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Unban Appeal - ScouseLeon - GTA RP

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Anthony Bryan

Well-known member
Motel ;)
Unban Appeal for ScouseLeon 

In-game Name: Anthony Bryan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199194477431

Ban ID: !!rpuk6300!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think I was banned because I made a new character roughly 2 weeks ago so I could be someone else but after a day I just wanted to focus on my main character. I saw the new character I made had around 40k in his bank so I went an put it on the floor and got it on my main.

Why should we unban you ?: Originally, I didn't know what I had done until I spoke to a staff member in a discord ticket. I was given a time frame of when this occurred, and I realised what I had done. I understand now why I was banned and respect your decision.

I feel like I should be unbanned because my character has developed in the server and feel like I've been providing good quality roleplay, I didn't think much at the time since it was a little amount, but I understand now that this is a rule break and all I can say is I'm sorry for ever doing this.

This is not something I ever intend on doing again if I get given the chance to return. I’ll make sure to take into a count server rules no matter how serious or not the situation may be. I respect any decision you come to and again I am truly sorry.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I think if this rule wasn't in place the economy would be all over the place because everyone would be doing it, for example if someone made a new character and just transferred across any amount it would just ruin the whole purpose of roleplaying and its protecting the economy. Plus your character should have a sense of progression like starting from the bottom and slowly making it towards the top.

When I first flew over into the city I honestly didn't know what to do I didn't really have a story I was new to roleplay and just looked at it as it was just GTA online, then I got banned for combat logging, I was lucky enough to get unbanned and get a second opportunity and this time I wanted to do it proper. 

For the past few months I've been hanging round the chapel with the apostles and I feel like they made me look at roleplay in a different perspective and it made me try harder to gain their trust and improve my roleplaying ability.

The more and more I think about what I've done I feel terrible because I feel like these past months my roleplay has improved so much and I feel terrible because I cant help to think I've lost everyone's trust because of what I've done.

If I do ever get the chance to get unbanned I don't care if I lose all my possessions and what ever I have all I want is the chance to gain your trust back.

@ScouseLeonWhy did you do it in the first place? You have played here for a good while and it did not seem to bother you or make you think that what you did ma have been wrong as it was staff who told you what you did in the end.

If you create a new character in the future and he ends up hitting rock bottom £0 what would you do with the character if you wanted to continue roleplaying with him?

Hello @George Harristhank you for the reply.

I honestly couldn't tell you why I ever done this, I have so much respect for everything this community has to offer and I don't know why I ever broke this rule and thought it would be ok to transfer money, this isn't who I am at all and all I can do is apologise.

If I made a new character and I hit rock bottom I would explore what the server has to offer, try and make new connections and meet new people that could help me off my feet, I would do pizza delivery jobs just so I could afford food and drink to start my journey again,.

I would never transfer money again because I know now its an unfair advantage and it could ruin the economy, I've learnt from my mistakes and even though I lost your trust i will try my best to earn it back if I was to ever be unbanned. 

From here on I will try and provide my highest standard of roleplay and promise if I get the chance I wont let you down.

So @ScouseLeonYou created "Sam Baguwe" to try a new RP story and then had decided to focus on your main character. Why didn't you try with the two other characters you created a few days beforehand? Why create yet another character?


Originally, I didn't know what I had done until I spoke to a staff member in a discord ticket.
I don't think that is true, do you? I personally think you knew full well what you was doing. You just tried to play the innocent card to try and get out if didn't you?

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Thank you for the response @Robbie

Honestly, You're right, 

I knew it was stupid at the time and was fully aware of what I was doing, I don't know why I done it as it didn't benefit me in anyway but I did and I can only apologise, I think I was just having a bad day and thought that was the easiest way to make money which is stupid in its self cause I could of literally done anything else but instead I transferred money, 

this doesn't make anything better though, I broke a serious rule and no matter what I shouldn't even be thinking of doing anything of the sort, I'm sorry for not being honest and I'm truly sorry for letting you down, I regret ever doing this I should of done anything other than breaking the rules 

I promise if I get the chance to be unbanned I will never break a rule again, I know it should of been like this from the start I'm sorry it came to this, I respect any decision you guys make and just hope to show you again I can be trusted. 

Honesty goes a long way. The fact I had to spend time to look into you and notice it wasn't the first time you created a new character just to go to the casino the only difference is you didn't win any money on those and just created more characters. Seems it was all planned and only when you was called out on it you finally start speaking the truth. 

It's all good saying I promise now but you had your chance to come clean and you didn't. You wanted a chance to prove that you can be trusted and you blew it.

Denied. Appeal in 6 months. 

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