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Unban Appeal - Tedsuch - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Teddy cole
Steam ID: 76561199169637688
Ban ID (just the numbers): 76561199169637688
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Combat log (not too sure as the rules have changed but I think)
Why should we unban you: Being away from the server I have realised that RPUK is one of the best roleplaying servers on fiveM. Being banned for over a year now I wish that I was never banned for a stupid reason. I will own up to my mistakes and can only apogise and can assure you that I will never do this again. After when I got injured I should of carried on the RP situation and made a good RP scene for everyone.

If I was to return to the server, I would want to express my desire to RP again. I have been interested in the NHS and I think that I could get some really good RP out of some people. I am willing to work hard to earn back the trust of the community and prove that I am capable of being a responsible and respectful member of the community. Since being of RPUK not only my RP has improved but my overall maturity. I really hope that one day I can get back to RP as it is one of the best community's on FiveM to be involved in.

I am willing to work hard to earn back the trust of the community and prove that I am capable of being a responsible and respectful member of the community. Since being off RPUK not only my RP has improved but my overall maturity. I really hope that one day I can get back to RP as it is one of the best community's on FiveM to be involved in. I apricated for you looking into this for me.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Combat log (not too sure as the rules have changed but I think)
First of all, the rules have not changed at all since your ban.

Being banned for over a year now I wish that I was never banned for a stupid reason.
Secondly, you haven't been banned for "over a year", you haven't even been banned for 6 months. Your ban was 27/12/2023.

Given both of these, I am dubious about both your understanding of the rules, and the situation in which you were banned from.
Thank you for the reply. I would want to start to say that I apologise with the “banned for a year”. I honestly did not relise about that it has felt like a long time. combat logging is a really silly thing to do. It not only ruins my experience to roleplay but also the other players around me that wanted too. The situation leading up to my reason to quiting which was I was involved in a gunfight with another player and I was injured. Looking back on this I feel really stupid and deeply regret doing this. I am willing to gain trust as much as I can and show that I can roleplay as best I can to the community once again. Lastly, I known that you may feel like I don’t know the rules but I can tell you that I do. I have been in this community for a little while and know how to behave and this time it was very poor from my behalf and will not happen again. Thank you for your time.
Good afternoon @Tedsuch !

The situation leading up to my reason to quiting which was I was involved in a gunfight with another player and I was injured.
So why did you log out after going down during this gunfight?
Good afternoon! Thank you for the reply.

The reason I logged out once I went down was because I did not want to loose my gear which I had on me. Looking back on this, is something that is really stupid. Quite frankly doing this not only ruined my experience but also ruined the individual which was roleplaying with me. I am very clear that I know I should never do something like this and I will hold accountability to my actions. If I was in this situation again I would roleplay my injuries and see what happens next in the roleplay scene and would not log out. Being in the community for a while I know you would not expect these actions from myself and I'm ashamed of that. Its not only ruined my chances to roleplay in the community but it has also has ruined my reputation. I can assure you that I know what I have done wrong and that this will never happen again. Thank you for you time.
Hello @Tedsuch !

I appreciate the honesty in your response and ultimately you're right, we would next expect these actions from you as you've been within this community for a while now. Surely you of all people would know the rules?

You logged out to save your gear, which shows a win/loss mentality to me.
This is a roleplaying server, not Call of Duty. Players with this kind of mentality are not what we're looking for here. What is your plan if given another chance to return to RPUK?
Good after ! Thank you for the reply

You are completely right and in the moment i was thinking properly as I should done. Personally I know how it feel when someone I was roleplaying with has the win mentality and just quit to keep their stuff. This is something that shouldn’t happen in this community. I let my standards slip and I can say it will not happen again at all.

If I was given another chance to join back to the community I would go around the city and see what RP I could join in with. This is what I most enjoyed doing when I was in the city. There are so many different things in the city which is so enjoyable and so many characters around. I couldn’t give you an answer on what I would do such as a job like a mechanic. But what I can tell you is that I would see where the RP would take me. This is what excites me the most.

Thank you for your time.
Thanks for the response!

I let my standards slip and I can say it will not happen again at all.
Why did you let them slip?

If I was given another chance to join back to the community I would go around the city and see what RP I could join in with. This is what I most enjoyed doing when I was in the city. There are so many different things in the city which is so enjoyable and so many characters around. I couldn’t give you an answer on what I would do such as a job like a mechanic. But what I can tell you is that I would see where the RP would take me. This is what excites me the most.
Are you looking to head back into the gang side of roleplay?
Thank you for the quick reply !

Throughout this appeal I have been completely honest and I have no reason for my standards to slip this is why i deeply regret for what I done. Something like this will not be shown from me again if I was given the chance to get unbanned. Being in the community for this long I can believe I have done something like this and I’m not proud of it one bit.

Like I said from my previous reply I not sure what I am going to do once I come back to the city. Me returning to a gang doesn’t interest as much as it did before. I have a greater interest in going around the city and see where it takes me rather than trying to join a gang straight away. Like I said before I have been completely honest during the appeal and ready to answer any questions you feel you want to ask me.

Thank you.
Very well @Tedsuch

I am willing to give you another chance and I sincerely hope that you will not waste it! Any ban within the next 6 months will land you right back here and you will have a much harder time to get out of that one, keep that in mind.
