someone know asap as i think being transparent can bring great clarity depending on the situation.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read :)
Which character would you want to keep should you be offered only one?
Tell me about them and your plans for long term character development :)
Hiya :)

If i could keep one it would be William. The other two characters where really just for me to understand Roleplay and work out what i wanted to do within the server. Your server is the first Roleplay server i’ve played as im completely new to PC and RP so i was just trying to get to grips with it all.

Once i made my third character, William, i knew he was going to be my main one which i would develop and progress with in the long run. Within that time of having him, about a week and a half or so, I quickly became max rank as a mechanic and interacted with a lot of other civs for breakdowns and police for impounds trying to get myself out there and be known.

Also, within this week and a half (or so) timeframe i applied to join the NHS, which i was successful in and had an interview pending. This would’ve also been a great avenue to go down and really create a large storyline for myself which i wanted to get as high up as i could as i love learning.

I did however read somewhere that joining the NHS is more a full time role so would be preferred to make a new character for. Saying that, this gives me multiple options that i could take for one or more characters to contribute to the server so i definitely wont run out of things to do in the long term and can really make some great progress in myself, learning more about RP to be someone who produces good roleplay for everyone.

I hope this helps provide insight into my plans on what i was going to be doing.

Thanks a lot
I have requested a full wipe for "William White" and the deletion of your other 2 characters. I am willing to give you another chance and issue an unban.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be permanent again, so do not waste this opportunity and make sure to read and understand our rules fully before connecting to the server again.