Unban Appeal for Sonder_UNBAN
In-game Name: Sonder
Server: Community Banned
Steam ID: 76561198022525238
Ban ID: 6795
Reason given for your ban: C1.6 Community Ban
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The events that led to my ban was in my opinion a bunch of mishaps and misunderstandings, but also some wrongdoings on my part.
From my recollection the whole situation started with a video that was shared on Discord of myself on as a police officer, then Inspector of CID, together with some of my constables plus a new recruit. In said video you could see myself lighting a fellow police officer on fire. This happened late at night, out of sight of anyone else and everyone involved was on/part of the banter. Now, I know it is wrong to actually do “corruption”, especially since I was leading the newly formed Anti Corruption unit, however as we all know, everyone has some OOC banter whenever you are just with friends. The video was shared by a fellow CID officer that was part of the “situation” within our CID Discord channels. Someone that had access to the channel but was not CID shared the video within AR channels, and it was spread like that. This is strictly taking OOC information and using it within roleplay. This got me kicked out of the police, however I’m not here to debate wether or not the reasoning was just, but in my opinion it started with this. Video of the whole situation can be provided if needed, as it'll show more than the very out-of-context video that was spread on Discord, clearly showing all people involved was in on the banter.
I had previously coded a script for the recruitment section of the police that automated the whole paperwork system that they had, letting them press one single button instead of all the manual labor of duplicating documents and writing in information. I had declared in the script that I reserved the right to remove said script at any time, having learnt from a similar situation way back in AltisLife where another member of the community intended to have scripts removed from databases for my unit. I used this fact and removed the script from the sheets, as I had now been kicked from the police force and did not wish for them to keep my scripts. I wish to stress the fact that I never at any point after me being kicked from the police deleted or removed any files or information from the police Google Drive folders - it was just the script. Thinking back on it, I do regret deleting it as I’ve never wished to intentionally harm the community, and I did quickly realised how this could leave the recruitment section at a disadvantage. This did get me removed from the staff team.
Being kicked from the police force was obviously a blow to me, so I took a few days off the server, however missing it I returned with the intent to build further upon the roleplay that had happened. Building upon the roleplay that had happen, I intended my character to go into hiding, off the grid. I transferred my vehicles and money to trusted and known friends that my character had met during my time on the FiveM server, not wishing the police or the “government” to be able to track me through my assets. Now, I understand how this could be seen, as I’ve been part of situations where people have been banned for economy protection, but this left me also know how these types of situations normally gets dealt with - the “accused” would normally be temporarily banned and instructed to come to TeamSpeak to speak about it. I never got that chance, I was instantly banned from all RPUK platforms. I’m not saying that this was poorly managed by the staff/management team in my case, however if I had been given the chance this could have all been explained. I did not intend to go out with a bang, damaging the community by giving away everything before leaving - I did intend to stay and continue playing, however just without my assets. Yes, I could have gone to the staff team to have it all deleted to stay with my story, but then I would have had no way to get it back. It truly was a thought-out plan between myself and the people I trusted.
So, why do I think I was banned? I believe it was a combination of all the aforementioned situations that led to me receiving a C1.6 Community Ban. While I strongly believe this could have all have been resolved before resulting in a ban, the staff team ofcourse has the right to remove anyone they consider disruptive, which I respect no matter my personal opinion.
EDIT: I've just remembered that words were circulating that I was trying to orchestrate a mass CID walk-out following my removal. I'd like to clarify this; at no point did I suggest, encourage, order or even mention this to the people that actually ment to walk out. This was purely out of their own intent. I do understand how I could be seen as the organizer of this. CID was a passion project for me, I would never want to see it collapse even with my removal. I would not want all the work I did for the unit to be thrown out of the window, just because I was removed. On the contrary, I was actually happy to hear that the unit was doing well for itself. I can wholeheartedly say that if there was a walk-out being organized, I had no part to play in this.
Why should we unban you ?: As mentioned above I could never wish to harm this community that has been such a huge part of my life and that I’ve sunk so many hours and work into, all from my efforts within the police both on Altis and FiveM, me spending most my years here as a staff member helping out wherever I could. It’s unfortunate that this happened, and while I feel like the decision was too hard and rushed, I still do respect the decision taken by the staff team’s members that dealt with me, just as I expected of people that I personally banned. Should this ban appeal be denied I will accept my losses, however I humbly ask that we can at least try to resolve what I believe was a massive misunderstanding.
I've kept the Training Officer script, and I would happily work with the relevant people to have it put back in place, unless another system has been made, and would happily adapt it if their database and templates has changed + would be willing to provide updates and changes if needed. The script is ready to use, still works, and can be given back if requested, screenshot provided below. In good faith, here is a repository with the base script without the Modals.
I’ve really missed the community, but that ban has been good for me. It’s allowed me to focus on other parts of my life like work, education, friends and family that got too little time of my life due to my addiction. I don’t think I could ever return to the community in the capacity I was in before, but I wish to get this stain away and have the ability to reconnect with the contacts I had on RPUK and to occasionally jump on whenever I feel like it and have the time. From my understanding, I was permanently blacklisted from factions due to the above mentioned situation with the video, so I could never return to or gain access to files and information if I am indeed seen as a threat, however as mentioned it was never my intention to be any sort of threat towards RoleplayUK whatsoever, and I’d like to apologise to whoever that had to deal with me, causing them unnecessary work. Thanks for taking your time to read this ban appeal.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: Sonder
Server: Community Banned
Steam ID: 76561198022525238
Ban ID: 6795
Reason given for your ban: C1.6 Community Ban
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The events that led to my ban was in my opinion a bunch of mishaps and misunderstandings, but also some wrongdoings on my part.
From my recollection the whole situation started with a video that was shared on Discord of myself on as a police officer, then Inspector of CID, together with some of my constables plus a new recruit. In said video you could see myself lighting a fellow police officer on fire. This happened late at night, out of sight of anyone else and everyone involved was on/part of the banter. Now, I know it is wrong to actually do “corruption”, especially since I was leading the newly formed Anti Corruption unit, however as we all know, everyone has some OOC banter whenever you are just with friends. The video was shared by a fellow CID officer that was part of the “situation” within our CID Discord channels. Someone that had access to the channel but was not CID shared the video within AR channels, and it was spread like that. This is strictly taking OOC information and using it within roleplay. This got me kicked out of the police, however I’m not here to debate wether or not the reasoning was just, but in my opinion it started with this. Video of the whole situation can be provided if needed, as it'll show more than the very out-of-context video that was spread on Discord, clearly showing all people involved was in on the banter.
I had previously coded a script for the recruitment section of the police that automated the whole paperwork system that they had, letting them press one single button instead of all the manual labor of duplicating documents and writing in information. I had declared in the script that I reserved the right to remove said script at any time, having learnt from a similar situation way back in AltisLife where another member of the community intended to have scripts removed from databases for my unit. I used this fact and removed the script from the sheets, as I had now been kicked from the police force and did not wish for them to keep my scripts. I wish to stress the fact that I never at any point after me being kicked from the police deleted or removed any files or information from the police Google Drive folders - it was just the script. Thinking back on it, I do regret deleting it as I’ve never wished to intentionally harm the community, and I did quickly realised how this could leave the recruitment section at a disadvantage. This did get me removed from the staff team.
Being kicked from the police force was obviously a blow to me, so I took a few days off the server, however missing it I returned with the intent to build further upon the roleplay that had happened. Building upon the roleplay that had happen, I intended my character to go into hiding, off the grid. I transferred my vehicles and money to trusted and known friends that my character had met during my time on the FiveM server, not wishing the police or the “government” to be able to track me through my assets. Now, I understand how this could be seen, as I’ve been part of situations where people have been banned for economy protection, but this left me also know how these types of situations normally gets dealt with - the “accused” would normally be temporarily banned and instructed to come to TeamSpeak to speak about it. I never got that chance, I was instantly banned from all RPUK platforms. I’m not saying that this was poorly managed by the staff/management team in my case, however if I had been given the chance this could have all been explained. I did not intend to go out with a bang, damaging the community by giving away everything before leaving - I did intend to stay and continue playing, however just without my assets. Yes, I could have gone to the staff team to have it all deleted to stay with my story, but then I would have had no way to get it back. It truly was a thought-out plan between myself and the people I trusted.
So, why do I think I was banned? I believe it was a combination of all the aforementioned situations that led to me receiving a C1.6 Community Ban. While I strongly believe this could have all have been resolved before resulting in a ban, the staff team ofcourse has the right to remove anyone they consider disruptive, which I respect no matter my personal opinion.
EDIT: I've just remembered that words were circulating that I was trying to orchestrate a mass CID walk-out following my removal. I'd like to clarify this; at no point did I suggest, encourage, order or even mention this to the people that actually ment to walk out. This was purely out of their own intent. I do understand how I could be seen as the organizer of this. CID was a passion project for me, I would never want to see it collapse even with my removal. I would not want all the work I did for the unit to be thrown out of the window, just because I was removed. On the contrary, I was actually happy to hear that the unit was doing well for itself. I can wholeheartedly say that if there was a walk-out being organized, I had no part to play in this.
Why should we unban you ?: As mentioned above I could never wish to harm this community that has been such a huge part of my life and that I’ve sunk so many hours and work into, all from my efforts within the police both on Altis and FiveM, me spending most my years here as a staff member helping out wherever I could. It’s unfortunate that this happened, and while I feel like the decision was too hard and rushed, I still do respect the decision taken by the staff team’s members that dealt with me, just as I expected of people that I personally banned. Should this ban appeal be denied I will accept my losses, however I humbly ask that we can at least try to resolve what I believe was a massive misunderstanding.
I've kept the Training Officer script, and I would happily work with the relevant people to have it put back in place, unless another system has been made, and would happily adapt it if their database and templates has changed + would be willing to provide updates and changes if needed. The script is ready to use, still works, and can be given back if requested, screenshot provided below. In good faith, here is a repository with the base script without the Modals.

I’ve really missed the community, but that ban has been good for me. It’s allowed me to focus on other parts of my life like work, education, friends and family that got too little time of my life due to my addiction. I don’t think I could ever return to the community in the capacity I was in before, but I wish to get this stain away and have the ability to reconnect with the contacts I had on RPUK and to occasionally jump on whenever I feel like it and have the time. From my understanding, I was permanently blacklisted from factions due to the above mentioned situation with the video, so I could never return to or gain access to files and information if I am indeed seen as a threat, however as mentioned it was never my intention to be any sort of threat towards RoleplayUK whatsoever, and I’d like to apologise to whoever that had to deal with me, causing them unnecessary work. Thanks for taking your time to read this ban appeal.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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