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Unban Appeal - salamandaofficial - GTA RP

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south wales
Unban Appeal for salamandaofficial 

In-game Name: Jack Napier

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199528191845

Ban ID: rpuk13696

Reason given for your ban: c2.3/g3.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned for combat logging

Why should we unban you ?:  Well there was a misunderstanding, I did not rob the shop I was going to but the till was already emptied my food delivery was at the door so I walked out the back of the shop and logged out not believing i combat logged or anything I did appeal this sooner but it had a minimum of a month cool down.

I would love to come back on the server as I was enjoying it, I hope you guys can see that this was a misunderstanding and give me one more chance I know the rules of combat logging and do not believe I did that as I didn’t commit a crime or incident where i wouldn’t be okay to log off. Wrong place and wrong time has essentially got me banned for over a month.

I really enjoyed this server as it was my sense of escape. I have read the rules and will going forward not be in this situation again if given the chance to prove myself.

Thanks for listening guys I do appreciate you listening and hope you’ll give me a chance.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You're not yet telling the full truth.

I will give you one opportunity to give the full events of what happened that night in the shop, the RP you were involved with and the people there. The events that happened prior to your logging off and then importantly, your logging back on.

I can see my first ban appeal on it, I must have tried to rob the shop first of all and failed because I could not bust the til open I drove off, I came back roughly 10 minutes later and tried to bust it again only thing was there was a cool down so I decided to wait in there and my Indian came to the house(take-away) so I thought right I’ll go in the back log out and then when I come back in I’ll rob the store again. At no point do I remember any other players with me or rping with me. If I did I would tell you and apologise for it as I have never done anything like this before.

As far as I’m aware this is the truth I have robbed the store a number of times not just that store but I know I have done that one regular as there’s a route going over the mountains which is a good getaway from the police. 

there was one occasion where the owner locked me inside and then got a gang to murder me on a mountain but this is not the time I believe your referring too. 

I have never had issues on this server and to be honest with you I do need my sense of escape back mentally I’m not doing too good and I was enjoying the game. I saved up for vehicles for my character I had made friends and enemies. 

I am totally respectful and will admit to if I had done something wrong but I don’t believe I did as far as I can remember that is what happened.

I have just installed medal to record my game for red dead so if allowed back in I will make sure to provide you with evidence if anything does arise again. This totally had me by surprise as I had appealed the ban more or less a few days after as I was like what the hell. 

thank you for listening to me and I hope you will see it in your heart to give me one more chance I do hold a very good record on the red dead server I’m apart of and I take pride in my rp I do believe I can help offer a good rp experience for other players.

Why did you run into the back of the store and disconnect after you were locked in the shop by the owners?

I honestly do not recollect being locked in the store and that’s me being genuine I know I had done that before and then the owners came in and took me up a mountain with a gang and murdered me.

I remember I couldn’t rob the store because of the cool-down or some issue and my food came so I went in back and logged out expecting to come back on after my food and rob the store.

I am aware of combat logging and if it does seem like I did do that then I can only apologise as I understand it does effect peoples roleplay but hand on heart I don’t remember being locked in on that instance. 

I always make sure and follow rules and even so if I do break a rule I admit to it and find out what or why was done and I can correct myself further improving my rp, I am genuinely sorry if I have broken a rule here and if somone did lock me in but what I remember I have stated.

if there’s anything I can help you with I will and as I said previously I have medal installed so any issues going forward I will be able to supply footage from my end to support what I’m saying. 

thank you for speaking to me and I hope you have a nice evening.

Tell me about the situation in the mountains. You were killed, then after respawning turned back up at Pillbox asking for Jade Loveridge Bell, despite them having been directly involved in the situation leading to your death.

Yes unfortunately I believe that was after a day or two on the server and I had skimmed the rules so I didn’t understand the new life rule I’m afraid sorry but I have read up on that and will be more careful with stuff like that. 

Rp wise I only enquired about her and no one got hurt I know that’s not the point. I know I shouldn’t have done that now and I am sorry but that was an error on my part of not reading up on all the rules before hand. 

like I said I want to get settled on this server as it seemed good and I did graft to develop one of my characters so I would love to be able to rectify my mistakes and come back and do things correctly. 

I believe my time on red dead also has helped me get better with my rp skills as I am fairly new to gaming rp, but I have done larp for years so I can roleplay and see this as an opportunity to express my skills in game.

So I was unaware I broke any rules at that point up until the police brought me in for questioning, then one of them mentioned did I have a cousin who knew jade, because people are gonna have to have a look at that. 

Hello @salamandaofficial

Have a read through this and point out where you believe a rule break(s) could have occurred:

A person was arrested after an incident at Pillbox Hospital, Subsequently, they returned to Pillbox Hospital after their release, apparently looking for a Jade Loveridge. They claimed that they wanted to inform her about their release. During this encounter, there were reported comments made by the individual about certain plans involving Jade.

Later, the individual was involved in an incident at the Rockford Hills shop, where they were attempting to rob it. Aiden Wilson pursued and confronted the individual, resulting in their death. The body was taken into the mountains and abandoned.

Following these events, the individual returned to Pillbox Hospital as a different character named Ryan Jones, inquiring about "Jade Loveridge." 

Recently, the same individual was involved in another incident, again at Rockford Hills shop while using the character Ryan. They allegedly made statements to passersby about a conflict with the shop owners. They were subsequently locked inside the shop and during this time they disconnected from the server. They eventually reconnected but did not engage in any roleplay or communication.

Since you've mentioned your mental health I would like to mention that it's important to address such issues, please consider reaching out to a mental health expert!

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Thanks for clearing all that up so I can see exactly what I have done wrong now I was telling the truth regarding the shop incident with the delivery driver and me logging off, conversations might have happened but I deffos tried to rob it and failed so ran off and came back 10 mins later to try again but my food came so went out back to log out I wasn’t aware of the potential players that were maybe there as I thought it was just me. I don’t think I came back on as when I logged on I’m sure I had a bam message come up. 

in regards to the jade love ridge incident yes I now know that I shouldn’t have gone up to her on a new character even if I am playing a relative of another character this isn’t allowed so I should act as if I don’t know nothing about the situation.

and equally I shouldn’t have remembered the situation with the jack Napier character as I was killed so the new life rule applies I have made sure and fully read up on the rules but this was my fault for not going through them thoroughly before playing. 

I am sorry for that and I can understand why these incidents would ruin others rp and for that I can only apologise. I now know the rules and will not break any of them again and want to create a good rp story for me to come to when I want to escape reality.

thanks for being concerned I have a lot going on at the moment and this game was my escape I enjoyed logging on and being somone else. I am getting help at the moment and i believe I will be okay.

I hope you can see it in your heart to see how sincere I am and sorry because I am and allow me back into the game.



Okay, so what I'm reading here is that you knew these were rule breaks but decided to disregard them and go ahead with attempting to get your revenge anyway? this doesn't really fill me with any confidence that your intentions are to follow said rules and even less so, provide quality roleplay.

How can you regain my confidence in these key aspects?
What I'm most concerned about is your roleplay, is your intention to create and be a part of serious and quality RP? If so, have you been a part of any notable roleplay scenarios? please provide a detailed description if that is the case!

Sorry I believe we confused eachother there, I did not know these were the rules at the times of the rule breaks I have since read over them and have familiarised myself with the rules as my experience on rp servers before this was really non existent, I wish to come back and be a solicitor that’s the character I wish to persue and build up his story from there 

Unfortunately, With your lack of effort, you have not regained any confidence with this reply.

On this occasion, your appeal will be denied.

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