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Unban Appeal - Stirling - GTA RP

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Active member
North LS

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Stirling Guff
Steam ID: 76561199103807564
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17686
Ban Reason: exploiting
Why do you think you were banned: Hi, I know why I was banned. This was because I abused the /die command in an attempt to improve my odds in a situation which is not fair on other players. I was also very disrespectful to the member of staff that was involved as I threw a bit of a fit.
Why should we unban you: I think I should have another chance to play on the server as I have taken time away from the game as a whole and focussed more on the backend of what goes on within a server elsewhere and can see the sheer amount of pressure owner and or staff are put through on a daily basis to maintain a player base and keep people happy to a degree that suits all.

I want to first an foremost apologise for my actions in previous tickets/staff interactions. This was out of line and I truly did not understand the things you guys do to keep the community happy (For free as well!) you don't deserve to be disrespected over something that happened over the internet never mind in a video game so for that I am sorry.

Secondly I want to apologise to the people involved in the situation where I exploited a command to try and gain an advantage the /die command should only be used in times where needed for eg, /me snaps neck or /me drinks poison. To the person that was involved in this, If you still remember (it was some time ago) I apologise.

I believe my understanding of the game has improved and I have seen what a good experience you can receive in a decent server and how you can attribute to that whilst playing within a good community. I hope you find it fit to unban me as I would like to have a fresh start within the server and hopefully form some alliances. I understand how much due diligence goes into these reports and I know I should not expect to be unbanned due to what ive done I just hope this will suffice to gain a reply from one of the staff that takes this over as I would like to have a conversation surrounding my actions to give confirmation that it wont happen again.

I know this appeal is not too long, If im honest Ive tried to leave ample time between appeals to show that I am serious about reflecting on my actions. But please any questions please fire away.

Stirling ~ The one and only ;)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @S|N ,

I appreciate you apologising about your behaviour towards the staff, hopefully this wont happen again.

Can you tell me a bit about the situation that led to your ban,

What was the reason behind using the /die command?

Why did you think this was acceptable at the time?


What is your understanding of this now looking back on it?
Hi @OneShot thanks for taking the time to hear me out!

From what I remember I was caught doing a crime (failure to stop I imagine) and was taken to the cells I remember it taking a very long time like 1hr plus I was not getting listened to when trying to RP a situation so I felt I had a bright idea to do some police brutality RP (silly choice I know now) and to go unconscious for lack of food or water without using the ambulance script mechanics. I was trying to get more officers to attend so I could try and weasel my way out of a few hours of prison given the time I imagine it was quite early in the day and I tend to stick to one character as to avoid accidentally doing the same storyline and meeting the same people on multiple characters.

The reason was to try and avoid a sentence and to make a memorable story . . . I failed and understand now that there are a million and one ways to go about creating an engaging story and that RP does not finish the first time round. In hindsight I should have took the L and then tried to go to court against the police inside RP as this would have had a more positive impact across the whole story arc of my character. Moving forward given the chance I would like to get more active on the forums and possibly create a community within RPUK that everyone can get along with Ive been here a while and haven't really used the forums for much other than checking the rules, New script updates and checking the new businesses. I feel Ive matured as a person since the ban went on and understand a bit more about what RP is all about.

To be honest I did think it was acceptable at the time but I definitely know its not now I can only apologise for my actions and ask for yet another chance to play this great server and to new have to write one of these ban appeals out because I know I always will because this server
Hits Different
and so much time has been spent on its development and that's why everyone enjoys it so much.

Looking back If I was in the position of staff and someone did this I would have banned them because I was out of line and being a bit of an annoyance on tickets. Sorry @Gordon2 I was a divvy

And again thankyou for reading my appeal.
Can you explain in your own words, the rule you have been banned for?

How are you going to improve on this moving forward?
I have been banned for rule C2.2 ~ Exploiting the /Die command

Moving forward I will make sure that I take a situation on, at its face value and not try to improve my odds via in game commands that make my character do something that happens normally anyway. but by using in game communication and also improve via using the the systems created by the community for example if in trouble use solicitors and not try and take the situation on myself by abusing commands like /die. I will make sure that my roleplay is kept to a high standard.

I will make sure that if I want to do anything drastic I will contact a member of staff via a ticket in the discord. Furthermore I would like to add that I will make sure that everyone in any situation I create or am a part of will be satisfied with my level of roleplay as not to draw the wrong attention like the one that has landed me here making an appeal for a stupid mistake.
Hello @S|N ,

After reviewing your appeal, I am satisfied with your responses and your understanding of why you were banned under rule C2.2 (Exploiting). It is clear that you have taken the time to reflect on your behaviour and have good understanding of how your actions impacted both the roleplay and the staff members involved.

I appreciate your apology to the staff and to the players involved, and I’m glad to hear that you have gained a better understanding of how to handle difficult situations in the future.

That being said, please keep in mind that this isn’t your first permanent ban, and we take these situations very seriously. While we are willing to give you another chance, be aware that if any similar behaviour occurs in the future, there may not be another opportunity to appeal.

We're willing to welcome you back to RPUK under the following conditions:

  1. You must adhere strictly to all Community and Server Rules at all times.
  2. Any violation of server rules within the next 6 months will result in an immediate permanent ban.
We trust that you understand the seriousness of these conditions and are committed to upholding them.

Don't mess it up!

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