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Unban Appeal - salamandaofficial - GTA RP

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south wales
Unban Appeal for salamandaofficial 

In-game Name: Jack Napier

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199528191845

Ban ID: rpuk13696

Reason given for your ban: c2.3/g3.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for combat logging and failing to follow the new life rule.

Why should we unban you ?: I would love to be unbanned to come back and enjoy the server I was starting to build my character up on, I made two mistakes being fairly new to rp gaming and I have since read the rules and understand them fully and the reason as to why I was banned.

Firstly I would like to state that when I went to rob the garage I did not realise that anyone was there before logging out. I had tried to rob the store again after a failed attempt about 10 mins prior, as I was about to there was a cool-down period on the til, my food had came so I walked out the back of the store and logged out in the office area.

Secondly I did not follow the new life rule and accept fully that what I don’t was wrong I should not have remembered the incident with jade loveridge and I should not have made a new character and gone up to her asking her info about the incident as the new life rule means I wouldn’t remember it as the character who died but also I’m not allowed to have characters that know eachother which I was unaware of but I now am.

I have had a good read of the rules and have been eager to get back as this was the only game I really played on my pc. I have plans to make a solicitor character and develop a storyline for her which will have a kagally and lawful career within the city. I want to be able to save up for a nice vehicle and property. But most importantly I want to make lots of new friends and speak to the friends again that I made in the city.

If you can please see it in your hearts to let me back I will prove to you that I am sincere and that I have read the rules.

I copy and pasted a previous ban appeal as it details the things I’ve done wrong.

I would love to come back to the server I want to make a lawyer character and gain experience from this as its an interest to me, I’ve made characters for messing about and I would be happy to start fresh and make a character to persue this goal.

My behaviour has been rash in the previous months as truthfully I’ve been in a real bad place mentally.

I apologise for the troll appeal I was angry. I liked this server to escape reality as I was going through some bad stuff.

The past two years I’ve been going through a false sexual allegation case in which my trial was recently. This made my mental state decline badly and I needed this server to calm down and I accept the fact I may have made stupid mistakes on here it’s not what I wanted to intend on doing.
Since being found not guilty on all charges my mind is at peace and I would like one chance to show you I really am sorry and I want to enjoy the serious rp, this server was good and I miss it.

If you have any queries over anything I will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth even if It damages me as I want to show you guys I’m willing to be honest and serious about coming back.

Once again I’m sorry for the troll post and I know it was childish and pathetic and no excuse really excuses it but you have my apology.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @salamandaofficial, I hope all is well with you aside from this ban! 🙂

Let's have a look at your previous appeal:

I don’t want to be unbanned now, I want everyone to see how shit you guys handle things, been appealing for months now for last month it gets denied due to detail then get told by one admin I can appeal again and I do to get denied by another admin because the time period was too soon, lack of communication with admins are shit and now my brother also plays this server and because I’m banned when I’m telling them the truth they just don’t want to believe it or even take it into account which is bang out of order, you guys need to grow up and actually be decent instead of big fat cocks
I assumed from the previous appeal, you do not want to be unbanned so how comes you've now decided to appeal again?
If I deny this appeal right now, and follow up with "I don't want to be unbanned now" will you call me a "Big fat cock"?

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Thank you very much, I hope all is well with you too!.

I agree with what your saying, I can see where your coming from and understand.

what I did and said was completely wrong I was angry and upset not just with the way things were handled but the fact of the personal issues going on. Not using that as an excuse but it did leave me in a very bad way mentally at the time.

I had said I didn’t want to be unbanned but this was simply untrue and due to frustration. I hope you can put that issue aside and see it was a childish silly outburst. I did not mean that at all and was just going through a hard time in general.



Good evening, @salamandaofficial! Thank you for the response.

Please be honest with me, have you broken any more of the server rules since being banned?

good evening, hope you had a nice weekend.

I’ll be honest with you, I did indeed not intentionally I was desperate to have fun and try and get my escape from reality for the reasons I’ve stated above.


Good evening @salamandaofficial! I had a lovely weekend thank you, I hope you did too.

What was this rule that you've broken since being banned?

I lied to the admins and used my brothers account to gain access to the server, no excuse can excuse the offence it was wrong and I shouldn’t have done it, I’d been banned for a reason and even if I did not agree with it I should have accepted your decision.

at the time I was potentially going to jail for 20 years plus and needed to escape reality this is the reason I done this. I had tried a ban appeal on my account but it wasn’t seeming to work even when I did tell the truth the first go around which is why I thought that doing the other account was my only option.

im sorry and I know what I’ve done was wrong, I’m hoping you can see that I’m sorry by me coming forward and owning up to my mistakes. 

I want to come back to city with the goal to pursue my ambition in becoming a lawyer I’d happily accept all my characters erased if need be to prove I want to roleplay a character properly. My friends play on this server too and I miss them and not being able to play on the server with them.

I just hope you don’t be too upset with me even though I did break the rules I had a lot going on and I was desperate I really am sorry.



Good morning @salamandaofficial

I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright now at least.

Please, tell me what your plan is if you are given a chance to return to this server?
What character(s) do you plan to play?
What interesting character stories do you have lined up?
What roleplay can you provide that's beneficial to the server?

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Good morning to you too!,

so my plan is to make a lawyer character and pursue that goal, I have a keen interest in law which makes this so interesting for me. So I plan on obtaining this job and saving up to purchase a nice house and car, I also want a sense of feeling on the server which I believe I’ll obtain by pursuing this.

if I can, can I use the steam account swansea116, I don’t want to be confused between two steams. I want to play as a character named lance in which I’ll need to create him fresh.

so lance is my idea and his backstory would be a young adult who grew up in the uk and has moved to los santos, he studied at Oxford and obtained a degree in criminal law. He has been trying to get a placement with a lawyer firm and keeps trying as this is his goal. Lance is a kind hearted individual who puts others feelings before his own.

I believe I have really good communication in character so I can talk and do it well in character. I also am good at rp in which I do roleplay on real life I’m a captain of an army in my local roleplay games.


Hello @salamandaofficial,

Interesting! I do like the plans you've got if you're given a chance to return and it would be nice to see these carried out.

Why would you want to play on swansea116 which is your brothers account so you claim rather than playing on your own?

Good afternoon Dan,

sorry confused myself in general no I’ll have the salamanda one but can you reset all my characters please wipe clean, I don’t want to mess about anymore, I have a clear head and want to rp properly in which I want to be a lawyer.

I don’t want to get involved in crime situations as the initiator id like to defend people committing crimes. 

I actually can’t apologise enough for the things I’ve done and I do regret them I have read the rules to make sure that I’m aware of everything and I won’t break any rules in the future.


Good evening @salamandaofficial, I hope all is well! 🙂

This appeal has been much better than the rest, and I hope that we do not see your name pop up again for anything negative.
As per your request, I have issued a full character reset on your account for you to start over, please take this appeal process as your lesson.

You've been banned now for 4 months and I hope you've managed to change during this time as you say. With this being your only ban so far I'd like to give you another chance here.
Have a read over the server rules before reconnecting, as we do not want to have you back here again within a few weeks because of something so easily avoidable.
I hope you come back with some quality roleplay as you've stated that is fun for everyone involved.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent leading you straight back here with minimal chances of us wanting to entertain another appeal from you after all of this.
Please do not waste your chance.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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