Server: GTA RP
Character Name: marvin lomax
Steam ID: 76561199115971874
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19698
Ban Reason: g3.1
Why do you think you were banned: as ive reserched g3.1 says its meta gaming
Why should we unban you: i have just reserched g3.1 and that says that it is meta gaming i am new to this server and gta rp in general i must have bin speaking and not thinking about what im saying and as the issue stands i can only say this im relly sorry for the actions what i have done i relly love roleplay.co.uk and would love to come back in to the city im really sorry about this please consider me again this will not happen again i have bin talking to alot of people trying to gain informaton abot how to rp to the best of my ability like i said im really sorry about this and it most definetly wont happen again
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes