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Unban Appeal - T-Raw301 - GTA RP

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Anonymous Squid


Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tirus Johnson
Steam ID: 76561198984007498
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15174
Ban Reason: C1.3 OOC Abuse,C1.2 Discrimination, G1.2 Random Death Match (RDM), G2.3 Roleplay everything,G4.5 New Life Rule (Roleplay Injuries)
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I broke the 5 rules mentioned above.

The situation started before my interaction with the police. When we were gunned down by what it seemed at the time to be pure RDM. Even when I knew that 2 wrongs don't make a right, this got me frustrated, and after trying to explain to the police officers that attended the scene, it felt like we were just loot boxes where they searched us, took our stuff and were on the way to convict us. Which, in hindsight, they were just doing their job as police officers. My frustration got the better of me and lead me to misinterpretation. This is where I didn't Roleplay Everything G2.3. I should have just gone along with it, and went on its path. Once the scene had ended, maybe I could have talked in OOC with the officers and give them my feedback in a more mannered way, but I lashed out in the OOC chat, which led me to saying really mean and offensive things. Some of which shouldn't be said in real life either, let alone in a game. We all log in on a daily basis and are here for the fun. This was the moment where I abused OOC C1.3 and used discriminatory terms C1.2. Again, this should have all been dealt with afterward in an adult manner, not in a childish behavior like mine at the time. I was also banned for RDM G1.2 and NLR (Rp your injuries) G4.5. Those 2 rules I broke on the follow-up of the situation. Where, after being patched up on a hospital bed, I just stand up from the bed and start attacking a police officer, Drex, for no apparent reason. By not giving myself time to "recuperate" after being patched up from a bullet wound, I broke G4.5 When I was revived at the moment I attacked Drex without high quality Roleplay I broke G1.2 RDM.

Also, I would like to state that on my first appeal I used ChatGPT https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-t-raw301-gta-rp.422990/ because I never got banned before and didn't know how to write this kind of stuff out, but I know now to keep honesty as the best policy.
My 2nd appeal https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-t-raw301-gta-rp.422992/ was me RP'ing a appeal because I thought it was funny and in this situation is not a laughing matter at all, for that reason I would like to deeply apologize.
On Jan, 9th I put my third appeal up, in all honestly this was my real first appeal. I appreciate the time and effort Danoo put in dealing with my appeal. I tried my best to described what I went through on that appeal and tried to answer every question asked. I will admit that I was a little disheartened after it being rejected, but after my initial and continued outburst, I calmed down and started to realize what I have truly done, and what I have done is in no way acceptable. I understand why my last unban was rejected and I appreciate the time I got given to reflect on my actions and seeing what really is on the line here. I do appreciate this server, I do appreciate this community and I do value the time that all the staff puts into RPUK, be it from management to developers, going through staff member to the very least game tester. RPUK is not something you should feel intitled to. Something I realized during the last 4 months https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-t-raw301-gta-rp.423237/#post-2474517.
Why should we unban you: Good day to the staff members reading this. I just wanted to start off on a good note and wanted to apologize to Drex before I started off the appeal for flaring out at him OOC & in discord and to those I offended in OOC, even in real life this kind of behavior should never be displayed. I also want to apologize to the staff for attempting to use ChatGPT for an appeal, and an appeal as well. Sorry to all that I have wasted your time or offended during this interaction.

While I understand from your perspective, there is probably no reason for me to get unbanned, I will try my best in explaining why I would appreciate a second chance. I should have never abused OOC C1.3 and put discriminatory subject lines C1.2 in OOC there are no expectations of this and I have learned not to do this and to keep a calm way, and what I said is uncalled-for and should never be tolerated. Regarding the RDM on Drex after being revived, I just want to make it clear while i was banned, I realized I should have taken the correct steps, calmed down, and listened rather than being frustrated at the situation and filed a compensation claim, due to my injuries beforehand (G4.5& G2.3) made this even more problematic because I ruined peoples immersions with the roleplay they have been given, and I realized I should just deal with the situation and try and discuss it after if needed in OOC chat/Discord. I also want to personally apologize again for the poor decision to RDM Drex after being revived from the situation and providing him with low quality RP, even being frustrated at the time I knew it was a wrong move to make because I was injured prior to the situation, and I now understand why rules are in place to keep everyone's immersion in place, maintain order, keep the server a fair and safe environment and make people try out new RP with normal and common sense boundaries.

I could not end this appeal without mentioning how much I enjoyed this server immensely and, extremely happy and lucky this was my first RP server to be a part of and, in my short time playing, I would love to continue TJ's storyline whichever way it may go staying in the Apostles, connecting back with friends, and to have more funny moments, and to always keep myself to a higher standard and RP everything and not get so frustrated and take the correct steps in a situation, rather than being frustrated and breaking the mentioned rules above, as well as saying abusive words in OOC as well as in DM's after being timed out i do humbly apologize for this. If given a second opportunity, I would like to rebuild a bond with the community and have a positive influence on the community
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello there, let's have a look at this.
I'll be honest with you, after looking at the ban details and your previous appeals, aswell as this one, it's not looking to great. Let's start with the biggest thing, given the fact you have had 2 appeals denied purely because of your extremly poor choices when it comes to how to handle an appeal, aswell as the whole outburst during the initial ban, the revenge report and messaging staff about it, why would we ever allow you on the server? I mean, given how quickly and easily you make such mistakes, why would we trust that if unbanned you won't end up in the same sort of situation again?
Good evening and thank you for your reply Slawek hope all is well.

During my past 4–5 months of being banned, I realized my actions have consequences and have taken this opportunity to be more relaxed and get into more RP scenarios (from Red Dead Redemption) to maintain a calm and relaxed manner on how to handle situations like this in the future. I am only human, and I recognize my mistakes and address them as well as learn how to deal with my emotions a lot better now. If given the opportunity, you will not find me in the same situation or a repeat offender because a chain of events put me into a similar RP situation, and it was handled in a totally different manner than I would have 4–5 months ago. I do understand why it doesn't look good. During my ban, I still attempted to connect with the community by tuning into streams. I do apologize again for my first 2 appeals. I have literally never been banned before on an RP server. This is my first server, and I am thankful for this and had no clue how to go about these appeals. I hope the effort I put into this appeal is noticeably different compared to the first few appeals I attempted. Thank you again for your time to review this appeal.
Good morning Slawek hope you're starting the morning off right.

Using ChatGpt was me trying to take the easy route out of the situation. Me RP'ing an appeal, It was not with the intention of mocking the staff team, but just bad judgment and not assessing my situation on how badly I had messed up, but now I understand this process takes time out of your days and is not to be played with, so I am trying to come back correct, clean, and show that I've matured. Thank you again for taking your time out of your day and reading this. I appreciate it immensely.
Good Evening Slawek. Thank you for the response!

This was a genuine typing error that I didn't get to edit during this time then on my 3rd appeal (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-t-raw301-gta-rp.423237/#post-2474517) I wanted to address my errors and want to again apologize for this human error I should have proofread before sending. I just would like to add that I have openly admitted to everything I have done wrong to get myself banned, even to my petty actions. I have no problem admitting to this if the intent was to troll or disrespect staff.
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genuine typing error
Wouldn't really call it a typing error, now if this was some gramatical issue etc. sure, that's a typing error, but this? You don't just type stuff like that accidently. Was it a mistake? Oh yes, but to me it's quite far from an innocent error and is more inline with your previous behaviour, really bad outbursts that include offending people and breaking loads of rules. How could we be sure you won't make such mistakes in the future given this history?
Good evening Slawek:

It kinda sucks that you think this way man, considering I am putting my heart, soul, and all the cards on the table here. I don't have anything to gain by lying. I know that honesty is key, and I am being completely honest here.

I am human, I make mistakes and I have owned up to them. All I can promise is that I will learn from my previous mistakes and apply what I have learned from them.

Regarding the typo mistake, my keyboard is a QWERTY keyboard. The D&R are literally right beside each other.

I understand your reasons for not straight up believing and taking my word. The actions that led me here are not the ones that someone should take and inspire from and are the least bit appealing of forming trust. I understand this. But right now, I am not saying what you want to hear, I am being completely honest.

At this moment of redemption, it is up to you to choose to believe me or not. - I have no reasons to lie. I am happy to answer and clarify any questions you have.
it is up to you to choose to believe me or not
It is indeed, with regards to that, what would be your plans on what to do on the server if unbanned, do you plan to join some factions, groups etc.?
Good morning Slawek. I hope your weekend has been good.

If given the opportunity to get un-banned, I would like to continue to stay in the Apostles. I know we may be struggling right now, and I was hoping to help bring the Apostles back again. Most of the players within the Apostles stopped playing because people, including myself, got banned, and the remaining Apostles stopped logging in because no one was around. I would like to try my best and help rebuild by being one to link people together.

I have had an incredible time with the Apostles, without any toxicity. There were even interactions with people where, at the end, compliments were exchanged, including police. I would like to be part of or even create such scenarios, scenarios where people not only want to have fun but also a part of and have fun interactions.

I have not explored the legal side of things either, and if plan A fails, the Apostles, I may explore this legal route or side with a different faction after the cool down, such as The Firm, Mara, or The Ballas.
Good morning Slawek. I hope your weekend has been good.

If given the opportunity to get un-banned, I would like to continue to stay in the Apostles. I know we may be struggling right now, and I was hoping to help bring the Apostles back again. Most of the players within the Apostles stopped playing because people, including myself, got banned, and the remaining Apostles stopped logging in because no one was around. I would like to try my best and help rebuild by being one to link people together.

I have had an incredible time with the Apostles, without any toxicity. There were even interactions with people where, at the end, compliments were exchanged, including police. I would like to be part of or even create such scenarios, scenarios where people not only want to have fun but also a part of and have fun interactions.

I have not explored the legal side of things either, and if plan A fails, the Apostles, I may explore this legal route or side with a different faction after the cool down, such as The Firm, Mara, or The Ballas.
This answer lacks any detail, all i got from it was that you want to stay in Apostoles. I'd prefer some detailed plans, what sort of situations do you have in mind etc.
Good evening Slawek.

I apologize I lack detail. If given the opportunity to get un-banned to be completely fair here, whenever I RP'd, anytime I logged in, nothing was "scripted", it was always organic, spontaneous RP, so I really never did have a plan, because anything can happen without holding myself to a planned outcome that may or may never happen, and I don't want to say something then it not come to fruition to land me back here as well. At the end of the day, if I give you a script on the forums for my future, then it doesn't happen. I don't want to come across as lying either.

Having said all of this, in a purely hypothetical scenario, on uncontrolled variables, if I would choose what I would do, I have not been in the server that long and would like to continue TJ's story line with the Apostles, but if that fails it would be nice to join a different faction after the cool-down I have no idea what kind of situations they would have in mind but I know TJ loves a good laugh in anything he does from making job applications, selling cars, getting into trouble, selling some drugs, as well as assisting friends I gave promises to.

I just wanted to say that if I get bored with the Apostles' things, or not active, it would be nice to see the communion bread, and Sunday masses, it would be nice to be a part of it. It would again be nice to experience the legal side of things with a different character. TJ would more than likely try and get into a different faction as well. I had one specific scenario we didn't get to play out yet, dealing with building instructors as well.
Took a while to think about this, and to be honest with you i'm not convinced. As you can likely guess, for someone that has done the stuff you have, that's the biggest thing you have to do here, convince us that it's worth the risk to let you back on the server. I will admit, you did quite good when it comes to explaining your actions, but as we both know, those questions are expected when it comes to most appeals, it's not hard to guess what we want to see there. That is why i wanted to know what plans you had for your characters, and that is where you lost me. I completly understand your approach to this, you mention you are all about lack of plan and just going with the flow. The thing is that is clear from your record, i'd say that is one of the biggest reasons you are here, you seem to lack that ability to stop for a moment and notice that you have messed up, of course going with the flow is good for RP, until it isn't, when you break a rule, get banned and then just keep doing stuff against the rules, that's where we run into issues. I will be denying this appeal, tho in the cooldown you recieve i highly suggest you think about some proper plans for your character or maybe a few more characters, might go a long way in proving you are here to stay around and achieve something, rather then hoping to get unbanned just to cause some chaos right after.

Denied - cooldown till 3/06/2024
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