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Unban Appeal - sock_umlaut - GTA RP

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New member
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ike Mason
Steam ID: 76561198807845048
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17099
Ban Reason: C1.2
Why do you think you were banned: I was apparently caught saying the f slur in game chat while driving according to staff. I don't recall saying the slur and I can't argue against it due to the staff apparently having a clip! I refuse to accept I said it because I know I didn't, I don't have an excuse for what the player could possibly have heard but I will swear on anything I never said that word.
Why should we unban you: I love playing this server, it's like an addiction. I've been pulling latenighters playing it with friends and actually getting somewhere on the server, I like the serious roleplay aspect to it and don't wish for my experience to end in such a negative light. If I am unbanned I will do everything in my power to make up for my warns and mistakes and will 100% change my behavior regarding metagaming and my apparent slur saying. Please do consider an unban as I do wish to be apart of this server and it's great community. I am truly sorry for the rule breaks and It will not happen again if I am given a second chance.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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You play our server for no more than 9 days (!) and already find yourself permanently banned, for using discriminatory language and meta gaming.
You'll have to put more effort into this appeal before we even consider entertaining it - If you can't last 10 full days without catching a ban, why should we continue with a bare-minimum effort appeal, and consider letting you play here?

I'll quote yourself, as you said to our staff members when informed that you'd have to appeal this ban; "Well, fuck that!"
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